Jennie's Journal

Each member may create a new topic with his or her name on it, to track their daily food intake.
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by jencita »

Thanks Linda for the advice. I did end up eating nonLDL foods on Sunday. It wasn't the cookies that made me eat, it was the pizza they ordered. I adore pizza and haven't had it in soooo long that I could not resist the temptation, and of course, after eating the pizza, I tasted the cookies. I did gain a pound but took it off by being good yesterday. You are right this time of year holds many challenges - next weekend there will be a scrapbooking party with tons of food, then my fathers 80th birthday party, then Christmas. I still would like to lose weight but will be happy not to gain and I am committed to this WOE for a lifetime so I am convinced that most of the weight will be off by my daughter's wedding.
Today Tues
Breakfast: eggs and refried beans
lunch: salad, apple
dinner: banana, stirfry

It is amazing how I used to look at everyone's journal and think - how they eat such a small amt of food in a given day and now I can put smaller amts of food down, amazing!
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by hopefull »

Pizza soup can help with the cravings for Pizza.
Looks like you are doing great!
Don't be afraid of taking things to your parties that are LDL freindly.
Also, If you don't like fruit don't eat it. I really love rogers delettuced salad and have started just dumping any ole veggie in it. I ususally just put lemon juice a little olive oil and itallian seasoning on it and wow sure makes the flavors pop.
big hugs and happy Holidays to you,
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by jencita »

Thanks hopeful! I have tried the pizza soup - wasn't my favorite but I plan on trying again. What is delettuced salad? I will have to do a search for that. I am so excited - only one more pound to lose and I will be at the weight I was in Jan of 08 - YAY! I am not even suffering.
today Wednesday
breakfast: refried beans and eggbeaters
lunch: chili, banana
dinner: salad, apple
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by mylifeforhim »

Congratulations!  Isn't it awesome!  :thumbsup:
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by crickadoodle »

I was reading a little on the difficulty with losing during the holidays -- so many temptations, it's true!  I was decorating my tree the other day, and just wanted some hot chocolate.  At least now I can figure a better way to do some things.  I used a low fat milk and put cocoa powder in it and sweetened it with stevia.  I couldn't believe how wonderful it tastes!  It didn't cause cravings for me so I've fixed it for myself a few times.  I've even lost a little while doing this.

I think the main thing for me is that we do occasionally eat off the plan, but we immediately get back on -- like the very next meal.  That way, you don't gain weight back.  You might have a few pounds to deal with, if you do it too often, but it isn't hard to lose them.  I think the holidays are a bit worse, because of leftovers.  You hate to waste them -- but better to waste, than to waist!  ;)
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by Joyful Friend »

That's what we can do when we are at goal, but if one needs to loose, it is far better to stay on the plan.  Eat until fully satisfied LDL foods.  It works.  I give myself treats now---made the low fat way.  My newest is coconut cream pudding.  I order my coconut, sweeten it, and roast it--takes a short time.  It is absolutely delicious, and Crick,  like your cocoa, it didn't start my cravings.  I make my pudding from scratch.  Truvia or splenda ---Either works well as the sweetener.  I've never been a big chocolate fan.  My DH loves hot chocolate.  When I ate chocolate candy, it had to have nuts or coconut in it to taste good.  I have chocoholics in my family, so I am glad I never became addicted. It is so much fun not to be in food bondage.  This Christmas season, I am enjoying the parties so much more.  Roger said that our appetites would decrease, but I thought mine never would, but it has.  It doesn't take much to satisfy me.  Some days though I can't get full--so it's great to be able to munch on fruit and popcorn without guilt.  :D  :thumbsup:  JF 
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by jencita »

The last few days I have not been overly hungry and have done very well but last night I gave into the temptation of pizza and this morning ate a pancake. I can do so good and then something very small can make me cave. I have decided to stick mainly LDL as much as possible, when I go off, I will forgive myself and try to climb right back on right away - I find that if I do that I can actually still lose, although slower. It is when I go off for a week at a time that I have problems.
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by LINDA RN »

My DH and I started LDL last Novemember just as he got the idea that he wanted to do some baking for gifts. We ate mostly LDL but caved (in limited amounts) over the 2 months of Holidays. We did not loose but we did not gain. We started pure LDL in Jan and it took until March or April before the weight started falling. At that time I was loosing clothes size....I did not think about taking measurments. I got rid of, or hid and non-LDL foods and kept the refridg and pantry full of LDL foods. But on rare occassions when we thought a certain non-LDL food would be good, we ate it but in very small amounts, like a kid sneaking into something they know they are not supposed to have. Eat the smallest amount to satisfy the craving but then get back to stuffing yourself full of LDL foods. The weight loss has been slow but we don't feel deprived and it feels great to be eating healthy for life. Eventually the craving for the processed stuff will go away. Trust the plan, it will work if you work it!
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by jencita »

I plan on getting back on track starting today. I have eaten nonLDL the last 2 weeks and actually crave to get back on pure LDL. I refuse to weigh myself right now because I am sure that I have gained at least 5 pounds and it will discourage me.
breakfast: refried beans, eggbeaters
lunch: fruit smoothie
dinner: turkey/bean soup, apple
2011 is going to be my year to get skinny!!
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by crickadoodle »

Yep, you'll be skinny jenny!
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by LINDA RN »

Yeah, Jennie,
2011 is our year to reach goal.
Together we can do it and be an inspiration to thousands of others!
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by jencita »

Yes! I was bad yesterday
breakfast: refried beans, eggbeaters
lunch: turkey soup
dinnter: pumpkin smoothie, soup if still hungry
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by crickadoodle »

Jennie, just forgive yourself and get back doing what is good for you and your body.  Don't dwell on it or let it pile up  --  like, "oh, I keep doing bad and so I guess I just can't do it."  Don't even consider that.  You can do it!  When you blow it, forgive yourself and keep going without looking back.  You are going to be victorious! 
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by jencita »

Well I keep trying to take everyone's advice and forgive myself and get back on board but I keep failing daily. I have a hard time once I go off LDL. As long as I stay on all the time I am fine but once I go off It takes me so long to get back on track.
breakfast: banana
Lunch: taking my daughter out for lunch - I am going to try to stick to LDL
dinner: fruit smoothie, salad
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by jencita »

I need to start journaling again. I am definitely going through something. I am starving all the time.
breakfast: refried beans, eggs
snack: grapes
lunch: banana, lentil soup with black beans
dinner: salad with chicken

breakfast: refried beans, eggs
snack: popcorn, banana - starving

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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by mylifeforhim »

Sometimes although we mean well we do not always make the right choices.  It really is all about choosing.  I am determined that I (my spirit) choose instead of this whiny controlling child like body (my body).  The body really likes to have what it wants when it wants like a child not getting their way and sometimes it needs a good talking to. This is me speaking to my body "Ok, body you see, this is how it is going to be, this is what you are going to eat and do and you will like it" (said in a mafia style voice  :laughing: ). 

I too, had gotten off track.  I had health issues as well as a lot of stress with what was going on in my life.  I ate LDL and non-LDL until I got through this.  I was unable to eat most things with my health issue and ate what I could.  Three days ago I began writing my food down and preplanning what I was going to eat, light exercise and most of all eating so I would not be hungry. 

The key to LDL at first is getting rid of the cravings by eating enough sweet fruits and not letting yourself get hungry.  I know it sounds too simple but it really works.  Keep eating LDL foods and all of the LDL foods until you are no longer hungry or have cravings.  What Roger is always saying is finally starting to get in my head.  Thank you Roger! 

I had forgotten how great it feels to be eating LDL only.  I already lost the weight I had put back on.  I have energy that was lost.  My skin and body feel awesome and my face is already clearing up from the mess it had become from eating the other way. 

Remember the most successful people in the world today and throughout history are the ones that keep trying and failing, yet keep trying until they have success. 

May God bless you and guide you to your success.  I am praying for you.  Remember nothing tastes as good as feeling great, having energy to enjoy life, being strong and healthy and liking how you look.  *love*
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by jencita »

Thanks mylifeforhim. That was beautifully said. I am trying to eat and eat and eat until full but I can't seem to get full because my mind wants other things - not my stomach. Thanks for the lift!!

for the rest of today:
lunch: black bean and pumpkin soup, pumpkin smoothie

dinner: black bean and pumpkin soup, blueberry pie
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by mylifeforhim »

You are welcome!  What type of things are you craving?  When I want carb type food, I eat lots of beans, peas, corn which seems to help.  If it is munchies, I eat roasted garbanzos, raisins in moderation, corn thins, popcorn, etc. 

It could be habit.  I know I am use to eating certain foods at certain times or merely snacking and I usually know when I am full and still wanting something this is what it is (as long as I have appeased my cravings by eating certain LDL foods).  When this happens to me I try several things: Pray for strength and to make the best choices, have a cup of tea, call a friend, do something I like (not including eating  :D ), get busy with anything.  Sometimes it helps to get your mind off of it.  Remember body=screaming 2 to 3 year old wanting what it wants and not shutting up.    :'(

I took a look at your journal and I eat more and have more variety.  I have to have this to enjoy my food even in small quantities at this point of my LDL journey.  If you give me a lot of one thing I cannot eat very much and it will be blah blah blah.  :pouty:  Find the foods you like, LDL approved of course, and find ways to make it tastier.  Sometimes you can make the screaming body shut up. 

I love so many of the recipes I have found on this forum and all of the helpful LDL'ers, it has helped me soooooooo much.  :rose:  Take control of your mind and every time it says one thing, simply say "No I'm not gonna think about that" and think about what it is you want to think about.

You can do it!  :thumbsup:  We can do anything we set our mind to.  When you are thinking about yourself or food, picture that new you that is just waiting to come out and how happy you feel, then make your food choices.  One day both of us will be like the other LDL'ers with their long term success.    *love*
Last edited by Anonymous on February 9th, 2011, 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by knighte »

You are doing great. Lunch and Dinner look very yummy especially the blueberry pie.  :D
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by LINDA RN »

Great Post, MLFH,
Thanks for the encouragement
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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