new with medical issues

Post here about how your health has been improved since eating the LDL way!
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new with medical issues

Post by cindy21 »

Hi. My friend, Jessica, was talking to me about how she is doing this program and she really thinks it would help me. I became ill 8 1/2 yrs. ago. I was fine one minute
and on the floor the next. I found out that I was born with a kinked blood vessel in the pons area of my brain and it had let go. I now have 15 different illnesses.
Some are Brain lesions,Seizures,Fibromyralgia,Colitis,Enlarged Liver,Migraines,Ataxia, Diabetes and many others. I take 28 pills a day. I am not allowed out alone :sad: Before
I became ill I weighed 170. I am 5' 3". I now weigh 290. I really would like your book, but with all the meds and drs., I can't afford it. I was just wondering if anyone
thinks that this would work for me. I am not a big eater, but I think I just eat the wrong things at the wrong time. My friend Jessica did help me by telling me that
I need to change what I drink and did suggest smoothies made with frozen bananas and fruit, so I can't wait till I get taken to the store so I can buy some fruit and
try some. Talking to her made me eager to try this. I would like to lose at least 80 pounds. I look forward to really trying hard to lose some weight. Pray that I can
stick with this. Thanks
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Re: new with medical issues

Post by MsHeirloom »

Cindy- I don't think this, or any program of food, meds, whatever can "cure" everything that ails you.  That being said, the healthy, whole, and wholesome foods that you will be consuming, and the resulting weight loss can only have positive effects on your health, lessening of pain, your mobility, and mental sense of well-being.  Many of us have had very positive responses to this lifestyle and way of eating.  Personally, I have multiple sclerosis (MS) and suffered a great deal of chronic pain.  After several months on this plan, I not only had a very impressive weight loss, but was surprised to realize that i couldn't remember when I had last suffered pain.  It has been like a miracle to me.  I have lost 60# and at least 12" from my hips.  I feel like a new woman!  Good luck and please let us know how we can support you in  your efforts to improve your life and health!  Pam
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Re: new with medical issues

Post by cindy21 »

Thanks Pam..I hope that it will do just that..I am looking forward to a healthier life and am hoping
that it will help me in all the areas of my disabilities :) I am willing to give it a try. Hopefully
with great results!
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Re: new with medical issues

Post by tprouty »

Hi Cindy!

Welcome to Let's Do Lunch! Like Pam said, this way of living isn't a magic cure, BUT any weight you lose will only make you feel better and lighten the load of complications you have to deal with, as well as the load on your aching knees and feet. My "adopted" daughter has a shopping list of disabilities including diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, bipolar disorder, and more. Some of the medications she is taking make losing weight very difficult, but with LDL, she has lost 30 pounds or so, and while she still wants to lose more, those 30 pounds have given her freedom she never imagined she would find.

Just last Sunday she walked a 5K race (3.1 miles) with me in 52 minutes. A month ago she walked a 12K (7.5 miles), which was a huge goal for her, both physically and mentally. She has been able to lower several of her meds, including insulin and pain meds. Even when her weight is maintaining, which is frustrating, when she eats on plan she FEELS so much better. It's hard for her to stay on plan sometimes, but when she comes home for a visit we kick-start her determination again, and she goes home renewed to keep on keeping on.

You and your friend Jessica can be excellent support for each other! And your new LDL family is always here to cheer you on, too.

You CAN do this!

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Re: new with medical issues

Post by snowbirdie »

Hi there,
      I have lost quite a bit of weight on LDL. But last nite I had a reality check.  Every nite I must carry my little dog Ruby up to bed as she is old and unable to do it her self. Do you really know how much 10 pounds weigh? I guess I did not. Well last nite we were going to bed and that dog made such a difference. I now realize how much 10 pounds is. I don't ever want it back again. Believe me I felt it in my knees and in my hips causing pain. I think I will work hard to get rid of another 10 pounds and see how I feel then. Just 10 pounds can make such a difference. Try going upstairs carrying a 10 pound bag of something. See how much harder it is. Any way you all keep up the good work.
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Re: new with medical issues

Post by LINDA RN »

Welcome Cindy,
This is the healthiest way of eating ever.
If you spend time reading the boards, you will find many, many members who came here after trying every other diet known to man.
This one works, if you are willing to work it and stay with it.
The fast-food lifestyle has made a mess of the beautifully functioning temple God gave us.
Thank God he has given us the answer to return our bodies to the perfection He created!
Just remember, when you are stumped as to whether or not you should be eating something, just ask, "Is this item in nearly the same state God created it?" By that I mean, you can't go wrong eating UNPROCESSED foods.
There are some other tweaks along the way we have learned and are happy to share.
So jump on board the train to skinny town and we will travel with you.
Come here to ask questions.
It actually helps us, who have been doing this a few months (or years), to help others just getting started!
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: new with medical issues

Post by cindy21 »

Thanks everyone for all your inspiration...I am going to try really hard to get rid of this weight...
It has caused me a lot of grief and the meds make me feel old and useless. I will keep posting
on how it goes and let everyone know my progress.
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Re: new with medical issues

Post by Jessica »

Thanks everyone for being so warm hearted and welcoming to my friend Cindy. 
A long long time ago we dieted together and both of us lost a ton of weight.  Then things changed and well here we both are. 
I am happy to be traveling on this road again with my friend of many years. 
Thanks again for being so supportive!! ~jess
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Re: new with medical issues

Post by MsHeirloom »

How wonderful that you two can be supportive of each other while being mildly competitive.  You will both do well!  Pam
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Re: new with medical issues

Post by Joyful Friend »

Cindy, LDL was an answer to my prayer for better health.  It is an awesome way to eat.  When you get your book, read it several times.  Then as Jess said in another post, we each need to find the things that keep us satisfied and that works for us to lose weight.  It is the first time in my weight loss  journey that I have been able to keep my weight the same for any length of time.  I'm wearing the same clothes that I bought last Spring.    I've lost and gained for 40 years, yet I was always hungry.  No more---Satisfied, Small, and Smiling. I will pray that you can stick with it. You have unbelievable health problems, so weight loss would benefit you a whole lot.  *hug* :thumbsup: :)  JF
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Re: new with medical issues

Post by witheraway1 »

Thanks Roger, we all appreciate your kindness to send Cindy a book. Cindy read it and happy loosing. You will feel better.
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Re: new with medical issues

Post by LINDA RN »

Hey Cindy,
Haven't heard from you in nearly 2 weeks. How's it going???
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


Taste and see that the Lord is good...
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