Vickie's Journal

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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

Hey Niki....I'm gonna try and stay out of sticky situations until I'm craving free...that's for sure!

Carrole...I know what you mean about taking food with you to family members houses. That's exactly what I would have done if we had been going to MY family's house. But this was one of those times when it was just better to go with the flow and be a good and gracious guest. How great that you found corn thins at a local store! I get them at Albertson's here but that's the only place I've been able to find them. I like them too!

I do live in California....I live in Santee, which is in San Diego County. I feel very blessed to live here!

Vern doesn't give concerts but sometimes he'll be playing with a group that does. For example, on Halloween, a church north of here was having a big carnival type event as an alternative to "Halloween." Vern plays bass for the band that played that event. He doesn't play out as much as he used to. He stopped playing with the secular bands he was playing in and is concentrating on using his talent in ways that bring glory to God. It's been a sacrifice on his part because he loves to play and he's not playing as much right now. But, he was no longer comfortable with playing in bars and casinos so he gave it up.

Grandkids are BIG FUN aren't they!? I'm glad you got to take yours out for trick or treat! The kids took Autumn to a thing for the kids that was sponsored by a church in their area. So, your son is a pastor? Thanks so much for taking the time to visit. You said you knew me from another site. Do I know you by another screen name? today has been good. I stayed on plan...whoooHoooo! Breakfast was 2 bananas on the way to church. Lunch/dinner was grilled chicken and spaghetti squash. the chicken had some sort of teriaki marinade on it and I'm sure it would have been better to not have that...but Vern wanted to go to the Hawaiian BBQ place and that was the best choice I found. I'm not at all hungry so I may or may not have something later.
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

re:  But, he was no longer comfortable with playing in bars and casinos so he gave it up.

LOL Vickie -- I PM'd you about my days of misspent youth as a band groupie before I read this.
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

Gwennaford wrote:re:  But, he was no longer comfortable with playing in bars and casinos so he gave it up.

LOL Vickie -- I PM'd you about my days of misspent youth as a band groupie before I read this.

Ahhh Gwen...that's funny! Thank you for the PM. It was very encouraging. I loved reading about your days as a band groupie...I am a groupie...but only because the love of my life plays in the band!...LOL. I am very much relieved that he isn't playing in the bars any more....I hate going to bars but I wanted to be supportive of him. I don't have that struggle anymore. it's Monday! It's day 2 of Vickie being back on plan :) Here's the plan so far...

Pre breakfast: coffee

Breakfast: Bananas

Roasted Chicken

Dinner:??? Probably popcorn and a smoothie.
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

Vickie - I appreciate your dilemma, and Vern's too, since he loves to play.  I hate going to bars and clubs now, too, but I love live music.  They don't have live concerts often enough at our church, and it's such a hassle going to big concern venues.  I could travel around to the different churches to hear their music.  Our friend, also named Vern, is drummer in a praise band and he keeps inviting us to come to that church, but our pastor would have a cow if we went there instead of our church on Sundays.
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by EnJae »

Gwennie; if your pastor has a cow then could you ask him for the leanest cuts for your and Neil?  *evil*

Hi Vickie;  :kissed:

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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

Ha Ha Enjae - you're on fire, girl.  Actually, they are hill people, not farmers.  I understand Pastor's wife can bag a buck with a bow and field dress it in under five minutes.  These aren't people you want to mess with!  I just love a good redneck church.
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

Hi Ladies...I see there's a party going on in here...can I join you? :tongue:

Today was a good day. I stayed on plan. I feel like I am getting my determination back. I feel good :)
Wife to Vern
Mom to Chris, Courtney & Colin
Grandma Honey to lil Miss Autumn
Daughter of the King!

Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Sweet_Pea »

Hi Vickie,  So happy you had a good day.  I had two grandchildren all day so felt I didn't take care of myself as good as I should but ate on plan so that is what is important. 

I use to read your posts on the low carb website and once in awhile I would write a few lines.  I had the same name.  I'm shy so I mostly just checked in to see how everyone was doing.  So this time I decided to try and be a part of what is going on and not just a reader.

I love fall with the leaves falling like rain with a wind that guides them down.  I also like the cooling temps.  I remember coming back from LA in December and going North to the orchards and picking grapefruit and bringing them back to a snowy and cold Nebraska.  We also bought strawberries that were so delicious.

Hope you have a great week.

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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

Hi Carrole..I'm glad you decided to come out and post and be part of the action here! I know what you mean about being shy. In real life I tend toward shyness but on the internet it's much easier for me to interact with others...I don't know why that is. Grandchildren...aren't they just such fun? I love being Autumn's grandma. They DO wear you out though...don't they? I know on the days I keep Autumn I am always amazed at how I can't get anything done! I know I used to get a lot done when my boys were small but I guess I just am not as good at multitasking a I once was...LOL.'s 5am here in beautiful southern california...I've been awake since about 3:30 and finally gave up and got out of bed at 4:30. It's the time messes with my internal clock...{{{sigh}}}

I think I am going to go downstairs and try my hand at making some "muffins"...I've been looking at Gwen's wonderful recipes and I am intrigued....but I want to use the garbanzo bean flour I have in the I am going to experiment. I have some over ripe bananas that need to be used up too.

Here's a cool little story about God's provision to me. I need to have the timing belts on my car changed. I drive a Honda and with honda's the timing belt is done in such a way that if it breaks it almost always destroys the engine. It's slightly overdue for this and I've been a little bit worried about it. It costs around $600.00 to have it done (which also includes changing the water pump because of the way both things are located in the engine) This week when I got my paycheck I was tempted to withhold the tithe and save it toward the timing belts...after all, God would understand...that's what I told myself....BUT, I gritted my teeth and wrote out the check in obedience to the word as I understand it. This morning I woke up early and when I went down to the kitchen to make coffee I found a check on the table that came in yesterday's mail. We overpaid into our escrow account by around $660.00 this past year and the mortgage company sent us a refund. How COOL is that!?
Wife to Vern
Mom to Chris, Courtney & Colin
Grandma Honey to lil Miss Autumn
Daughter of the King!

Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Sweet_Pea »

Oh Vickie, that story gave me tears this morning, isn't God WONDERFUL?  We have had that happen so many times in our lives and it always amazes me.  I'm sure that really made your day.  Sometimes it is really hard to pay that tithe but we also feel God desires us to do that from HIS word. 

I also want to make the muffins today and hope to get it done.  We have company coming tonight so need to prepare for that also.  I find I do best on days when I have time to cook ahead for myself and then when the grandkids are here I don't have to try and work that in also. 

Thanks for your encouraging words.

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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Forever Young »


That is just how God works!  HE says IF we give HIM HIS FIRST, He will provide what we need.  I know if you try to add up what you have to pay out and what you have coming in, WHEN the tithe is paid to God first, you just seem to have enough to pay them...and vise-versa.

I know when I first started tithing, the Lord dealt with me to give the last of my money ~ NOT just what I had on me ~ BUT ~ it was all I had - nothing in checking or savings - into the offering, I knew that I would be without milk for my small children as I usually had to buy four more gallons on Wednesday or Thursday to last the week..............EXCEPT...........that week.  A mighty miracle happened...we had enough milk to last until payday!  The jugs were never any fuller, but the supply was there just the same.  Like the widow womans meal barrel when she fed the prophet that God send for her to feed.

As we trust God with our money, HE makes sure our needs are met.  He is an AWESOME GOD!!!

Stay on the train.......we are headed on down the tracks.......picking up people as we travel along........headed for a THINNER and HEALTHIER self!

Keep on...keeping on...on LDL..eating all the carbs and calories you want until full...and still lose weight.  Stay on board the train headed for...SKINNYTOWN!!!   Let's Do Lunch really works!!!
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

Amen Amen Amen.    Just when you least expect it, HE suddenly moves and your AFLAC check is 2-1/2 times greater than you thought it was going to be! ! !  (you better believe we tithed on that one - big time! ) YAY GOD!
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

Thanks for being excited with me about God's provision! It's so good to be able to share feely here about what God is doing in our lives!

So...I made my version of Gwen's "Beanana Muffins" this morning. I used Gwen's recipe as a rough guide and just sort of winged it as I went along because I was using garbanzo bean flour instead of canned garbanzos...anyway, I just had one with my lunch and OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I could serve these to Vern and he would NEVER know they were made without flour! These are soooo good! A whole new aspect of eating on plan just opened up for me!
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by patsyfay »

Ohhhh, I can't wait to make them.  I think I'll try them for dinner tonight!!
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Saved4Life »

Vernswifevickie wrote:
Here's a cool little story about God's provision to me. I need to have the timing belts on my car changed. I drive a Honda and with honda's the timing belt is done in such a way that if it breaks it almost always destroys the engine. It's slightly overdue for this and I've been a little bit worried about it. It costs around $600.00 to have it done (which also includes changing the water pump because of the way both things are located in the engine) This week when I got my paycheck I was tempted to withhold the tithe and save it toward the timing belts...after all, God would understand...that's what I told myself....BUT, I gritted my teeth and wrote out the check in obedience to the word as I understand it. This morning I woke up early and when I went down to the kitchen to make coffee I found a check on the table that came in yesterday's mail. We overpaid into our escrow account by around $660.00 this past year and the mortgage company sent us a refund. How COOL is that!?

This story is totally awesome...GOD IS SO GOOD...and he blesses is so much when we are obedient to His word!

God Bless You & thank you for that beautiful story!
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by patsyfay »

I had the biscuits for dinner and they were WONDERFUL!!!!  Who would have thought a can of beans could morph into such tasty morsels?  Thanks for posting the recipe.
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

Thanks Doreen...I'm glad you enjoyed hearing my story! I made the appointment to take my car in on Thursday....whoo Hooo!!!

Pat...they are REALLY good aren't they!? I didn't post the recipe though...Gwen did. Who would have thought that they would be this good!?
Wife to Vern
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by EnJae »

But Vickie, could you go to where Gwennie posted the recipe and add a post with the alterations you did? I do not have garbanzo beans. I, too, have garbanzo bean flour; but I wouldn't have a clue how to make the adjustments you made! Please help me out.
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

YAY -- I'M SO GLAD EVERYBODY LIKES THEM ! ! ! *woot*  I guess you could eat the whole batch, if you wanted to, especially if you used egg substitute, or maybe factored in the two eggs as part of your protein intake.

I want to know how you adapted to the garbanzo flour, too.

I split the day-old biscuits and use them for hamburger buns.  Freshly cooked ones are too soft and mash-y.
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