The Let's Do Lunch Recipe Cards

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The Let's Do Lunch Recipe Cards

Post by GardenGirlAtHome »

Are the recipes on the cards different from the ones in the book? I just bought the book and I'd like to know so I can get them ASAP!

Thank you,
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Re: The Let's Do Lunch Recipe Cards

Post by MsHeirloom »

Welcome Garden Girl.  The cards are very nice, but some contain ingredients that are no longer recommended.  There are an unlimited number of recipes on this site- more than you I will ever be able to try.  New recipes are added all the time.
You will find this to be the best way of eating you will ever try.  We don't call it a "diet," It is a lifestyle.  Please let us know how we can help you achieve your goals.  Don't hesitate to ask questions.  There is always someone online to answer your concerns.
Again, Welcome to Let's Do Lunch (LDL)!
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Re: The Let's Do Lunch Recipe Cards

Post by Joyful Friend »

Welcome!!!  As Pam wrote, recipes are plentiful on the boards.  I have not used the cards very much.  The recipes on the boards are usually quick and easy, and most ingreidients are common.  I like the recipes in the red book a whole lot.  :thumbsup:  JF
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Re: The Let's Do Lunch Recipe Cards

Post by LINDA RN »

Welcome, GardenGirl  :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: The Let's Do Lunch Recipe Cards

Post by Deborah D. »

Welcome GardenGirl to the most wwoe (wonderful way of eating) their matter if you only have a little to lose or a whole lot, you can do it on LDL foods.

Deborah D.
I live in Burleson, TX
Restarted LDL on April 11,2012
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Re: The Let's Do Lunch Recipe Cards

Post by GardenGirlAtHome »

Thank you guys! I think I'll save the money ;} Now can you tell me how to put my goal and the cute flowers on the bottom of my posts ;}

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Re: The Let's Do Lunch Recipe Cards

Post by LittlePrincess »

Hi Garden Girl,

Welcome!  :)  If you click on a members ticker it will take you to the site where you can create your own.  They are fun and easy to change. 

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Re: The Let's Do Lunch Recipe Cards

Post by mrsj »

Just adding my welcome to you Garden Girl.  How did you find out about Let's Do Lunch?

I don't know if you have already seen Roger Troy Wilson's guest appearance on the 700 Club but here's a link: ... _102809_WS
The recipe is Brando's Lasagna from the red book.
I love cooking videos!  *love*

Happy eating Garden Girl!!
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Re: The Let's Do Lunch Recipe Cards

Post by jopaul »

Kudos to you for posting Roger Troy Wilson's apprearance on the 700 club. I've seen it and enjoyed it. My lasagna didn't look the same as his (go figure). We had a party last night. I made 3 recipes for me that I could enjoy without the guilt: carrot raisin salad, LP's broccoli salad, and canned 3 bean salad with the liquid drained off. I didn't have any of the 2 deserts that I made for my sons' birthdays: ice cream cake and strawberry cool whip cake. The dinner was a hit. Especially the cakes. I had one son who had just turned 18 and the older son who just turned 21 (it was celebrated on his actual birthday). What a day! Great day! I'm worn out but in good spirits.

"People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. "
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Re: The Let's Do Lunch Recipe Cards

Post by mrsj »

Tina, kudos back to you for taking care of yourself with 3 recipes you could eat AND not having any of the desserts you made.  Focusing on what you can eat helps a lot in staying away from what you can't eat.  With all your celebration and sticking with the plan you were successful all the way around.  Sounds like it was a great day indeed!  This is how it is done!!!
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Re: The Let's Do Lunch Recipe Cards

Post by GardenGirlAtHome »

I learned about LDL from a person I work for. I was wondering if we aren't supposed to eat protien at night are beans okay and why they are okay.

I definatley haven't got this LDL figured out b/c I am so hungry I could eat a bear ;}

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Re: The Let's Do Lunch Recipe Cards

Post by tprouty »

If you are hungry, GardenGirl, then EAT! Feeling starved and deprived is one big reason why diets fail.

Especially in the beginning, until your blood sugar and cravings are stabilized, you should eat any of the LDL foods until you are full and couldn't eat another bite. Really! If you are craving sugar or sweets, eat whole, unprocessed fruit until you think you'll burst. If you crave breads, pasta, or other starches, eat beans, Beans, BEANS (and corn and unsweetened peas)! There are some awesome recipes on the boards for all types of tastes.

A couple of things you should plan to fit in your menu every day: a big fresh salad (this will help fill you up and give you lots of excellent nutrients -- lettuce not required, just lots of vegies, beans, and remember to use a light vinaigrette dressing or dip the tines of your fork in your favorite dressing) and soup (also fills you up, and if it has beans in it -- blended or whole -- it will give you plenty of fiber to make you full longer).

After a while, you can gradually shift to very light suppers whenever possible -- fruit, salad, soup, etc. without the heavy protein.

No calorie counting allowed. No starving yourself on tiny portions allowed either. If you're hungry, EAT. Even when you've been on the plan for months, there will be days when you are really hungry. Listen to your body.

You can do it! You just have to throw out most of what you ever learned about "dieting" because this isn't a diet -- it's a wonderful new way of life.

Enjoy the journey!
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Re: The Let's Do Lunch Recipe Cards

Post by stl_viewer »

I agree with tprouty. You have to eat!  That's part of what makes this plan work. As long as you stick with fruit for sweetness and beans and other legumes when you're craving starch, you'll be surprised how much you can eat and still lose.

I can't tell you exactly why the beans work, but they do. Really filling, they help kill carb cravings. Keep a pot of home-made chili or split pea or lentil soup on hand. And if soups aren't your thing, look in the stores for fat-free refried beans (the kind labeled "beans, salt, water"--no sugar). I've been known to open a can of those and heat it up, sometimes with a little sugar-free salsa on top.

You need to test this way of eating. It's hard enough to give up foods you love (even if they're killing you). If you then have to be hungry all the time, too, you'll soon give up. So take the LDL challenge. Don't weigh and measure and deprive. Just stay with LDL-approved food. See what you think in 30-60 days. I think you might be surprised.
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Re: The Let's Do Lunch Recipe Cards

Post by MsHeirloom »

I couldn't agree more with Terri and Stl.  That's LDL in a nutshell.  The best way of eating on the planet!  Pam
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Re: The Let's Do Lunch Recipe Cards

Post by Joyful Friend »

Thanks for the advice given to GardenGirl.  I've been food satisfied for 3 years.  From reading the food journals of some on the boards, I would starve to pieces.  Eat, Eat, Eat.  It isn't a diet.  It's wonderful.  I still am amazed by how much I eat, and stay the same in weight.  I lost 60 lbs the first 6 or 7 months, and lost more inches.  I am not deprived, nor do I have cravings.  So thankful that I'm food free. When I first started, I was reluctant to eat afraid that I wouldn't lose.  My daughter who told me about it, said," Mom,if you are hungry, something is not right."  I started eating, and losing. Then I got the red book, and It is very clear. EAT!!!  I kept a whole lot of canned beans for a pinch.  One simple recipe is a can of black beans, a can of corn, and a can of tomatoes with peppers.  I chopped fresh onion in it.  If I was hungry, I ate a bowl of it, sometimes 2 bowls.  I cooked a ton of beans and I still do.  They satisfy.  I still only eat meat protein once a day.  It is part of my bigger meal.  :thumbsup:
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