
Post here about how your health has been improved since eating the LDL way!
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Post by crickadoodle »

Well, Let's Do Lunch is not the whole story, put is a part of it.  My mother developed dementia after a surgery for a bladder suspension that didn't go well and caused bowel incontinence.  I don't know if it was the stress it added to her life, or the anesthesia, or a combination of that and being on so many different medicines, but at age 82, my mom could no longer care for herself the way she had before.  She was skipping routine things like checking her blood sugar and taking her insulin.  She grew very anxious and did not feel confident about decisions concerning the simplest tasks.  Now, this lady would get in her car and drive all the way from Louisiana to Illinois by herself previous to this.  She was very independent and self sufficient.  She lost her personality and the ability to remember daily tasks and no longer laughed or cried -- like her normal emotions were gone.

Well, when we realized this, I was teaching 4th grade.  We hired a sitter to stay with her during the day until I was able to finish out my school year.  I decided that my mom needed me and that I would try to find answers to her problems.  Part of the answer came when I found Let's Do Lunch to help me lose weight.  I lost 50 lbs. and eventually started cooking more of an LDL way for my husband and mom too.  I noticed that Mom's blood sugar improved some with the switch in diet. 

I found a couple of supplements that were supposed to be good for mental clarity and began giving them to Mom.  She takes 100 mg a day of Ubiquinol (CoQH --- which is the reduced form of CoQ10 and more readily accepted by the body) and 10mg a day of astaxanthin (a super anti oxidant that makes flamingoes pink).  I also give her 2000 IUs a day of vitamin D3.  We began going to a homeopathic doctor through a remote feedback hand cradle developed by NASA in January of 2011.  The doctor prescribes herbs and homeopathic drops to help the dementia.  Oh, and before all this, we had my brother in law (a doctor) look over all the medicines she was taking and see if any were unnecessary.  We ended up taking her off everything except for the insulin.  Now, if anyone wants to do this, make sure you have someone helping you who knows the effects that going off a medicine can do.  There was one of the medicines that she needed to slowly come off of.  Not all medicines can be stopped cold turkey without serious consequences.

And finally, prayer is the biggest thing of all.  Not only do I pray for God to guide me into how to help my mom, but I prayed specifically on Tuesday for the CoQH and astaxanthin to "kick in."  I'm sure we've been taking the CoQH for over a year and 1/2 and the astaxanthin for several months -- maybe even 6 months.

Once in the month or so after starting the CoQH we had several days that Mom came out of the dementia -- this is before the astaxanthin or homeopathic doctor, but after the medicines were taken away.  Then added stress from her ostomy causing trouble and a new surgery set her back into the dementia.  I kept searching for answers. 

Well, on Tuesday, November the 1st we went to the doctor for her shoulder blade -- which she broke in August.  He started asking her some questions and instead of looking to me to answer for her, she just answered the doctor.  Then I started noticing that she was laughing at little things and seeing irony and humor in situations.  Her personality was back.  Then it hit me that she was out of the dementia.  Now, I did notice some of the dementia traits coming back one day and I got her the Bible and showed her where it says that God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of love and of power and of a sound mind.  I explained to her that God has restored her mind and she had to make a choice about if she wanted to receive this from Him or not.  We have an enemy who has other things for us and we need to stand against his garbage gifts.  Then she was fine again.  This happened again in the afternoon yesterday, so I am encouraging her to stand against this and I am standing against it too, because I believe it is a spiritual battle. 

I quit my job and changed our lifestyle to care for my mom and see if we could regain what she had lost.  It has been totally worth it.  It has been like receiving a loved one back from the grave.  I really didn't know this woman I've been caring for -- she wasn't the mom I knew.  I have enjoyed the past week so much.  We have laughed a lot.  Does she have a perfect memory? -- of course not, but neither do I.  She is so different from how she has been these past 2 1/2 years.  I love having my mom back!

Also, I have even been able over time to reduce her dosage of insulin.  I keep her away from all grains and find that she does best without potatoes too.  She eats nuts, fresh fruit, vegetables, meat and beans -- some cheese.  She doesn't have a weight problem, so the nuts and cheese are fine for her.  I know potatoes are now allowed on LDL, but I find they aren't so good for her diabetes -- but she'll have them occasionally.  Her insulin went from 15 cc in the AM to 7 cc and at night from 10 cc to 4 cc.  That is cut more than 1/2!  I'm believing she'll get totally off it one day. 

Please pray that this will continue for her.  I think that stress is the trigger, though.  Yesterday, I asked her if she wanted to walk to see my garden.  She uses a walker and that little walk over grass and in the heat, as it got a little warm yesterday, got her aggravated and stressed.  I noticed that she started showing the dementia signs soon after that.  I'm hoping to see good signs today to assure me it was a very temporary set back. 
Last edited by crickadoodle on November 7th, 2011, 11:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dementia

Post by Bethann »

Great to hear! Thank you for sharing!  :rose:

Thanking God, it is wonderful to hear that your Mother is doing better!

Take Care!
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Re: Dementia

Post by BMorg »

You are a good daughter, Crick!  *hug*

Beth M.
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Re: Dementia

Post by Joyful Friend »

God has  blessed your mom by giving her a devoted daughter.  You will get your reward by watching her progress.  I think you're a walking testimony to God's grace.  *love* *hug*  JF
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Re: Dementia

Post by crickadoodle »

Yes, Wanda, God has been so gracious to guide and then to answer prayer.  He is good!!  Thanks, everyone.  We've had a good day.
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Re: Dementia

Post by MsHeirloom »

I am happy for you all that your mother is coming out of her fog.  Keep doing what you're doing!  Pam
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Re: Dementia

Post by LINDA RN »

So happy you posted this, Crick.
I was meaning to ask you what specifically you did recently to bring about the change.
A co-worker had to put her husband in a nursing home because of the dementia.
I do agree it is critical for your mom to make a stand against it also.
It has been my experience that the Lord will intervene in behalf of a loved one's prayers.
But there comes a time when they have to recieve it for themselves.
Unfortunately my mom and dad were not willing to do that.
They stayed submerged in their religious tradition.
Keeping her mind stayed on the promises of the Lord can only bring good results.
Praying for a complete reversal for her.
So many need her testimony to believe it can happen for them and their family members also.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Dementia

Post by crickadoodle »

Linda, I pray that it will all be used for God's glory.  I am so thankful.  I decided that Mom needs to get out and about now that she is understanding life again.  So I booked a flight for both of us to visit my niece (her granddaughter near Kansas City.  I did it today!  I need for her to still be doing well a month from now when we go, so we will keep praying and standing.  This is going to be a permanent thing for her.  My husband isn't going to get to come, since someone needs to work around here!  :laughing:  My sister and her husband might visit too, that way they'll see her too.  Now, I need Mom's ostomy bag issues to be resolved.  It's always something -- but I rather her bags be the problem and not her mind.  It'd be nice to have both working properly, though.  :thumbsup:

Oh, here is a really good video on astaxanthin, one of the supplements.  Everyone will want to take it, after watching all it is good for.  

Last edited by crickadoodle on November 8th, 2011, 5:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dementia

Post by crickadoodle »

Oh, if anyone wants to order from and you never have before, there is a special going on right now.  I can refer you and we would both get $10 off our orders.  I recommend vitacost for free all the time, because I really love that website, the prices and products.  Just PM me or let me know here and I'll get the info to you.
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Re: Dementia

Post by Joyful Friend »

What a great video!  I am going to order, but I am already a vitacost customer, so would you still get $10.00.  Do you have a number.  Thanks, Crick.  :thumbsup:JF
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Re: Dementia

Post by crickadoodle »

No, it is a promotion for new customers, I'm sure.  They'd have your email in their system.
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Re: Dementia

Post by crickadoodle »

Also, Mom has been working with a doctor from Knoxville, Tennessee, through the remote feedback hand cradle I posted about a while back.  She has prescribed various herbs and homeopathic drops, so this is part of what we have done too.  We are now able to concentrate on other areas of weakness, now that the dementia is gone.  She is working on her diabetes, the itchy skin and pain in her feet.  She even told me something to do along Mom's spine to help her arm, which is tight after her breaking her shoulder blade. 

Today is day 10 out of dementia!!  We went to the hearing aid place yesterday to get those checked out, as we weren't using them during the dementia time.  I didn't know what to do with them and she didn't -- so they were the least of my concerns.  Well, the lady checked her ears and there is a great plug of wax that we need to go to the doctor next week to have removed.  We know how to use the hearing aids, now.  She can hear better, but will really be able to hear after her doctor's appt.  Little by little, she is getting totally made new!!  :D
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Re: Dementia

Post by JerrieH »

Crick - so glad to hear of your mom's progress.  You are a good daughter.  Jerrie  :)
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Re: Dementia

Post by Joyful Friend »

I think it is wonderful.  My mom's mind became confused at 84; then she passed at 89.  I wish she had had something to take.  She usually knew me, but lived so in the past.  When she passed into glory, I rejoiced, but still miss her so.  *love* and  *hug* JF
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