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Post by lrainbow2006 »

Okay...I need to be real here.  My Eddie is close to 200 lbs overweight  (he's about 370 lbs) so he is in serious trouble.  I have tried and talked LDL until I am blue in the face but since his is a OTR driver he has significant challenges most of us don't face.  I haven't been faithful to LDL as I should, either.  I am down overall from when I started but nowhere near where I should be after all these months. 
His doctor, and I, think he needs to go to lapband.  His life doesn't allow for planning, shopping and eating pure LDL.. He needs something drastic or he will continue to, well, die.
I am thinking of doing the lapband with him, doing it together because I think we will succeed if we are together on it.  I can't imagine eating the LDL way (eat until full of certain foods) while he is eating just tablespoons of food. 

My LDL friends on here have been great and helpful but I think with my Eddie's situation, and my wanting to support and help him live, I need to help him with this huge life change.  If any of you know personal life experience with this, please share with us.  Thank you, Lisa

Started LDL  6/14/10
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Re: Lapband

Post by witheraway1 »

Lisa, I can really feel your pain. This is a big decision only you can make. I really don't know much about it either,not enough to help you! But I do know too much FAT can kill you as a friend of my died of that. So if this is the ONLY way to save him then you have made a good choice in my opinon. I know others will disagree but that happens. Good luck with your decision and I will be here for you and Eddie, as I know  from talking to you so much, understand the problems you face.  Let me know how it goes...... *hug*
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Re: Lapband

Post by lrainbow2006 »

Roger, I know in a perfect world, with a kitchen and a store, and even someone to fix your food and tell you what to eat everyday...then we could all lose the weight.  That's why I get so mad at the "stars" who have personal chefs and trainers telling them their every move.  Well, we all don't have that luxury.  My Eddie is able to microwave a meal once a day, if he's lucky, and I try to fill his cooler with LDL stuff.  But, if you have been on the road for weeks at a time, as he is,  that old cooler food really loses compared to what fast food and truck stop buffets that are available.  He can quit this job, which will just start a whole new set of problems or do something drastic, like the lapband, which will make him feel full after just a few bites.  I feel I need to do the same to support him, so I know what he is going through, if we do decide to go this route.  We are both miserable with our weight and bodies.  I have no excuse because I have stores and a kitchen available all the time.  How can I expect him to follow LDL when I can't even do it.

I'm thinking the lapband will take all the thinking and planning away since we can't eat what we normally crave.  And hopefully we won't even have the urge to eat wrong.  I know there have been many success stories with LDL...but I don't think it's possible with the trucker way of life.  We did try.  Roger, in a perfect world, your WOE is absolutely right on.  But for my Eddie, and others in the same situation, we need something else.  I will say though...i"m thinking beans and lean protein will be the foods of choice for us no matter what.  They are favorites.

Thank you for your support..Wither, you are the best...

Started LDL  6/14/10
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Re: Lapband

Post by LINDA RN »

The Lap Band is probably a little safer than the Gastric Bypass but it also is not as successful. If you are determined to continue to eat the foods that got you obese you will eventually gain back even with Lap Band or GB.
Eddy may need the jump start but then he also has to be aware of some major physical symptoms he may have the first few months afterward. The lap band takes away any need for will power or support. There is absolutely no need for you to do it to "support" him. Think very seriously about whether you want to deal with all the medical complications of surgery. Doing pure LDL for 6 months to a year may seem pretty radical but doing this surgery is very radical for a lifetime!

Our daughter has had one medical problem after another from kidney stones, arthritis in her back, low B-12 and Vit D levels, stomach problems, etc. And it is all I can do not to remind her that most of it was brought on buy the surgical altertion of her GI system. Not to mention the expense of all the supplements and protein shakes you have to do afterward.
Just saying......
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Lapband

Post by mroszczak1 »

Personally, I'm not a fan of the surgery.I have two close friends that had major complications from both types of surgery and they were done in a hospital that specializes in this type of thing. One died from complications after it. The other struggles everyday to keep the weight off. Food addiction is both mental and physical. Both had to go to extensive pre- counseling before the surgery. What I do know is it wont cure physical food cravings in the beginning she was only able to eat small amounts but that too changed and she found a way to eat the unhealthy stuff she craved. I think its a personal choice and I know I don't want my internal organs altered in anyway. It just opens the door for a host of other problems. I will take the slow healthy way and eventually I will succeed. I wish both you and your husband peace in whatever you decide is right for you. :thumbsup:Cindy
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Re: Lapband

Post by lrainbow2006 »

We do appreciate all the input here, thank you.  We have alot of thinking to do and I will definitely keep you posted as to what's going on.  The possible complications of the lapband do sound scary but his weight and health problems are scary too.  He needs to get on these boards himself and talk to some of you, especially Roger since he has been there.  One week he was home, he tried LDL with me and he did great.  10 lbs gone.  But when he goes back on the road his schedule really does make it hard to eat right. I wish he were home more!  I'm sure we could make it work together. *grrr*

Started LDL  6/14/10
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Re: Lapband

Post by witheraway1 »

Lisa, think it through you will make the right decision in the long run, Trust yourself then do what you have to do to make your life and Eddies better. Talk it over with him, I don't think from what I know Eddie will come on here to talk to people. What do yout think? Take care  wither
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Re: Lapband

Post by LINDA RN »

Lisa, having a husband who also drove over the road, I know what is available out there in those truck stops. After the lap band he will only be able to eat a very small amount of food. You know how empty of nutrition hamburger and fries and pizza is, now since he can only eat a small amount, he will get even less nutrition. How about having him try the protein shakes and start now taking all the vitamins and supplements he will have to take after surgery. In a few weeks he will soon tire of the shakes, but he has to realize he HAS to take them for the rest of his life if he wants to live long. Since he is considering the surgery because he fears he won't live long, he needs to see what his options are. I know the desperation you both feel also. I happily took PhenPhen in a desperate attempt to get the weight off quickly and easily. It all came back on as soon as they took it off the market. I heard a Christian Doctor on TV talk about having the surgery and spoke of the regrets. She said if she would have started eating before surgery the way she had to eat after, she would not have needed the surgery. Once they band off the stomach, there will be no way you can eat enough food to get the nutrients you need from food so you have to do the supplements. Do them now as you pray and discuss your options. I am praying all goes well no matter what you decide.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Lapband

Post by witheraway1 »

My son is on the biggest loser diet. and watches the show. He says it is great for those that have a problem losing weight. I don't know anything about it. But maybe something else will work for you. No harm to try it. Or you could could try what I told you. Before you do this. Let me know, you could pm me.
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Re: Lapband

Post by Ginny M. »


My Hubby and I do a lot of traveling with a 5th Wheel Trailer so we stop at truck stops to fuel because of the size of us.  Occasionally we eat at them.  Linda is right.  He will still be stopping at the truck stops.  Can he order a meal and eat only a very small portion for what he is paying for?  Can he take the left overs and reheat them?  I do not know anyone personally that has had the lapband, but I have heard that eventually they can gain the weight back if they cannot change what got them there in the first place (eating the wrong types of food and way too much).  Linda's idea to start on the foods and supplements he has to eat afterward and see if he can do this FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE!  That's also something you can try with him. 

Also, you can do LDL at the truck stops, you just have to know how to order and what to order.  Chicken breast, lean steak, fish can be ordered with veggies or salad (dressing on the side).  It's a matter of retraining yourself HOW to order.  Maybe you can make him up a 3x5 card with instructions on what to order and how to order it.  Eventually it will become second nature, but until then he has a cheat sheet.

Please pray for the right decision.  We're here for you if we can help.

*hug*        Ginny
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Re: Lapband

Post by witheraway1 »

You don't understand he does not have what it takes to do that. It's a big thing for someone with 370 lbs to do. It is possible but everything is against him not easy choices. And must want to do it, which I am sure he does just very weak. Some people need greater help. It is very hard for someone weighting that much. I wish him the very best. Lisa please tell him I am in his corner.
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Re: Lapband

Post by cameron »

Lisa, this must be so difficult for you and Eddie.I too hope and pray for the best for you both. I do not have any experience with these surgeries, but the one person I know who had bypass surgery, has had a lot of problems and is not all that healthy.

I really hope Eddie will give LDL one more serious try, but whatever you decide, we are here for you.
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Re: Lapband

Post by MsHeirloom »

I like Linda's idea of having Eddie eat the way he would have to eat after he has the surgery.  He may find that compared to eating the LDL way, he much prefers the freedom of LDL over the skimpy amounts and limitations following lapband surgery.  Lapband is for a lifetime. Although some people are able to eat their way back to their former weight or even higher, they now have the additional problems of having their digestive system altered.  As a nurse, I've seen people very malnourished and unhealthy as a result of the surgery.  I've also seen people regain all their weight and more.  I know of people who have died.
As for you, Rainbow.  I don't think a reputable surgeon would consider you as a candidate for the surgery.  You are not 100# overweight.  You do not meet the criteria.  I can understand your desire to conquer this problem with the man you love, but that seems quite drastic.  You do not even eat together that often given all the time he spends on the road.
Please seriously consider what everyone has said.  Please!!!!  Pam
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Re: Lapband

Post by crickadoodle »

Lisa, what a precious wife you are to your Eddie.  Your heart is so in the right place, but you really need to pray about that decision to have surgery.  Lapband is not a panacea.  Also, I think Pam is right that doctors don't just do those surgeries on anyone.  I do have a friend who had it done about 1 1/2 yrs. ago and she looks great and has done well with it, but it causes problems because of the small amount of food you have to eat.  I've heard that some lose their hair because it is impossible to get the nutrients your body needs. 

I hope you make the wisest choice for you.  Of course those of us on these boards love the LDL way and I wouldn't go any other route, but you have to choose for you.  God bless you and give you wisdom.
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Re: Lapband

Post by witheraway1 »

Crick, Lisa is not married to Eddie. He is her SO just so you know!
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Re: Lapband

Post by lrainbow2006 »

You are all so amazing and don't even know us but you really seem to care about what we are going through.  I am taking everyone's thoughts and advice and I will seriously think on it all.  Eddie has his own set of obstacles being on the road for 26 days a month...and I have my own set of roadblocks since I am a cook for a Meals on Wheels site.  I cook so darn good I have to sample it  Try cooking for a living and still try to be LDL...not very easy. 
Eddie should be home sometime next week for another doctor's appt.  I will show him what you all have thought and we will take it from there.  Hugs to you all..thank you.

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Re: Lapband

Post by CodingQueen »


You might want to check this out. The people on these boards have had the surgery and they are discussing the problems they've had. It should give you an idea of what to expect if you and Eddie decide to go through with the procedure. ... lications/

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Re: Lapband

Post by Ginny M. »

CQ, I went to that web site and only read a few of the comments on the opening page.  I am SOOOOOOO  GLAAAAAD that I found LDL.  Before I found LDL my nailtech and the beauticians in her shop were thinking of the lapband.  I thought, I'll see what they come up with.  After all, we all want the "quick fix" if we can.  They found it was too expensive.  But after reading that website . . . NO WAY EVER!

Liza,  please go to that link that CQ just gave you.  If you do decide to go the lapband way, PLEASE be sure you are FULLY informed.

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