Ona's Journal

Each member may create a new topic with his or her name on it, to track their daily food intake.
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Ona's Journal

Post by onafox »

No one else to talk to so I will talk to myself. 
I have dieted off and on forever.  I am 53 and need to get some of the weight off. My sister said that I looked like Tweedle-Dum so that was it.  I am dieting seriously now....    I ran across LDL in a grocery store and here I am.

Today I weigh 201.5  That is less than I have weighed in a few years.  Just to break through the 200 will be Mah-ve-lus
Where's the Beans?

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Re: Ona's Journal

Post by t-rock »

Hi Ona:

No need to talk to yourself on these boards, there are plenty of really amazing people who will always give you feedback, encouragement, and support.  I wish you the best in your LDL journey, it's been an incredible find !

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Re: Ona's Journal

Post by Jazmyn »

ok the tweedle dum comment got my attention! Welcome to the boards where tons of support and the possibilities of new friendships awaits you.

You can get below that 200 mark in a heartbeat! No worries...and you are going to feel sooooooooooooooo darn good eating this way! The energy and the stable blood sugar..wow what a difference it makes. Not to even mention no cravings. Hello!? I have not had butter in almost a month....that is just UNHEARD of!  :laughing:

This has been the very best thing..welcome to the group!

~Jazmyn  *love*
Start Date 5/18/09
6/18/09 ~ 13lbs gone
7/18/09 ~ 5lbs gone
8/18/09 ~ 7lbs gone
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11/18/09 ~ 2lbs gone
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Re: Ona's Journal

Post by onafox »

Thank you for the kind remarks.  I have been pretty good and I find that I am craving fruits and water.  Also unheard of.  I love being able to eat the beans.
I gained a few pounds but I think it is waterweight from the seasalt on the popcorn.
Where's the Beans?

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Re: Ona's Journal

Post by mamavan »

Welcome Ona! You're never alone here. I've only been doing this for two weeks and I can't believe how good I feel and the LDL community is so wonderful. My biggest problem was SWEETS. And for the life of me I can't manage to get those 8 cups of water down me that other diets say you need. I have not had any sweets for two weeks other than fruit (and believe me, in the past, fruit to me was not a SWEET). I can manage maybe 1 or 2 bottles of spring water during the day, but I think w/all the fruit I'm eating I'm probably getting enough water. In less than two weeks, I feel so great! I've lost a few pounds too.

I have a younger sister...and she is and always has been the SKINNY one! She has always been thin and I have always struggled w/my weight. And whenever I mention that I'm trying to lose weight...I get, "Me too, I need to lose 5 lbs. so badly." Five pounds! I can lose that by taking off my shoes - lolol :laughing:. I know she means well, but she and others don't have a clue as to how hard it is for those of us trying to lose weight. This time....I haven't told anyone that I've found this amazing way of eating/living...I'm looking forward to going to a family event or function in a few months...and people looking at the new me and gasping! My first event, is in a few weeks and I won't have lost a lot of weight by then, but I'm sure my family will notice something (people at work have commented that I've been looking great...LDL). I'm hoping to be an inspiration to my favorite aunt. She's been seriously overweight for most of her life and we all worry about her. We're having a surprize 70th b'day party for her in two weeks. If I succeed on LDL she willl want to know how I did it and I believe she will be able to do this.

Good luck and much success to you on your weight loss journey! *love*
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Re: Ona's Journal

Post by onafox »

It sounds like you are really doing well.
I am working out on the Wii Fit Active and at least I am moving.  I need to cut down on the popcorn, though.  It is such a great thing to eat my favorite foods.  Beans and popcorn.  Not a high maintenance person here....
Where's the Beans?

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Re: Ona's Journal

Post by onafox »

198.8  198.8  198.8

I love this diet.  My husband is losing weight. My sister is losing weight.  And, best of all, I AM LOSING WEIGHT!

I know that I have a long ways to go, but it is coming off and I am never hungry or fighting cravings.  The husband is eating fruit at night (who'da thunk it?).  Wow.

Thank heavens I saw the magazine article to give me the oomph to do this!
Where's the Beans?

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Re: Ona's Journal

Post by patsyfay »

Sounds like you're all off to a great start!!  Isn't LDL great?  Who would have thought we could eat this way and still lose weight.  I know what you mean about your husband...mine will eat fruit at night, too.
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