Diabetes type 2

Post here about how your health has been improved since eating the LDL way!
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Diabetes type 2

Post by omalani »

I am getting so frustrated!! I have been regulated for several years with Metformin 500mg twice daily.  When my shift hours were changed last year from 6PM-6:30AM to 7:30PM-8AM, I decreased my exercise due to inconvenient hours and the stress level at work was increased. However, My Hbg A1C increased to 7.5 and the doctor added Trajenta and  increased my Metformin to 1000mg twice daily. I am checking my sugars in the morning and in spite of the increased meds they are still the same, between 140-160. Then he changed me to Kombiglyse XR 5mg/1000mg once daily.  I have been on the LDL plan for 6 weeks and  my finger sticks are still the same. Yesterday my fasting am level was 145, this morning it was 151. I had my smoothie with strawberry, banana, grapes and 1/2 c. butter beans.  Then I went to 45 min, water aerobics and swam 10 laps (5 breast, 1 butterfly, 2 freestyle, and 2 back stroke) When I got home I checked my sugar and it was 167.  Now 30 min later it is 147. I have lost 16 lbs. and feel great but I am confused at these results. I guess I should have a repeat on the A1C. Of course I will be 70 on the 29th so I'm getting used to more health problems, but I feel so good and have so much more energy Since being on sick leave, sleeping at night, and being on the LDL plan. Perhaps I'm expect too much in this short time?? Anyway I'm going to the doctors in the morning and ask him to enlighten me.
Last edited by omalani on March 14th, 2013, 11:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Diabetes type 2

Post by tonz2day »

Omalani, maybe someone with more experience can answer this for you.  I'm just here to give you an LDL *hug* and hope the doctor will figure your meds out.  Yeah, I would think losing 16 pounds would of helped it.  Take care.
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Re: Diabetes type 2

Post by lulu65 »

omalani:  Welcome to LDL...  I would talk to your doctor.. As it says at top " always talk to your doc before starting any new eating plan".. I personally cannot handle all the fruit on here and I am a type 2 diabetic..but that is me..    *hug*
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Re: Diabetes type 2

Post by crickadoodle »

Lani, my mom is diabetic and I feed her the LDL way.  She is on insulin -- used to be on 15 units in the AM and 10 in the PM, but now is on 7 in the AM and 5 in the PM.  I think it is because I give her astaxanthin twice a day -- a super antioxidant that has a great side effect of making you need less medicine!!  

Mom is 86 and in her early 80s I remember her doctor calling to get her off metformin, because of studies done.  There is a certain age you need to stop taking it for some reasons I can't remember.  The doctor had just read about it and actually she should have been off it before that according to the studies.  Anyway, watch the video by Suzy Cohen on astaxanthin.  I'll look for it and post it for you.

Here it is:

Last edited by crickadoodle on November 14th, 2012, 11:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Diabetes type 2

Post by omalani »

The doctor told me that when my sugar gets low, my body uses the glucose stored in my liver. He is happy with my weight loss and the nurses keep asking me about the program. I reodered the book and recipe cards so I can share this program with others. I will go to get my lab tests in the morning. They will test my liver function, Cholestrol panel and A1C. I am making this program my WOE for the rest of my life. Maybe I need to drink more water. I don't get thirsty, so I know I am not running high sugars because that is one of the symptoms. The body tries to flush out the sugar molecules, but the kidneys eventually fail because they weren't designed to do that. Many times diabetics learn they have the disease when they get frequent urine infections. Also the high sugars decrease the immune system because the white blood cells can't eat up as much bacteria (phagocytosis). That is why the LDL program works so well, our body can handle the natural sugars because that's how God designed it. Processed foods have concentrated sugars and additive that stress the kidneys and liver. Remember the liver detoxifies the body and stores glucose. "We are fearfully and wonderfully made." I have been a nurse for 50 years but it has taken me a long time to practice what I preach. The program deals with your cravings and that why it works. I thank God for this program.

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Re: Diabetes type 2

Post by crickadoodle »

Since there is a history of diabetes in my family on my mom's side, I am so confident that eating the LDL way will help me prevent getting it.  I give Mom fruit for breakfast when she takes her highest dosage of insulin, then the rest of the day she eats veggies, beans and meat.  Occasionally, I'll give her a little fruit at night, for a treat, but it is rare.  The doctor told me to just keep doing what I'm doing because her A1C came back better than people without diabetes.  :D  So glad I found LDL for her too.

Lately, my husband has been thanking me for caring about our health so much.  He knows I read a lot about it and we especially want to be wise with the bodies God gave us.  Although medicine helps people in obvious ways, I do not want to rely on it.  I want to take good care of myself and my family, so we can stay healthy without being on lifetime meds, like has become the "norm" for so many.  Strange they misname it "healthcare" when it is really sick care. 
Last edited by crickadoodle on November 15th, 2012, 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Diabetes type 2

Post by LINDA RN »

When I found this program I truly believed this would be a life saver for diabetics.
Unfortunately there have not been enough diabetics to stick with the program long enough to prove it.
So thankful for Leilani committing to this and being knowledgeable to tweek it safely for diabetics.

I too take Astaxanthin and Ubiquinol and DHEA which I believe has helped break the stall.
Next year, hope to be at goal!
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Diabetes type 2

Post by snowbirdie »

Hi Linda,
    What are the three items you mentioned you take? I hope you don't mind me asking.
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Re: Diabetes type 2

Post by LINDA RN »

No I don't mind you asking, Judie,
Looked up a little summary on these 3.
I am also taking Alpha Lipoic Acid and Probiotics also.

The Benefits of Astaxanthin,
Nature's Strongest Antioxidant

Astaxanthin is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory nutrients in the world.
The benefits of astaxanthin are numerous. It has been shown to be a very effective remedy for all types of tendon, joint and muscle pain, arthritis and tennis elbow. It's also been shown to be a great nutritional supplement for youthful, beautiful skin, and maybe the best one to take for your eyesight as well.
The benefits of astaxanthin have shown to be extremely helpful for endurance athletes.
One of the most powerful benefits of astaxanthin is best demonstrated by salmon. These fish often go without food for days, drawing on their own reserves while making their way upstream for hundreds of miles to spawn. Where do they acquire such endurance? From their considerable dietary intake of astaxanthin.

The power of CoQ10 and Ubiquinol

Help you produce more energy for your cells*
Act as a catalyst in your body's various chemical reactions, leading to the production of energy.*
Ignite your body's engine by jump-starting energy production in your cells.*
You'll enjoy your new-found energy and stamina levels.*

Boost your heart health*
Help strengthen your overall cardiovascular system.*
Help maintain and balance the critical energy level needed in your body's most vital muscle... your heart.*
Since you're passionate about life, you need an optimally-functioning heart.*

Act as an antioxidant to help protect you from free radicals*
Provide your body with added defense against oxidation stress to your cells, tissues, and organs.*
Help recharge other antioxidant nutrients to their active states -- and keep them working for you.*
You'll feel good about yourself, knowing you're taking steps to live a healthy life.*

Help you reduce the signs of normal aging*
Help you potentially feel more alert and responsive.*
By keeping blood levels high in CoQ10, help you maintain your vitality.*     
You're determined to feel young and full of life... don't let aging get the best of you.*

Help you maintain blood pressure levels within the normal range*
Promote healthy blood circulation in your body and a more efficient heart.*
Research indicates maintaining proper levels of CoQ10 can help you maintain normal blood pressure levels.*
Just by knowing you're taking more steps to take control of your health, you could feel more relaxed and less stressed out.*

Provide a boost to your immune system*
Help promote your healthy immune system.*
Help support your immune system by providing a defense against free radicals.*
You'll feel great about yourself knowing you're taking action to potentially boost your immune system.*

Support your nervous system*
Help promote an active mind.*
Your brain is one of the most active organs in your body and requires uninterrupted energy.*
Nothing beats having an active mind to help you deal with all of life's challenges -- and to help you make healthy decisions for your family.*


DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is an endogenous hormone (made in the human body), and secreted by the adrenal gland. DHEA serves as precursor to male and female sex hormones (androgens and estrogens). DHEA levels in the body begin to decrease after age 30, and are reported to be low in some people with anorexia, end-stage kidney disease, type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent diabetes), AIDS, adrenal insufficiency, and in the critically ill. DHEA levels may also be depleted by a number of drugs, including insulin, corticosteroids, opiates, and danazol.

There is sufficient evidence supporting the use of DHEA in the treatment of adrenal insufficiency, depression, induction of labor, and systemic lupus erythematosus.

I read some articles stating that taking DHEA could be harmful so I stopped taking it for a couple years, then started taking it again. I believe it has acted for me as an estrogen replacement because I feel a significant difference taking it. I may back the does down some after I reach goal and see what happens. If you are not having hormone issues, you probable don't need this. I never had menopause symptoms that were significant like sweats and hot flashes or irritability. But I did notice some lack of motivation (not really depression but apathy), thinning hair, and lack of any libido. Taking this has reversed these symptoms for me.

I added these 3 supplements recently and noticed a significant change in metabolism and change in weight loss.
Can't be sure which one was the most significant or whether it is taking all together that is working for me.
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Re: Diabetes type 2

Post by jencita »

Thanks Linda for this information.  I have been thinking about trying DHEA for my menopause symptoms - I experience horrendous hot flashes and cold flashes.  I read online that this might help - since you are safely taking and see improvement maybe I will try.  I am really bad about taking any kind of pill but I might consider this one. 
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Re: Diabetes type 2

Post by tprouty »

Hi Omalani,

I'm not diabetic, but I have a friend who is, and she has been sticking pretty closely to LDL for about 3 years. At first, until she got used to eating more fruit, she ate a fairly significant amount of protein with the fruit. Beans, which I see you do some with your smoothie, eggs, or even some meat protein. She was gradually (and fairly quickly) able to back off of the protein for breakfast as her body got used to the fruit. It hasn't increased her insulin need, and her sugars are around 100 in the morning. Because of some other medications that she takes for seizures and manic depression, her body clings like glue to a lot of her extra weight. But she feels so much better on the LDL lifestyle, and her blood sugar is consistently pretty stable with a very low dose of insulin. She is pretty much able to eat as much fruit, any time of the day, as she wants to.

Another friend, who is also diabetic, and who doesn't stick to any kind of eating plan, has significantly higher morning blood sugar levels when she eats more fruit for breakfast when she stays with the first friend. If she would choose this plan and stick with it, we're sure she would soon find that her blood sugar is stable in the morning, and a good level.

I think, as your doctor mentioned, that once the excess sugars and glucose are flushed out of your system safely, your blood sugar levels will stabilize.

Years ago when my grandmother lived with us, my mother switched her to a whole foods diet (years before LDL, so there were plenty of whole grains included, but all whole foods), we gradually reduced her insulin by more than half. So I know good, healthy, whole food works, and now even better without the grains.

Best of luck and success to you!
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Re: Diabetes type 2

Post by omalani »

Thanks Terri, I'm still awaiting theresults from my lab work. Just being off sugars is the best thing I can do for my health. I don't have the cravings and I'm learning to adjust. I am finding some extra benefits from the program. Beans are very filling and very economic. When I was growing up my parents had some financial problems and Mom cooked a lot of beans. They say when you get older you tend to like the foods you ate as a child, and I noticed many of my geriatric patients like sweets.  So for me the beans are a treat and I have cooked them in so many ways. The fresh fruit was always something we had around. My parents were both from North Dakota and Mom told us the only fresh fruit they had in the winter was an apple and orange in their Christmas stocking. My Uncle Art said he would trade the home baked sweets (he grew up on a poor farm) with the rich kids from town who had fruit in their lunches. Mom and Dad met in Calif. and that was where I grew up. Mom would buy a flat of strawberries or cherries and let us eat as much as we wanted. When my Dad went to lodge meetings on Friday night, Mom would take us to the drive-in movies and we would stop at Greater Central market and get a bag of plums, grapes or whatever was in season. She would bring popcorn sometimes too. Anyway this WOE is not new to me but I'm going back to the future. Thanks Mom, RIP see you in a little while.

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Re: Diabetes type 2

Post by omalani »

I went to the doctor and my HbgA1C is 7.2 which is about the same. We adjusted my meds again so I'll see how it goes. I lost another lb. after stuffing at 2 Thanksgiving dinners and eating out on a 2 day trip to Dallas. I did a lot of walking, and I'm sure that helped. I feel so good, with more energy than I've had for a while and my 70th birthday is coming up on Thursday.  :thumbsup: I find it helps to journal my food 1 day ahead so I know what I'm getting out of the frige and don't spend a lot of time deciding what to eat. If I change my mind, it lets me modify my menu, which keeps me accountable. I love this program!!  *love*

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Re: Diabetes type 2

Post by MsHeirloom »

For those of us who have been around for awhile, it is so fun to share your excitement as you discover just how wonderful this program really is!  Keep posting.  It helps you- and the rest of us.  Your meals sound yummy!
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Re: Diabetes type 2

Post by Joyful Friend »

Omali, LDL is a youth renewing way of eating.  I honestly feel better today than I did many years ago.  I'm glad that you are finding it that way as well.  :thumbsup:  JF
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Re: Diabetes type 2

Post by snowbirdie »

Hi Linda,
        No I don't need it. When I had menopause I never knew it just one day I was free from Aunt Flow. Ha Ha!  At the time we had 15 kids at home to take care of and my mom who was very ill.. I didn't have time to think of anything else.  Now oh well I am free from that.  Thank you so much for telling me about these items. Very interesting.      Judie
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Re: Diabetes type 2

Post by tprouty »

I'll say LDL is youth renewing, just like Joyful Friend said! I started LDL in May of 2009, and I hadn't seen "Aunt Flow" for quite a while. I was glad to be through with that, because like Judie, I never felt any bad effects of menopause (or much pms, for that matter, for which my hubby is duly grateful! My mother really blessed me with those good genes). Imagine my surprise when Auntie showed up again! And it has taken 3 years for her to leave again, but I think she's finally gone.  ;)

That has been the only "drawback" of LDL. I'll take it and be grateful!  :laughing:

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