Scared to hope

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Scared to hope

Post by bowe »

I keep reading about everyone's successes, but I am almost afraid to hope that it might work for me. I started LDL when I read about it in First magazine. My scales were not working (needed a battery) so I really don't know what I weighed. After about 2 weeks, I got a new battery for the scale and had a "starting point." I need to lose a hundred pounds. How overwhelming to think about. But, in the 3 or 4 weeks that I have followed the plan, I think I have only lost 2 or 3 pounds.
I am a diabetic, and I have found that I cannot eat fruit at night without having my glucose levels shoot up. So I try to get beans and veggies at night.
So, if a food cop would look over my food journals to see if I am following the guidelines, I would be so grateful. I really want (and need) to be successful. I will appreciate any help or suggestions.  My book came yesterday and I am reading it tonight. But I think I have the basics of the program already from the posts I have been reading.
Today's menu:
Breakfast- Sliced peaches
Lunch- chicken, broccoli, grilled onions, grilled squash (stir fried in EEOV)
Snack- popcorn (popped in a hot air popper)
Dinner- corn on cob with ICBINB spray, can of V8
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Re: Scared to hope

Post by mom »

your food choices look really good, just make sure that every time you are hungry you eat until you are full.  as a diabetic, the weight may be slower to come off.  and to combat those blood sugar spikes with fruit in the evening, I add a half can or can of butter or white beans to my smoothys.  It seems to prevent the spike, because of the complex carbs in the beans.  my only other piece of advice, from one newbie to another is to stay off the scale for the first month, the first week or two you lose mostly water weight, and that can fluctuate greatly from one person to another.  God bless your journey, and enjoy ldl
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Re: Scared to hope

Post by Ritarh »

Hi Bowe,  it looks like you are doing great.  I just started 3 weeks ago myself and I threw my scale away after what happened yesterday (you'll have to read my post).  My clothes are looser and I feel really good, so I know I am doing the right thing and I am not going to give up.  I am not going to let the numbers beat me down if they are not what I think they should be.  I just want to be healthier and if I lose weight in the process then that will be great.

You will be amazed at how great you are going to feel.  Keep up the good work and I look forward to getting to know you better as the weeks go by.  Welcome aboard our skinny train to success!!

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Re: Scared to hope

Post by julie409 »

Hi bowe,

Welcome to LDL!  I know how insidious a disease Diabetes can be.  And MOM is right, your weight loss will be slower bc of this condition.  If you keep reading the boards, you will find some kindred spirits that have discussed the same thing. You may wish to post a new topic about Diabetes and LDL and ask for input and tips. I am sure you will get a lot of great input. Everyone here is so loving and supportive.  *love*

It looks to me like your food choices are right but you are definitely not eating enough food.  You need to eat to increase your metabolism. Also I know that Roger doesn't really talk about drinking water, but I think it is incredibly important. I have read that it increases your metabolism as well. So, maybe that would help.

I also have 100 lbs to lose (well, less now that I have been on LDL for 3 weeks  :thumbsup: ) and am trying not to even focus on that. I have been searching and praying for a new way to "be"  I didn't want another diet to add to the endless list of plans that only worked for a while bc my cravings never left. I wanted a new and HEALTHY way to eat so that even when I reach what I think is my end goal, it will not be an end, just a continuation for the rest of my life. (forevah and evah!)

So many of us have noticed incredible health benefits and you WILL too! :D  Just stick with it, stick with us and know that you have found a new family that will support you no matter what the scale reads. You need to do this for YOU!

Let us know how you are doing!
Julie :rose:
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Re: Scared to hope

Post by julie409 »

Hey bowe,

I just read a new topic in the Personal Success Stories section under theTopic newbie from Renobabe . If you can find a few minutes please go there and chat with her. She also has Diabetes and has had great success in a short time.

If you look under her name on the left there are little icons that allow you to send a personal message if you would like your questions to be private.

Julie :rose:
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Re: Scared to hope

Post by bowe »

Thank you all for the encouragement and good ideas. I will try the beans with the smoothie to see if that helps.  I will try to stay off the scales for 2 more weeks (when I will have been on the program 4 weeks after knowing my true weight). I will read the posts that you all suggested. 
I cannot tell you who much it meant to me for each of you to take the time to respond and encourage me.
I guess I was letting the numbers control my emotions. The LDL makes sense to me and I like the "back to nature" emphasis. I have not had a craving for anything sweet since following the plan, so that is a big plus.  And my glucose levels have dropped some, so that is another biggie for me. And since I live in a farm community, I have access to lots of fresh veggies. And my grocery bill has gone down in the past few weeks because beans are so much cheaper than meat! So, there are a lot of positives in spite of the weight not melting off of me as I had hoped. Thanks again for the support.  God bless you all.         
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Re: Scared to hope

Post by Eljayne »

Hi Bowe and welcome!  Just adding my 2 cents worth as well. I've been here since May 26th and also have about 100 #'s to lose - I'm in the "200 and plenty" club headed to ONEderland. I used to refer to my weight as ahundredandplenty which I thought was kind of funny but twohundredand plenty has not been fun. Looking forward to getting back below 200. This is a great BB and everyone here is very helpful and honest about helping us out when we get off track our our food journals indicate we might be headed for trouble. Enjoy the ride to skinnytown!  Eljayne
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Re: Scared to hope

Post by Honeygram »

Hey, Bowe,

I have been on the diet for a month and lost 8.2 lbs, averaging a couple of lbs. per week.  I have tried many diets with NO success, but this is the one that fits my current busy life style with a desk job and tons of paperwork day and night.  AND IT WORKS!  I don't loveto cook either so throwing a smoothie together when I come home is great.  Actually, I will fix my husband supper which is tomorrow's lunch for me.  I love simple, easy, quick recipes and have found them on this site.

This messageboard is also a Godsend for support.  You are not alone.  You have joined the LDL gang and we are in this together.  Best wishes!

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Re: Scared to hope

Post by GEM »

bowe wrote:Thank you all for the encouragement and good ideas. I will try the beans with the smoothie to see if that helps.  I will try to stay off the scales for 2 more weeks (when I will have been on the program 4 weeks after knowing my true weight). I will read the posts that you all suggested. 
I cannot tell you who much it meant to me for each of you to take the time to respond and encourage me.
I guess I was letting the numbers control my emotions. The LDL makes sense to me and I like the "back to nature" emphasis. I have not had a craving for anything sweet since following the plan, so that is a big plus.  And my glucose levels have dropped some, so that is another biggie for me. And since I live in a farm community, I have access to lots of fresh veggies. And my grocery bill has gone down in the past few weeks because beans are so much cheaper than meat! So, there are a lot of positives in spite of the weight not melting off of me as I had hoped. Thanks again for the support.  God bless you all.         

Sounds like you just talked yourself into staying around LDL for a good long while (with a little help from your friends. :tongue:)  That makes you one smart cookie!  Corn Thin, I meant to write Corn Thin!  You're one smart Corn Thin.


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Re: Scared to hope

Post by julie409 »

Funny, Gem!

Julie :rose:
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Re: Scared to hope

Post by GEM »

julie409 wrote:Funny, Gem!

Julie :rose:

Hey Julie...fancy meeting you here.  We're two weeks into the T-Tapping.  Any thoughts?

Speaking of thoughts, I try not to ever miss one of your posts.  Talk about one smart Corn Thin!  You're the woman!  And your heart's as big as your brain.  :rose:  :angel:  Did you ever start that new thread about visualization, etc?


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Re: Scared to hope

Post by t-rock »

Hi Bowe:

You have gotten me thinking.  I wonder if we are not scared of failure but actually afraid of success.  I myself have secretly held my weight responsible for anything that has not worked out the way I feel it should.  Did I miss a job opportunity because of my weight ?  Did I not get promoted because of my weight ?  Did I flub a presentation because of my weight ?  WHEN we are all at our ideal weight, there is nothing to hide  behind and maybe, just maybe, we will actually realize how incredible we have been all along, thick or thin...or maybe, just maybe, we have realized it because of our commitment to LDL, and the two go hand in hand. 

Just some random thoughts. 

Stay with it.  You can make it.  You have everything to gain: health, a smaller version of you, and a support system here at LDL that will make a difference. 

Take care,

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Re: Scared to hope

Post by julie409 »

HI Gem, I did, but nobody posted.  Maybe it was too much work  :D

I will post on the t tapping thread later.

Good to see you on.  

Julie :rose:
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Re: Scared to hope

Post by julie409 »


You are absolutely correct.  We want to hide so much we pack on an extra 100 lbs to keep our distance (or whatever the weight is--- but I am struck my how many of us have over 100 lbs to lose).  There are a lot of posts about shedding things as the weight is shed; large clothing ---- and pants burning  ;D, tossing old diet books at magazine editors, cleaning out closets, getting new haircuts, pills tossed into the trash. I think that all of these things are just a cathartic cleansing that allows us to emerge into our new selves - fully exposed (well maybe not fully --hopefully we have replaced the old large clothing with newer slimmer styles). It can be scary. That is why I believe the support we all give to each other is so incredibly important.

Thanks for the insight.

Love you all  *love*

Julie :rose:
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