EnJae's Journal

Each member may create a new topic with his or her name on it, to track their daily food intake.
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

Hey Carrole;

I'm doing Ok; please don't worry..

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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

26 February 2009

Before Breakfast:

Overslept. Didn't feel right but rushed off to work anyway.

Tried to eat breakfast:
1 clementine, a few bites from an apple.
Couldn't handle anymore.

At noon, after the morning activity I headed back to the office and got sick in the bathroom. Department supervisor sent me home.

I feel awful. Kind of hungry, kind of thirsty. But nothing will stay down. For lunch I had a soft scrambled egg. and a little water. Didn't keep it long.

Heading back to bed.

cup of lactose-free skim milk w/vanilla and Stevia. Took some meds with it. We'll see if I can keep it down.
Last edited by EnJae on February 26th, 2009, 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by 3BOYS »

Sorry your not feeling well, Enjae.  Get some rest, hopefully that will work.

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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by lifegoeson24n7 »


Sounds like even your body is telling you to slow down the pace a bit.  Hope you get some much deserved rest and your body heals, it stinks being sick.

Take care of yourself!

If you fall off the horse, climb right back on!

Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by Sweet_Pea »

Sorry to hear you are sick Enjae

Hope you can take it easy and get back to feeling good.

Hugs, Carrole
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

Jill, I just caught the virus going around the campus I work at.

I'm really not over-worked -- I usually only work 40 hrs a week. I'm just trying to get used to a new job.
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

27 February 2009

[For those who read this on a much later date, this is not a normal menu for me, I'm sick.]

1 cup of coffee, sipped over an hour.

soft scrambled egg, water

very small bowl of dark brown rice and a couple of ounces of diet Dr. Pepper to settle my stomach.

Throughout the day I sipped on water, took medicine.
I have not thrown-up since before lunch. I think I am on the mend.
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by graceface66 »

Hi EnJae
    So sorry you are sick.........if you have any fresh ginger in the house...put a slice in your water with a little sweetner...helps with nausea. You can also steep in in tea if you want a hot drink.

  Hope you feel better soon my friend
If thou shalt confess with your mouth the L-rd Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that G-d hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Roman's 10:9-10
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by robnveronica »

hEY nj.... I too hope you're feeling better. I've been sick w/ cold but feel fairly well. (better now) Been off puter cuz internet modem crashed then puter crashed and just finally got back connected. take care of yourself
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

Kris, you look really pretty!  Love your new picture.
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

28 February 2009
I'm doing better today.


Before Breakfast:

eggs, water

beans, corn, water

steak, black-eyed peas, grilled peppers and onions, salad, popcorn, water
Last edited by EnJae on March 1st, 2009, 10:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

1 March 2009

orange, apple, banana, water

Stuffed bell pepper, 'refried' beans, chips (shouldn't have, didn't eat many) and salsa, water

corn, green beans, water
Last edited by EnJae on March 1st, 2009, 10:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

2 March 2009

Breakfast #1:
ate a clementine, eggs, refried beans

This morning after I donate platelets I will eat more fruit and drink a cup of coffee

[Yep. That's what I did....]
Breakfast #2:
orange, apple, banana, water, coffee

fried chicken breast with the skin removed, green beans, corn on the cob, iced tea with Stevia

Supper #1:
grilled chicken breast, water

Went to first session of music class

Supper #2:
corn and salad, water

hot tea with Stevia
Last edited by EnJae on March 2nd, 2009, 11:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

3 March 2009

Before: Breakfast:

orange, apple, banana, eggs, water

chili w/beans, water

Chili again, romaine lettuce for salad, water
Last edited by EnJae on March 4th, 2009, 12:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by Sweet_Pea »

Under your picture it says, "Soon I will weigh less than 200"  My that sounds wonderful to me, a long way down the road but I have hope to reach that someday.

Have a great day at work and God bless you.

Hugs, Carrole
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

hugs back Carrole
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

It is SO nice to get some sleep!!!!
I went to bed at 8:30 last night (and set my clock ahead one hour). I got a full 8 hours of sleep! no waking up for an hour or two in the middle of the night.

I finally feel rested! And I have today and tomorrow off.

On Sundays my church family gets together for worship and for lunch. This afternoon I'll sleep if I feel like I need to, or go grocery shopping if I still feel rested. Then this evening I'll be with church folks again for worship and supper. Then if I slept all afternoon, I'll get the shopping done tonight; or if I shopped this afternoon, I'll relax this evening....

Tomorrow I'll probably get up between 5:30 and 6:30 to feed the dogs and let them out and in again, probably get my coffee then, too. But after that! instead of getting around for work or for an appointment, I get to GO BACK TO BED until 9am. WHOO-HOO!
I have a RedHat's luncheon at 11am. My friend will be out of town (picking up her step-daughter for SpringBreak) so I won't be running around with her all afternoon taking her 2 home-schooled daughters to their martial arts and music lessons. So I have the afternoon to rest also. Then my music lesson at 5pm, supper at 6:15 and a meeting at 7pm.
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

Oops, I forgot to list my foods on my last post...
8 March 2009

Before Breakfast:

Big Breakfast:
clementines, apple, eggs, oats soaked in lactose-free skim milk, water and vitamins

corn, water, vitamins

No supper:
pain-killer and water
Last edited by EnJae on March 9th, 2009, 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by thyroid »

NJ you sure are busy, you will be under 200# before you know it. Keep up the good work. ;D

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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by Gwennaford »

Isn't REST a wonderful relief?!  I went through a couple of years of never being able to sleep horizontally, for a variety of physical reasons.  I can totally empathize & I'm very happy for you about this. 

I haven't found a Red Hat group to meet with yet, but I'm looking forward to it.  What kinds of activities do you have in your group?

What kind of music are you studying? 

I fool around with the idea of taking piano lessons again.  I became fairly adequate at classical piano, especially after I discovered Van Cliburn in the 70's.  But I only learned to read the music and never was very fast at sight-reading because my teacher believed in training muscle memory through repetition.  That's what she called "learning" a piece.  She would never cop to the memorization part.  So I never learned the mechanics of how music actually works, so I could never understand how to chord the way the blues artists do.  I saw a piano guy on an infomercial selling a system teaching that.  I wish I had gotten it.
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