Bethann journal

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Re: Bethann journal

Post by cameron »

Great responses Pam and Linda! Bethann, you must feel better after reading their posts. As Pam said, "just bump in the road."
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

Comforting words and so true! Thank you Linda  :rose: Thank you cameron!  :rose: It is wonderful to have support! I too like that "bump in the road". It is a good phrase to focus on!! ....I find it echoing in my mind!  :happy:

It feels good to have my healthy focus back!!!  :)
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Joyful Friend »

Bethann, good to read your posts on the boards and the responses.  Isn't it wonderful to know that there is nothing we can do to make God love us more or any less than He does.  He is never surprised with what we do.  You will start feeling better with better eating.  *love*  *hug* JF
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

Amen, Amen, Amen and Amen! Thanks Joyful Friend!  :happy: Blessings to you!  :rose:  *hug*
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

I have had a difficult time motivating myself, even though I have been praying lots about it. I started thinking about paying myself for being successful!  :) Something positive and something different to get myself off this wheel. I remembered that I had read some where about this. All of a sudden it came to me that it was a note left for me from Terri in my Lets Do Lunch journal!!!
Thanks so much Terri!  :rose:
I am seriously considering practicing something like this!  :thumbsup: I need something to encourage me right now and get me going again!!  :)  My dear daughter said she would help me and that is encouraging also.  :happy:

I am going to a wedding in 3 weeks time and it sure would be wonderful to loose some of the weight that I have gained! To be more focussed and try my own version of this for 3 weeks doesn't sound too difficult!!  :thumbsup:  :)

tprouty wrote:Hi Bethann.

I just want to encourage you to not give up!

I had been struggling for months to get back 100% on LDL. Every day I would wake up and say "Today is nothing but Let's Do Lunch!" And at some point I would reach for something off plan without even thinking, or make a lame excuse that it would be just a little bit and it wouldn't hurt, or just too lazy or inattentive to think it through, or I would fall right back into my life-long habit of "eating" some emotion. I prayed about it, made the right plans, and just didn't make it -- every day! Frustrating, but I didn't beat myself up about it, so I wasn't piling guilt on top of the side-steps from the plan. But I WAS slowly gaining the weight back, and I just did NOT want to go there.

Finally, I remembered a technique that helps jog my memory so I don't put non LDL foods in my mouth out of habit. I use a method that behavior modification counselors sometimes use. I pay myself for staying 100% true to LDL. Right now I am "paying" myself $5 a day for every day that I am true to LDL. I start counting on Saturday and set aside $5 every day until the next Friday. If I step off plan I lose the amount that has accumulated for that week. If I slip, say on Monday, I lose all of the money saved for the week up to that point ($15), but I can still gain $20 for the remainder of the week.

I need the rewards to be frequent and the consequences to be immediate, but not so tough (like losing a whole month or more of rewards) that it gets discouraging if I step off the path. It has really worked for me for the past 6 weeks or so! If I automatically reach for something non LDL, I immediately think what it will cost me. By the time Wednesday or Thursday rolls around, I really do not want to eat something that will cost me $25 or $30! Not once in the last 6 weeks have I eaten off plan, even in a family social occasion or church potluck. Actually, it has surprised me a little bit how many times I find myself thinking completely in the background of my mind about eating something off plan. The things we tell ourselves without conscious thought are a little scary!

My hubby does not need to eat LDL, so there are a lot of things in the house that are not part of LDL lifestyle. They aren't really tempting unless they are within too easy reach, especially if I am too busy to cook, or stressed or tired -- or just plain not paying attention.

I will probably alter my payment methods from time to time just to keep it interesting. In the future I might choose a reward of doing something special rather than saving money, or giving myself a certain amount of "me" time. And there will probably be times when I can't afford myself   :tongue: and will have to have an alternate plan.

The wonderful LDL benefits of feeling healthier, more energetic, and having more stamina has just not been enough incentive to permanently break the habits and the library of excuses built during so many years. I know they say it takes several weeks to break a bad habit and replace it with a new one -- but I find those old habits are always sitting on my shoulder, using any excuse to become part of my life again. I know they will get weaker and go away eventually. And I know I will have to deal with the emotions I habitually "eat" as they come up, but this "pay as you go" plan keeps my commitment to not cover them with food (and fat) in the foreground of my mind.

If I am hungry, I make sure I eat until I am full -- and without any guilt. I really don't crave the bad stuff anymore. I pay attention to what I am hungry for and eat LDL foods that fit. And I make sure there are plenty of healthy choices on hand. But I was doing that before and failing every day, so this has really boosted my awareness, and made me very conscious of the excuses I make without even thinking it through.

We're all pulling for you as you figure out your own strategy that will work!

Last edited by Bethann on September 19th, 2011, 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by MsHeirloom »

What a great idea.  I like it.  I don't eat off plan, but I do reward myself from time to time.  I always have a "goal" in mind.  Like I'll buy myself a new outfit, or earrings, or shoes, or whatever when the scales registers I_am_a_BAD_Spammer# or when I can wear a size XX.  Well you know what I mean.  Actually I used to wear the real size XX, now I wear size 14 or 16.  Still two digits, but much nicer numbers  ;) !

Hope you both are doing well.  This plan just gets easier and easier the longer I stay on it.  There are so many great foods, I have no desire to eat off plan and suffer the consequences of guilt, regret, lethargy, weight gain...   Pam

ps- Just noticed the spam-buster will take X-X, but doesn't like X-X-X.  I only meant a 3 digit number!  Funny!!!
Last edited by MsHeirloom on September 20th, 2011, 11:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

Your words are inspiring Pam!
Your weight loss is amazing! Thanks for being an encouragement!!!!!!

I had a successful day yesterday of following LDL way of eating! I am having to take a little food with ibuprofen at times but a I am making sure it is LDL approved!
My daughter and I went for a long walk as well.
Today should be a different kind of day as I am getting one of those multi rooted teeth pulled. It is a 14 year old root canal tooth that has to be taken out by my Dentist (as recommended by a root canal specialist and had to travel to Winnipeg and back to get her advise - aprox. 230 miles from here).

I've started my day out with a smoothie that consisted of a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (with the mother of course), 1/2 banana, orange juice, blueberries, raspberries, rhubarb and a little organic 99% fat free plain yogurt. One tsp. Olive Oil added to smoothie as well  ;D , and also Tim Horton's coffee with stevia and 1/2 and 1/2. (At some point I will eliminate coffee from my life again....when the Tim Horton's runs out I will switch to Organic which is suppose to be easier on the body  ;) )
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

I am so thankful that this week has been much better...... The tooth pulling was not as painful as I thought it would be and I have been able to eat the Lets Do Lunch way of eating and even exercising some.  :happy:
I am thankful!  :rose:
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by jsprik »

FABULOUS!!!  :thumbsup:

continued blessings

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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

Well, I am pleased that I lost a few pounds but I blew it this last weekend. We celebrated Thanksgiving early and I thought I could resist but I didn't. I'm back on it now and though I haven't been able to exercise because of a sore foot I am determined to keep at it. I know from past experience that if you keep trying it pays off even when you don't do every day perfectly. Just get back at it as soon as possible!!!  :D
Sure wish I had never gained that 20 lbs. back though but thankful that I didn't gain everything back.

We will be doing a lot of travelling in October but I know from experience that if I follow LDL suggestions I can still loose weight! I have done it before!  ;)
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by LINDA RN »

You can do it Bethann!  :thumbsup:
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

Thanks Linda!
You and your husband are such an inspiration!  :rose:
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Beth B. »

Hi Bethann!
I am looking forward to meeting you and your husband and brother in person next week! I still can't believe it! What a small world!

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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

It is amazing how this has all developed! It seems unreal!
Who would have thought that we would meet this October. I always had the feeling that we would meet some time but I didn't think it would be this soon and I thought it would be you coming to Canada! I'm still hoping that will happen some day! .....and it is so special to us that we can stay with you!

I'm thankful for you Beth! It has been such a blessing to correspond with you!  :rose:
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Beth B. »

I'm thankful for you too!
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

What an amazing and full month!!!! I am still reeling from all the events that have taken place!
We enjoyed 2 weddings and also the 60th anniversary of my husband's parents! .....and not only that but....

....A big surprise was to discover that the second wedding was where Beth Blessman lives and my cousin's new wife has actually attended the same church as Beth for the last 11 years! It truly is a small world!  :shock:
Beth and I  made LDL history  :) as we met for the first time!  :happy: We are thankful for her wonderful hospitality to us Canadians and we enjoyed meeting her amazing family.  *love*
God has such surprises for us and unexpected adventures as sure was evident this last month!  ;)

I'm inspired to do better and loose some weight by Christmas but can only do it with God's help. Please say a prayer for me!....Thanks!  :rose:
Last edited by Bethann on November 4th, 2011, 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by LINDA RN »

I look at this as a ministry.
Just as your committment to Christ at Salvation and your living it out is a testimony to lead others to Christ, your committment to a healthier way to get back to a normal weight will be a testimony to help others regain their God-given health. We can change the culture one person at a time if we are willing to first change ourselves.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Bethann journal

Post by MsHeirloom »

Linda- I love your attitude and commitment.  Pam
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

Thanks for sharing that Linda!
I totally agree!
How do I put this....I look around in our churches and our whole culture and it seems we have been deceived and caught in a trap of eating food that is unhealthy. It damages our bodies and keeps us from experiencing abundant life. Whether it is or not it truly does feel like Spiritual warfare many times. At the Bible Study, at Pot Lucks so much food that is unhealthy and so many fat and unhealthy but precious people participating and bringing these delicious foods with no food value. For myself personally I feel I have to have my guard up all the time and have the truth utmost in my mind or I give in and have a little or a lot because we all enjoy these delicious but deceptive foods.

Last year we started a group in our area that focussed on eating what God would want us to eat (as well as Bible Study) but the ladies didn't want to continue. I was disappointed but I am thankful I have the support here on the LDL website.

Yesterday: Breakfast: apple, 2 eggs with mayo for breakfast and coffee with milk and stevia.
Lunch: A&W Burger but no bun (surprised to see Bacon in it...I should have taken it out but I didn't).
Snack: apple, banana, chick peas, Yerba Mate with ACV and stevia.
Supper: apple, grapefruit, Tomato Veg. Soup, Curried chicken with brown rice.
Bedtime snack: yogurt & skim milk with a little Blueberry Jam and a little granola. (not the best choice I know  :wacko:)

Today: (Sat.)
Breakfast: 1 egg, coffee with cream and Stevia.
Lunch: eggs, cheese, 2 little baby potatoes, brown rice, curried chicken with chick peas, ginger and garlic etc.
Snack: grapefruit and Yerba Mate with ACV & Stevia.
Supper: I did better at supper and had 1/2 a meat patty with condiments, onion and tomato slice, smoothie, grapefruit and green tea.
Last edited by Bethann on November 5th, 2011, 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by LINDA RN »

I totally agree. I point out the problems with the food choices coworkers make, especially when they try to offer it to me.
The usual response is, but I rarely eat wheat. Somehow they equate wheat with bread only.
So the same person who says they eat very little wheat, makes comments like wishing for a danish, or bagel or cookie.
It is frustrating when you have received revelation but just can't seem to impart it to others.
Guess that is why I have just determined to make my life a living testimony.
Besides I guess I get some sort of glee being able to say, I told you!  *evil*
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


Taste and see that the Lord is good...
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