Bethann journal

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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Joyful Friend »

Bethann and Beth, How wonderful that two believers in Jesus Christ and in LDL got to enjoy each other.  I've enjoyed the conversation on this blog.  People really don't get it. They are asking me when I'm going off my diet.  They act as though I'm suffering; however, it is just the opposite.  I'm so grateful that Jesus led me to LDL and has removed my cravings.  I feel as though I've been given a 2ND chance in living.  I desire that all my actions and words glorify Him. What a Savior!!! *hug* *love* :) :)  JF
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

.....and Thanks Joyful Friend!  *hug*
So true and encouraging words!
I'm not there yet but when I don't do LDL I feel it in my body!

It's been an adjustment with caring more for my Mom but God is helping us and will help me also in the food area as he has proved so faithful before.

Breakfast: 1 egg, smoothie, coffee w/stevia/ was it milk or 1/2 & 1/2?
So hungry...later snack: left over Oriental egg with a little cheese and a little brown rice, pinapple, Butter Beans mashed and heated with spices etc. apple, popcorn.

Lunch: My brother had forgotten about meetings he had so I picked my Mom up from his church and took her to A&W. We tried an American A&W when we were in Iowa and I was not impressed but we love our Canadian ones. (The Iowa manager said that our Canadian A&W's are like the European A&W's. Our Canadian ones use fresh beef for their hamburgers. Mom had the Baby Burger and she thought it was so big  :D and I had the Uncle Burger (which is Sirloin Beef, lean with red onion, tomato and lettuce but of course I threw away the bun. She loves onion rings and our Canadian A&Ws have the best! That is where I slipped. I ended up eating half of her onion rings.
I also had Home made Oatmeal soup and grapes also and added extra tomatoes to our meals. (Another slip I had a cookie when I ran into a near by store ....please pray for me  :wacko: )
Supper: One lean burger (no bun), Yerba Mate Tea w/Stevia & ACV, apple.....(trying to remember...)
Last edited by Bethann on November 7th, 2011, 3:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by LINDA RN »

You did not do so bad considering.....
A few nibbles of non-LDL foods will not mean much when eating out.
Just be thankful you did not buy and eat a whole bag or box of cookies.  :sick:
You have been successful in just recognizing the foods not good for you and you did not order a double portion!
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

Yes, that's true Linda! Thank you for the reminder.  :)

Breakfast: 1 egg? or was this in the early a.m. hours?, coffee w/ Half & Half, Stevia, apple.
Morning Foot Doctor appointment for my Mother.
Snack: 1 egg
Lunch: popcorn w/olive oil, ICBINB spray & Stevia & Xitol, a little lean hamburger, chick peas/balsamic vinegar etc. seasoning, grapefruit.
Snack: 1 lean Burger (no bun of course) with organic Ketchup, Yerba Mate Tea with Stevia and ACV.
Snack: Rice chips....probably not a good idea but at least the ingredients seemed healthier then regular Taco chips.
Supper: an apple, Taco Salad with no Taco chips  ;) but Chili, no-fat cheese, 1%? yogurt, Brocolli, Home made Salsa....not so hungry tonight! I'm glad!  :)
Snack: 1 slice no-fat cheese, chick peas in Balsamic V. and grapes.
Last edited by Bethann on November 8th, 2011, 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

"This is the day that the Lord hath made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it!"  *love*

Breakfast: coffee with stevia and 1/2 & 1/2, a few grapes, hemp seeds, Smoothie (containing fruit mixture, blueberries, 1/2 banana, low fat organic yogurt, aloe Vera juice, chick peas with Balsamic V.... I am also drinking my water with lemon juice in it again....

Aloe Vera juice:
A friend of mine (who struggles with her health but continues to do her own study on what can help her) claims drinking some of this every day helped her to have the strength to get through a difficult family time). Since then I have been curious about it. Also all of a sudden I realized that a well-known supplement that truly appears to have helped many people (and they have the research behind it, a patent and excellent Scientific explanations....)...this supplement's main ingredient is Aloe Verra. Now my question is that their product may not be as complicated as they make it appear? Many other companies claim the same incredible healing stories. Though some may not be able to claim the Scientific research and can not give as amazing an explanation as to why it works I'm thinking they are all doing similar things by accident and that is why the success. Just my wonderings  :rolleyes: ....You are probably miles ahead of me and have probably thought of this before...
I desire the healing that these companies claim but I can't afford to pay for their product. Some are much cheaper then others but still "Food is the best Medicine" and I would rather receive my healing in that way.....though it is taking me too long and I may need some help. One of the things I have thought of besides having my own garden would be harvesting edible weeds which I have read are very dense in keeps getting in the way though and I haven't been able to get back to my gardening or try eating and harvesting weeds.  :) Though not the best and expensive at some point MAYBE will I have to supplement with a companies answer to my health?
I hope I am not being controversial here....just my thoughts.  ;)

Back to Aloe Verra - I have done some reading lately of how wonderful the healing properties of this plant is! It is truly incredible so I have decided to buy what is advised....99.9% pure, organic and cold pressed and add it to my smoothies.  :happy:

Snack: chick peas marinated in Balsamic V. mixture, apple.

oops!  :wacko: small chocolate bar with almonds.....and it was not worth it! It really didn't taste that good!  :blush: Small Cadbury Canadian bar advertised as 100 calories, (fat: 3, Cholesterol: 5, Sodium: 15, Carbohydrate: 10 g. (9 sugar, 1 fiber), Protein: 2. Ingredients: pretty simple and basic...for ex. Milk Chocolate, Cocoa butter, sugar, chopped almonds)

Snack: chick peas mixture again and 1/2 grapefruit.

Yerba Mate with Stevia and ACV, popcorn

Supper: Chilli in the Crock pot, veggies and Salad.

I am pleased that I exercised today and yesterday .... at times I have found that so difficult!
Last edited by Bethann on November 8th, 2011, 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by LINDA RN »

Aloe Vera can only help you. That was the first thing DH started drinking in an effort to heal his stomach from indigstion. Have you considered growing Aloe Vera. I had plants I kept for years.
They will grow well indoors and will flourish outdoors in the summer. Freezing will kill them out so keep them in pots you can bring inside. Start growing Aloe Vera and that may be the impetus to get your gardening going again.
Last edited by LINDA RN on November 23rd, 2011, 1:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

That is so interesting, Linda! Did your husband buy his drink of Ale Vera or did you process it yourself from the plants that you grew? I have grown a couple plants but we have used it only for sunburns.

A complicated evening last night of care for my sweet Mom....I ended up weary....didn't sleep so well and unfortunately in the middle of the night had bread and jam. As in the past I will forgive myself and continue on.
My heartburn bothers me when I do things like this though I've noticed.
....had a  1/2 an apple during the night and finished it off early this a.m. Also I keep water by my bed and drink it often. I get thirsty during the night and it also helps my heartburn. If I am faithful to LDL this will go away as it has in the past.  :)
Back pain this morning.

Breakfast: Chick peas..., hemp seeds, smoothie with aloe and I put a 1/2 a scoop of my husband's whey powder in it. I haven't been feeling satisfied so I am trying different things. I know the LDL stand is not to use protein powders but I found before that using my org. fermented soy powder didn't seem to effect my weight loss., Grapefruit. Coffee with usual.
Lunch: did I have lunch? ....banana, popcorn, and Yerba Mate with usual....I guess.  :blink:
Supper: Salad, Vegetable Turkey Soup, brown rice.
Last edited by Bethann on November 9th, 2011, 9:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by LINDA RN »

Maybe if you read the book Wheat Belly, you could resist the bread better.

No, DH like to drink the Aloe Vera Gel we would buy from a health food store.
Said it reminded him of "clabbered milk"
Between that and taking probiotics, he quit having so much heartburn and when we did LDL, it completely went away by eliminating all grains.
He did scape the inside of a large leaf occassionally and eat it.
My plant froze out a couple years ago and I have never bought any more plants.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

Linda: A couple weeks back an article from Womans World inspired me and I mentioned it here and it did remind me of LDL. It could be the same book I'll look to see as I think I still have the magazine. A Doctor has written a book concerning the fact that if you cut wheat from your Diet you will loose weight! No surprise to us here at LDL but it was an interesting article! :-) I am thinking that it is the same book that you are referring to. I have noticed that you have made mention of it on Facebook as well. I have been thinking of purchasing it. So you think it is worthwhile, eh?

Also interesting how your husband found relief through eliminating grains. I'll have to pass on that info. to my oldest son who struggles with severe heartburn. He has lost some weight though and is doing better.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by LINDA RN »

I am sure the article you read was about the Wheat Belly Book.
It was written by a cardiologist who found that eliminating gluten reversed cardiac disease.
It is worth buying. You can get it on Amazon
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

Thanks Linda! I'm looking into it. :-)

The last couple days have been difficult for me though I have pretty much ate the LDL way. My back is bothering me and then I fell when walking with my had just snowed and it was slippery under foot. I sure went down! I'm thankful I didn't hurt myself seriously as just sore on my right side and feeling sorry for myself!  :D With the help of Ibuprofen I went out with the family & my Mom for the Memorial Service at the cemetery and went for supper with my husband last night (and cheated and enjoyed liver and onions and a baked potato). Feel terrible this a.m. so went back to bed. Thankful I can do this. My brother is taking care of my Mom this a.m. So thankful that he and I share the responsibility of taking care of her. God has been so good to us!  :rose:
Last edited by Bethann on November 12th, 2011, 5:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by LINDA RN »

Hope the back pain resolves real soon
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

Thanks Linda! ....still working on it.

I'm having a struggle but not giving up (of course).

So thankful to hear of a dear friend of mine that has been following Lets Do Lunch and has lost 30 lbs. I knew she was interested in it and had tried it out but I didn't realize how seriously she has applied this to her life!!! :-) I am so pleased about this!  :happy:

For her:  :rose: (her name also is Linda)  :)
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by LINDA RN »

That is wonderful about your friend, Bethann, please invite her to post her success story on the boards
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

I have been reading the Wheat Belly book. Interesting and rather scary!  :'(
Educational also.
Davis is not the first to tell us to avoid wheat though ..... but this book definitely has a different flavour.
(I'm thinking of Dr. Atkins who also was a Cardiologist and other Low carb books and of course LDL has been discouraging the eating of Bread.)
Why should it surprise us that wheat is bad for us! We've changed and overly processed so many of our other foods. What a crazy time and culture we live in.

I'm impressed with his graphs showing how disease has progressed especially since 1980 or so.

So much information it is difficult for this lay person to know what to do with it all.... I'll keep reading and praying.....
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

I also have come across another book.....and yes, of course the author (a Heart Surgeon) discourages the eating of wheat/grains also. ;)
(Plus of course the elimination of sugar, bad fats and processed foods ...)
Dr. Gundry's Diet Evolution (by Steven R. Gundry, M.D.,F,A.C.S.,F.A.C.C.) A close friend of mine, her brother is a patient of Dr. Gundry's in Palm Springs and has been amazingly helped by this Dr. Also a friend near by has been following his program for 2 1/2 years with amazing healing results. Both of these friends have had heart damage. Dr. Gundry is a well known Heart Surgeon and a brilliant man. Though he still does heart surgery part-time he prefers to help people receive healing through changing their diet etc.

My husband has been having a few health problems so I am researching also for him ....also have to figure out what we can afford, what I have time for and what will fit somewhat with the 2 adult children that are at home right now.
I love LDL but I am thinking for awhile we should do something similar but stricter if possible....I'm still praying about it all and researching but we are definitely going ahead right now with healthier eating, encouraging good fats, more greens, wheat free eating, no sugar and as little processed food as possible.... I am so thankful that our friend gave us a deer again and also thankful that my husband is now more open to organic food so I am looking into where in this area I can buy organic chicken and beef. :)
I haven't lost any of the weight that I gained since my Mom was sick in June but I see hope for the future. We are on the way with a stronger focus and hoping and praying this healthy focus will not only help my husband and I but also our 3 children with ailments they have. :thumbsup:

I learned through my experience with LDL that the example I set speaks louder then any words or sermon. I pray as I step forward in the 2012 that I can be an example again. Of course I can do this only with God's help....with Jesus all is possible. Praise His name!

It has been an unbelievably busy Fall! One of the most intense times of my life ever since my Mom was sick in June 2011. I do feel I am adjusting but it is taking more time then I thought so I have not been on-line as much.

Thanks LDL once again for being such a wonderful support....! :rose:

With love and prayers :rose:
Last edited by Bethann on January 11th, 2012, 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

Hi!  :)
I've decided that I have to get back to eating more the LDL way! There has been some health concerns in our family and we have progressed as a family in eating healthier (lots of work on my part  :shock: Yikes!...) but I haven't been able to loose the weight I gained since my Mother was sick and has needed more care.
I have been afraid to post again because I have had some restarts that have not worked out for me.....well, that is not a healthy perspective....time to step out once again.... :-)

The more I read of other books and information the more I am amazed as to how God has guided Roger Troy Wilson!! Impressive! :rose:

I don't feel like I can do it because my circumstances are more complicated this time BUT I will step forward in FAITH and with GOD'S help will do it once again. (...and that is what Roger had to do right?  :thumbsup:) Thank you for your Godly example Roger and for giving credit to the Lord Jesus!)

Right now there are more complications and my Mother to take care of (I share this responsibility with my single brother). My daughter is home and my older son will be returning from Seoul, S.Korea so all of a sudden I will have all 3 children at home for I don't know how long. I absolutely LOVE that they will all be home but I am not good at self care when I get busy so if you read this please say a prayer for me. Thanks!

I am so thankful that our bent as a family is healthier now so that should be helpful!!!

I have been reading my past entries in my journal this a.m. and it has been encouraging: (This morning I want to remember in spite of the 20 lbs. I have gained that:)
:thumbsup:"Progress is more important than perfectionism!" thankful my family is more interested in eating healthy!!!
(Philippians 3:12-16 "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers,I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." .... *love*


Some healthy habits that LDL encourages is making soups and eating beans....I personally miss this and feel it is a better focus for me.....I think we can fit the family health needs and food sensitivies around my LDL focus....well we will give it a good try!!!  :) ...with the help of the Lord Jesus!

Have a wonderful day and God bless you!
Beth(Ann)  :)
Last edited by Bethann on February 16th, 2012, 12:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Joyful Friend »

Good Bethann, with God's help, all things are possible.  You can  do it even with all your responsibilities.  So glad to see you back.  *hug*  JF
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Bethann »

Thank you JF for the words of encouragement!
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Re: Bethann journal

Post by Sharolyn »

Bethann, I know what life is like as a full time caregiver! And, I think we owe it to ourselves to do what we can to take care of ourselves. How else can we take care of anyone else if we don't! Oh Lordy! I would love to have all 4 of my children home at once. But, that may never happen in my life time. Only God knows for sure. I look forward to getting to know you! I'm glad you're back!!

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