Vickie's Journal

Each member may create a new topic with his or her name on it, to track their daily food intake.
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

Well...we didn't get to go for a ride on the trolley today. Miss Autumn isn't feeling well. She has a cold and is running a slight fever so we stayed home, took tylenol and colored, cut, pasted and glued . Paper, glue sticks, glitter glue, yarn, pipecleaners and crayons and we entertained ourselves all day...LOL  She is sleeping now.

Pat, I know the day is gonna come when, like your grandchildren, she grows up and doesn't want to, or is too far away to hang out with the grandparents on I am cherishing these times with her. She is growing up soooo fast!

Carrole...I love the name Rowan...what a beautiful name! Autumn will be 4 on December about Rowan? I agree.....being a grandmother is the most fun I have ever had in my whole life! Vern and I love being grandparents's just so much fun! I have stayed on plan again today. yay for me!!!
Wife to Vern
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Grandma Honey to lil Miss Autumn
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

Happy Monday!! I've been back on plan for a full week now! Yay!!! Gotta get ready for back later
Wife to Vern
Mom to Chris, Courtney & Colin
Grandma Honey to lil Miss Autumn
Daughter of the King!
Ali B

Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Ali B »

Hi Vickie
You are doing so well. Go for it.
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

Thanks Ali  *hug*

So...I had bananas for breakfast and the rest of the curried pumpkin/butternut squash soup, with a can of butterbeans added, for lunch. Dinner will be "spaghetti"...meat sauce on spaghetti squash.
Wife to Vern
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

Hi Roger!! I am so thrilled that you are able to be here posting more. It just isn't the same here when you're away! Thanks so much for visiting me here in my journal. here I am, still staying on plan and feeling really good about it. It's been good for me to read Roger's advice again around the forum about eating fresh fruits, beans and veggies until they are coming out of our ears. I struggle with feeling guilty about enjoying all the fresh fruits sometimes. Leftover mindset from low carb days...LOL.

I'm trying to incorporate more beans into my diet without causing myself the issues of constipation and gas that I had with them last time. I know that the beans are key in staying full and satisfied. So...I had a can of butterbeans with my soup at lunch yesterday and I pureed a can of great northern beans into my spaghetti sauce last night.  The spaghetti sauce with the beans pureed in it was divine! It gave it a creamy texture that was really good. I didn't tell Vern about the beans and he couldn't tell. He commented that the sauce looked creamy....I said, " must be because I blended the tomatoes in the blender." I just didn't say what I blended them WITH!...LOL...We have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy in our kitchen because he is so weird about what he'll eat. Anyway...the point of that very long story is that I ate beans twice yesterday and so far things are good with my digestive system. I am still supplementing with psyllium husk fiber every morning in a large glass of warm water before I drink my coffee and I think it's helping everything to keep moving along.

Alrighty then...I am going to finish my coffee and get my day started. Here's the plan for today

Pre Breakfast:
large glass of warm water with psyllium husks, 2 mugs of coffee

Breakfast: Bananas

Leftover meatsauce over spaghetti squash

Dinner: ?..probably a smoothie and some popcorn.
Wife to Vern
Mom to Chris, Courtney & Colin
Grandma Honey to lil Miss Autumn
Daughter of the King!

Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Sweet_Pea »

Good afternoon Vickie,

Sounds like you are on track and feeling good, I'm so happy for you.  I had such a hard time with low carb because I love fruit so much and know God made it for us to enjoy.  So this way of eating pleases me.  I wish I could eat grapefruit as  it is one of my favorites but too much acid.  When we were house sitting out in LA a few years ago because our first granddaughter had been born and we wanted to spend some time before coming back home.  A family from our Son's church needed a house sitter during that time so worked out  great for us.  There were orange, grapefruit, avocado, pomegranate, lemon and nut trees on that place and we had a blast eating all the different fruits.  What a great time that was!  Sorry for going down memory lane on your journal.

Hope you and Vern have a great evening.

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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

Vickie - You made it for 7 DAYS ! ! !  Way to go! !  WOO HOO  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup: - Pureed beans in soups and sauces is a great idea.  Isn't it amazing how they just disappear?  Like in the pizza soup  - you would never know it had pureed pinto beans in there.  I have to be careful not to make mine taste like chili & keep it strictly "pizza" flavored.

You have turned the corner and are officially back on the SKINNYTOWN TRAIN !  Speaking of which - has anyone seen Jeanne lately? Or Carolyn?  Or Tom again since he returned from his 2 week business trip? Or Carla, Connie, & Tori?  Come back -- we miss you!

About Stevia - it is not made from artificial ingredients and may not have the same effect on blood sugar as artificial sweeteners.  It comes in so many different forms, though.  The one I have is called Nu-Stevia and is cut with maltodextrin to make it easier to measure.  Roger said it was okay, but I think in large quantities it might have an effect.  I want to look for the pure form, which I understand is many many times sweeter than sugar - something crazy like 100 or 1,000. 

Isn't it great having Roger back, with his support, advice and encouragement? 

Your family pictures are fantastic.  Vern is so handsome and mysterious looking in his cool shades.  And little Autumn - Is she a little flirt or what!  My granddaughter has that little head-tilt down pat, too - whenever the camera comes out.  Aren't they wonderful?!?  You look so cute, like a little elf crouching down with Autumn in the little cave. 

I would love to get your Vern and our Vern (a drummer) and Carolyn and her John together for a Christian jam session.  We should start an LDL band.  Do you play an instrument, Vickie?  I used to play piano but I haven't been able to play since my fingers got all twisted up.  I've been wondering if I could operate an electronic keyboard where you only have to push a couple of buttons & the keyboard does all the work. 

I wonder who else here plays an instrument?  Probably Margo - she's got a thousand talents.  C'mon everyone - we need musicians to play for our next theatrical production!
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by EnJae »


I only buy "KAL"tm brand Stevia; in a little plastic bottle with a red lid. One tiny scoop equals 1 tsp of sugar for sweetness.
I do NOT buy the KAL stevia which comes in individual servings. They cut it with yam powder or inulin (I don't remember which).

It costs over $13 but it has lasted me half a year already and I still have some... (Wow Just think of all the sugary items I would have bought over the last half a year that would have cost so much MORE than $13, if I had never been led to LDL; Praise YHWH!)
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by niki »

Gwennaford wrote:I would love to get your Vern and our Vern (a drummer) and Carolyn and her John together for a Christian jam session.  We should start an LDL band.  Do you play an instrument, Vickie?  I used to play piano but I haven't been able to play since my fingers got all twisted up.  I've been wondering if I could operate an electronic keyboard where you only have to push a couple of buttons & the keyboard does all the work. 

I wonder who else here plays an instrument?  Probably Margo - she's got a thousand talents.  C'mon everyone - we need musicians to play for our next theatrical production!

    music is my ministry.......i play folk guitar and sing..........i've sung with worship teams and the choir....i used to sing for home evangelism,too, with my guitar.....and visit nursing homes.....i've sung in christian coffee houses a few times.....i sing at my little church.............i'm always ready to worship the Lord.................niki
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

Thanks, EnJae - I'll look for KAL brand.  I know it's expensive, but I don't mind paying -- it lasts a LONG time and when you figure the per serving cost - probably not even a penny.  Boy you are absolutely right about how much I spent on sugary snacks pre LDL.  $13 wouldn't last me a week.

Wow, Niki - You, too are a woman of a thousand talents!  I think I knew you play folk guitar, but I forgot.  I just love the sound of acoustic guitar and folk singing.  What are some of your favorite songs?  You should get with Tori or Carolyn or Tom & figure out how to get some recordings posted for us to hear!  Please do.  You can sing at our little church when you & Debbie come to Fla. to stay with me.  Our Vern can play drums for you if you like.  AND you can be interviewed as one of Roger's success stories while you're here.  AND you can go on "Homekeepers" with Little Mary, share your testimony, sing worship songs and cook LDL!

Love, Gwen
Last edited by Gwennaford on November 12th, 2008, 1:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by patsyfay »

On the way to Florida, Niki, you can stop off in Kentucky and I'll sing with you. I love to sing.  When we were younger, my sisters and I sang at church and at school functions quite often.  We still will occasionally break into an old hymn..."In The Garden" is one of my favorites.  Looks like you're going to have a busy 2009. :blink: :shock: :) ;) :shocked: :D
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by niki »

patsyfay wrote:On the way to Florida, Niki, you can stop off in Kentucky and I'll sing with you. I love to sing.  When we were younger, my sisters and I sang at church and at school functions quite often.  We still will occasionally break into an old hymn..."In The Garden" is one of my favorites.  Looks like you're going to have a busy 2009. :blink: :shock: :) ;) :shocked: :D

  you're ABSOLUTELY right :wacko:...........
life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain..
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by niki »

Gwennaford wrote:Wow, Niki - You, too are a woman of a thousand talents!  I think I knew you play folk guitar, but I forgot.  I just love the sound of acoustic guitar and folk singing.  What are some of your favorite songs?  You should get with Tori or Carolyn or Tom & figure out how to get some recordings posted for us to hear!  Please do.  You can sing at our little church when you & Debbie come to Fla. to stay with me.  Our Vern can play drums for you if you like.  AND you can be interviewed as one of Roger's success stories while you're here.  AND you can go on "Homekeepers" with Little Mary, share your testimony, sing worship songs and cook LDL!
Love, Gwen

  i've written maybe a dozen songs, so i do love my own........but, i love "shout to the Lord" and "Jesus, lover of my soul" one job, i sang a few times at barbeques we had outside in the summer for patients and visitors and they let me sing whatever i wanted...i did a few secular songs and ended with spiritual one of them, i had one patient who told me he was going to take me around the country on tour and make me famous....he wanted to know what i was doing working as a nurse.....
  as far as our florida trip is concerned, we better wait and see.....i'm just glad that in heaven i'll sing and that my services as a nurse will NOT be needed................
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

Meanwhile, back at the ranch ...  (he he)

Where's Miss Vickie today?  We've been pre-empting her page.  Hope you had a wonderful day, Vickie!
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie »

Here I am Gwen...right here  :tongue: I've had a busy day and no time to post but I'm glad you guys are all having a party in here and keeping the light on until I get here!

Ok....where to start...Hmmm...well, first thing, I am still on plan and doing good.

Pre Breakfast:
large glass water with psyllium husks added
2 large mugs coffee


1 can corn and 1 can pinto beans mixed
large naval orange
iced herbal tea

Grilled Chicken breast
roasted yellow squash
black beans
iced herbal tea

I think a can of corn and a can of beans mixed together is maybe my favorite, easy to grab on the way out the door, lunch!

Gwen...thanks for the kind words about my pictures. I love that picture of Vern and Autumn together! To answer your question, No, I don't play an instrument. I used to sing a little but I haven't sang for a few years now. I used to lead worship at my old church...but that seems like a lifetime ago! Now Vern is the musician in the family and I am content to worship as part of the congregation.

Niki...I love both of those songs so much! I love worship music more than i can even say!

I wish I would have read all of this before I went to the store this morning! I went to the grand opening of the new Henry's Market in my neighborhood. I usually get my Stevia from the bulk spices aisle there...but they don't have it at the new store. The lady who runs that department assured me that the Nu-Stevia is the same as the stuff I was buying in bulk. But I'm skeptical because the Nu-Stevia is so much cheaper than the bulk stuff...Hmmm...I bought it but we'll see...I don't think it's the same.

OK...I just finished dinner and cleaning the kitchen....i better get off this computer :)
Wife to Vern
Mom to Chris, Courtney & Colin
Grandma Honey to lil Miss Autumn
Daughter of the King!

Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Sweet_Pea »

Sounds like you had a great day!  Mine was busy with two little ones.  I don't think I accomplished much at all and will be the same tomorrow but this weekend our dd's family will be able to move into their home after being with us for almost a year.  I will miss them but should get to see them often and looking forward to having more time to take care of my dh and myself.  I need to get outside and do a little walking.

Vickie, I have so much more energy on this plan then I did the low carb plan, do you see any difference?  I'm so happy to have energy to walk in the stores and out around the yard.  I like this plan a lot.

Have a great day tomorrow.

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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Vernswifevickie » absolutely wonderful that your DD is moving in to her own place. She must be so excited! Walking...I definitely need to get back to walking again. I just haven't been doing it...reading about you getting out to walk is a good reminder for me to get moving again.

I do feel good on this plan. Not only do I feel good physically, I feel good because I KNOW that this is a healthy plan. I always had a nagging doubt when I was low carbing. In the back of my mind I knew that it can't possibly be healthy to eliminate all the wonderful fruits and vegetables that God gave us to enjoy and nourish our bodies with. I have the peace of mind with this plan that I am doing something GOOD for myself. report back...the Nu-Stevia that I bought yesterday was a huge disappointment.  :thumbdown:  It is nothing like the one I was buying in bulk. I'm going to try talking to the manager at the new market to see if they would be willing to stock it again. If not, I'll be getting it at another location. I don't like the taste of the Nu-Stevia, I don't like that it takes a LOT of it to sweeten my coffee, and I can taste the maltodextrin it's cut with...bleck!!!  :sick:

I decided this morning that I am going to start eating my protein meal at lunch just like Roger recommends in his book. I've been trying to have dinner with Vern a few nights a week but I don't like how having my heaviest meal so late in the evening makes me feel. So...I am going to have my heavy protein at lunch and just have soup or fruit or something in the evenings with Vern. I'm sure he doesn't care what I eat as long as he gets his dinner and I sit and eat something with him.

OK...gotta get ready for work.
Wife to Vern
Mom to Chris, Courtney & Colin
Grandma Honey to lil Miss Autumn
Daughter of the King!

Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by Saved4Life »

Hey, if there's going to be singing, count me in....LOVE TO SING FOR THE LORD!! *love*
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Re: Vickie's Journal

Post by niki »

Saved4Life wrote:Hey, if there's going to be singing, count me in....LOVE TO SING FOR THE LORD!! *love*

  AMEN to that.........and if we don't sing together here on earth, i'll meet you in heaven.....................
life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain..
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