Garbanzo Bean Pancakes

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Garbanzo Bean Pancakes

Post by JerrieH »

I haven't tried this yet, but thought it looked interesting.  I was just going through one of my cookbooks today and found this.


1/2 c. garbanzo beans
2 T. olive oil
3/4 c. water
1 egg
1 t. baking powder
1/2 t. baking soda
1/4 t. salt

Mix in blender.  Heat in pan that has been sprayed with oil until bubbles form on top.  Flip over and fry until lightly browned.

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Re: Garbanzo Bean Pancakes

Post by tprouty »

Hi Jerrie

I've tried something similar to this for pizza crust, baked on a flat sheet, and it actually works pretty well -- makes you feel like you're eating the "real" thing. Haven't tried it as pancakes yet. There was also a recipe some time back for banzo biscuits, which is on my list to try, and gingerbread brownies. Have something like this when you really have a craving -- it's ok for once in a while.

If I remember correctly, most of us found that when we add the baking powder/baking soda, eggs, and bake it or cook it like a bread product, it stalls our progress if we eat it too often. Something about that combination makes our body recognize it more like a processed food. It is GREAT, though, for a special treat or occasional item, because there is nothing in it that should trigger cravings, and you still get to enjoy something special if you really miss it.

Sometimes you just gotta have something special from your memory, and this is a good way to do it without risking cravings.

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Re: Garbanzo Bean Pancakes

Post by JerrieH »

Terri - thanks for the heads up on the possibility of baking soda/baking powder/egg combo potentially stalling weight loss.  I thought because it had no flour, and did have beans that it should be okay.  I may try it some time for a rare pizza crust substitute.  Thanks again.  Jerrie
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Re: Garbanzo Bean Pancakes

Post by mroszczak1 »

I tried this for pizza crust , I doubled the recipe and it would not cook in the center but burned on the bottom. Tasted good but I think if you double the amount you have to play around with the temp? Worth trying again. :thumbsup:
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Re: Garbanzo Bean Pancakes

Post by JerrieH »

Cindy - I wonder if it would work on a Pampered Chef baking stone.  It seems that nothing ever burns on my baking stones for some reason.
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Re: Garbanzo Bean Pancakes

Post by anora »

This is really a good recipe shared.
I like it very much...
This is very good and delicious dish for parties...
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