Couple of ?'s about LDL

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Couple of ?'s about LDL

Post by WannaBeThin2011 »

I'm starting today by the way, already had some fruit for breakfast..woohoo! =)

-Ok so my first question is what are you supposed to eat for dinner? I think I read fruit or popcorn but truthfully I don't see that satisfying me or filling me up. I know lunch is supposed to be your biggest meal of the day & that's when you're supposed to consume your protein.

-Is regular ground beef ok to use as long as it's lean?

-Fruits or veggies for snacks are preferred, right? And what kind of popcorn can I eat?

Any other advice/info is welcome! =)
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Re: Couple of ?'s about LDL

Post by WannaBeThin2011 »

Thanks for responding. I asked those questions because I would like to lose weight faster rather than slower cause summer is coming up & I have a good 70lbs to lose. So, if I do want to lose weight faster I should stay away from protein in the evening right? What did you eat in the evening when you first started your program?
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Re: Couple of ?'s about LDL

Post by LINDA RN »

Last summer I would eat a whole half a watermelon for supper. Some days I would eat popcorn also.
My problem is that my lunch is on the run, so I never seem to be able to eat enough to keep me full.
If you are in a position to eat a later lunch say around 1-2pm and eat heavy filling veggies and meat, you will find you are not hungry, and a little fruit will fill you up. I think Roger said he ate alot of frozen grapes in the evening.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Couple of ?'s about LDL

Post by crickadoodle »

Well, all I can tell you is what worked for me.  I lost 50 lbs. in 6 months and was amazed at the speed with which I lost, because I never lost like that, since I was 50 when I found LDL!! 

So, this is what I did:

I'd eat just fruit for breakfast and dinner.  If you are still hungry, try eating a different fruit.  I really found that I didn't retain fluid when eating fruit, especially at night.  It wasn't as hard as you might think, but you are going to have to try it to really know if it works for you.

I'd eat a really big lunch of lean meat, veggies and a good, creamy bean soup. 

I think the key is not eating too little at lunch. 

I also added a daily walk to this of up to an hour and then I'd do some weights 2 or 3 times a week.  When I did all of this I got my body in the best shape it has been in since I remember.  I stopped exercising over the holidays and am just getting back into a routine --- trying something a little different that doesn't take quite so much time, though.  I'm seeing results and am pleased.  Oh, and I personally found that if I ate popcorn, I didn't lose, so I stayed away from it.  Now, this is me, and you might respond differently to the popcorn.  You need to find what works for you.

Hope to hear of your good results!
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Re: Couple of ?'s about LDL

Post by niki »

WannaBeThin2011 wrote:I asked those questions because I would like to lose weight faster rather than slower cause summer is coming up & I have a good 70lbs to lose.

my advice to you, if 70 pounds is what you want to lose, is to take it easy and not look for the "easy" way to lose the want to change your eating habits and the slower you lose the weight, the better your chances of keeping it off which is way more important....

exercise is great...i powerwalk 3 miles 3-4 times a week(and more often than that depending on when i work)

i STRONGLY recommend starting the day off eating as much fruit as you can fit in your stomach....AND, eating a really big main meal, starting off with a big green salad is REALLY important........somehow, that seems to turn off the appetite switch more than anything....that big main meal......

just remember...this is NOT a's a change in eating habits....sugar free.....yeast free...........what could be better? 
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Re: Couple of ?'s about LDL

Post by MsHeirloom »

Nothing could be better, Niki!  This is the best!!!  Wanna, this will work for you, but be careful with unrealistic expectations.  As Niki said, the slower you lose, the better the weight will stay off.  I usually say discard weight instead of lose weight.  When we "lose" something, we often "find" it.  Don't want that to happen.  I'm losing slowly, but enjoying every step of the way.  It's been a journey, and the journey continues.
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Re: Couple of ?'s about LDL

Post by witheraway1 »

Just watch the fruit , you don't want to get yeast overgrowth.
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Re: Couple of ?'s about LDL

Post by Ginny M. »


We all want to "discard" the weight fast, however, we didn't "find" it fast and we're not going to "discard" it fast.  The first month usually has a fairly large discard.  After that it tapers off but you still discard and are continually going in the right direction.  You also will be feeling better from the way you are eating  (you may feel icky the first week as your body gets rid of the sugar and starches but it will pass).  When you discard slowly you are more likely to comtinue the program.  It also takes your body time to adjust and sometimes when you discard too fast you create other problems. 

I know summer is coming and we all want to be slim, BUT why not just take it as it comes and maybe you will be half way to goal by summer.  After all, you eat the elephant one bite at a time.  Smaller goals are easier to attend and keep.  This is a totally different way of eating and it takes a good month to get into the program (your mind, body, kitchen, foods you like, eating out, etc.).  The main thing is the end results.

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Re: Couple of ?'s about LDL

Post by MsHeirloom »

Well said, Ginny.  I am so glad you didn't leave us for the other plan!!!  Pam
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Re: Couple of ?'s about LDL

Post by cameron »

I agree, that is the way I look at  it too Ginny. Very good post!
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Re: Couple of ?'s about LDL

Post by crickadoodle »

Wanna -- I totally understand your wanting to get it off as fast as you can, but hopefully as healthily as you can -- and for the long term.  I did lose 50 lbs. in 6 months and that was amazing to me, because I could never lose that well before.  I don't think that was too fast or too slow.  They say an average of 1-2 lbs. a week is a healthy weight loss.  I had weeks where I lost 3 lbs. when I was focused on eating perfectly and exercising really well.  You don't want to lose too fast, mainly because you are in danger of losing muscle mass -- which is something no one should want to do.  You want to always lose fat as your main goal.  Muscle is very dense compared to fat.  Fat takes up 5 times the amount of space as muscle, which means that 1 lb. of fat is 5 times larger on your body as 1 lb. of muscle.  Muscle also burns more calories than fat -- so the more muscle you have on your frame, the more calories your body burns even at rest!!   :thumbsup:

Now, this knowledge should help you understand a few things.  What is your goal?  to lose X amount of weight?  --  or to be slender, fit and trim?   Honestly, there could be two people of identical height and weight and bone structure and one could be overweight and fat looking while the other could be a healthy weight and slender looking.  Weight is a measurement that does help us monitor our health, but it isn't the sole measurement you should be concerned with.  Take measurements of your waistline, hips, thighs, etc. and watch these become smaller.  As your fat decreases and your muscle increases, the size will become smaller.  You could even stay the same weight on the scale, but if you are losing fat and gaining muscle -- you are getting more fit and more slender and that should be your goal.  That's why we can't let that number on the scale totally rule us and determine our happiness.  Now, if you aren't exercising, and I mean exercises that will build muscle -- weight bearing exercises, anaerobic interval training, and whatever builds muscle ---- then you won't have that benefit of knowing that your muscle weighs more and that's possibly why the scale isn't going down.  (Aerobic exercises don't build muscle, so walking and jogging don't count -- to an extent they are good for you, but not for building muscle.)

We are here to help you reach your goals.  It is important to keep things in perspective, though.  Some people are more motivated when they set goals -- I was.  Others are stressed by goals and it works against them.  Be reasonable with the goals you set, so you can feel good about it all when you reach them.  I set a goal to lose 25 lbs. by my birthday (a little less than 3 months from when I started LDL), and I did a little better than that.  Truly, at the time I set the goal, I was more like wishfully thinking because I didn't realize how well LDL would work for me.  Then I set another goal to lose 40 lbs. by Thanksgiving (about 5 months on LDL) and I did!  By New Year's I was right around 50 lbs. gone!  I didn't play around with it and I have to say I really stayed focused.  I was ready to be over with being overweight.  I have no regrets and my life is so much better and less hindered.  I feel so much better physically and have been able to encourage others to reach their weight loss goals.  I realize now that I told so many about LDL that I'm kinda being watched, which helps me stick to eating right.   :shock:   :D  I've eaten off plan some for holidays and stuff, but my basic way of eating is the LDL way.  

Hope this helps you!
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Re: Couple of ?'s about LDL

Post by Joyful Friend »

Wanna, I love the LDl way of eating.  I had fifty to sixty pounds that I wanted to shed.  Since I was a life time WW, I attended the meetings regularly, but I could never shed pounds unless I went hungry.  The doctor had moved my weight to be much higher than the chart, but I couldn't loose to it.  My daughter tried LDL first then shared the plan with me.  I still have to pinch myself, because it has been easy for me.  My daughter has been true to LDL; however, she has lost much slower than I have.  This is the first time in my life that I have remained the same size for a year.  I ate a lot when I did LDL strictly and I still eat a lot.  I have no cravings for sweets.  If I want something sweet, I eat fruit.  It works.  Doing without pizza was difficult for me, but since I found the same taste I craved, I have been fine.  Like Crick, I'm in the public eye, so I am careful to be a good role model, but to tell you the truth, I have no desire to stray much.  If I go to potluck or to dinner at friend's, I don't ask what is in things.  I eat what is served or move it around on my plate.  I didn't clean out my house of the bad foods, because I always have cookies and candy for DH and family.  I cook the same  as I always did for them.  If they want to eat the LDL foods, it is fine with  me.  I remember how good lemon and coconut cream pie were, but I make my own pudding from scratch when I want some and since I'm at goal, it is okay.    We aren't to have much milk while on the plan.  I went from size 18 to size 8.  I do exercise for health purposes, but have done so since 2001.  It has firmed me up.  I have had my leg veins worked on for the last two months.  I have my last surgery in May. My exercise has been limited the last few weeks, but I haven't gained a pound.  They feel better, and my how differently they look. I am grateful to my heavenly Father for giving me this plan of bountiful foods, and to Roger, for writing it for us.  I want to help others find success with it, because it has been as if I have come out of food bondage.  :thumbsup:  :)  JF
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Re: Couple of ?'s about LDL

Post by JEM »

Crickadoodle is correct. When I started LDL, I followed the original plan to a "T".  I ate double the usual lunch portion that I normally would because I was so scared to go hungry at night and eat bad things.  Well it worked for me.  At nights I either eat a whole fuji apple and bananas or I would make a smoothie of bananas, water, ice and a bit of beans (red or black).  Anyway, I started not being able to finish the lunch that I was buying and I lost inches off my waistline by end of summer last year.  What I like most is when I wake up in the mornings, I don't feel like full like I would have had I eaten regular dinner the night before. I got used to the feeling and liked it so have kept on doing it.  Good luck.  Don't eat too little for lunch and drink lots of water in the evening.
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