EnJae's Journal

Each member may create a new topic with his or her name on it, to track their daily food intake.
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by mom »

But you did so well, I'll bet everyone envied you your corn thins, they are soooo.... good. *love* :thumbsup:
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

YAY! The CornThins are in at the store where they were previously sold out.!

22 June 2009
Forgot to eat.

2 CornTins with a thin layer of soynut butter. Water

Didn't have time at the normal time. At VERY late.
pinto beans, egg drop soup. tea.


steak, mixed vegetables. water, hot tea
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by GEM »

Call me obtuse, (call me anything, just call me) but it never dawned on me that you journaled, NJ.  When I saw your name I thought I'd better come by and see how the headache was mending.  (Visiting a sick friend...  And you thought I just braked to make an emergency potty break, didn't you?)  You're thrilled to have Corn Thins:  I'm thrilled Megamart finally got in butter beans.  Ldl's creating all kinds of unimagined shortages.  Beans, for heaven's sake.  What store doesn't have beans?  (Don't answer in you usual fashion, "Megamart," NJ, though it is your journal and I suppose you've a right to answer any way you want, or even not at all, or maybe make just a partial reply, or just shrug your shoulder and give a noncommital grin... :wacko:)  You don't suppose the insiders are manipulating the market, do you, NJ, creating artificial shortages to drive up prices?

I've got to go call a broker and see about investing in bean futures...hope I don't have to sell short on the pork bellies!



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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

GEM wrote:(Don't answer in you usual fashion, "Megamart," NJ, though it is your journal and I suppose you've a right to answer any way you want, or even not at all, or maybe make just a partial reply, or just shrug your shoulder and give a noncommital grin... :wacko:)

Hey "Obtuse";
I started reading and in the appropriate spot I totally said "Megamart" and then finished reading. HAHAHA You're hilarious in my journal....

I had a problem with being mentally fuzzy ALL weekend. Could never quite pull myself together. Now my work-week has begun (Tuesday-Saturday) and I am very off-balance. Unhappy. Sad with no exact reason. Tired...
But I went to work anyway and pulled it off. Acted as if nothing was wrong. Nobody seemed to notice how out of sorts I am today, so I guess I hid it well.

23 June 2009
apple, orange, banana, water, coffee

Steak bits and stir-fried vegetables leftover from my local Japanese "cook-it-in-front-of-you" restaurant. Water to drink.

At 3:30pm I was feeling bad and asked my shift-leader if I could take a moment to check my blood-sugar. It was LOW. I ate a glucose tablet.  Tastes just like candy; I'm just trying to include it here and explain the off-plan-ness of it. Medical excuse...

I am eating more protein right now because I am so low on energy.
I expect to go to my local chicken house and get roasted chicken breast, pinto beans, green beans and corn. I'll probably drink iced tea sweetened with Stevia.

I am SO TIRED. Work was tough today.

And I am so emotional and easily offended the last couple of days, too.
:'( :blush: :sleep: :poo: :sad: :thumbdown: *grrr* :wacko: :yawn:
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by niki »

EnJae wrote:At 3:30pm I was feeling bad and asked my shift-leader if I could take a moment to check my blood-sugar. It was LOW.

nj...how low was your blood sugar?...i believe you're a diabetic....i think you're a borderline one............i might be wrong.....i thought you once posted that you had had elevated blood sugars right before starting let's do lunch........at least, that's what i remember.....are you on medication?
life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...it's about learning to dance in the rain..
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

No worries niki. My doctor is keeping up with me. 

He and I both thought I was a full-blown diabetic. But I finally got insurance and he ran the tests. I am borderline. Headed that way. Now is a great time to catch it.

No medication yet. He's having me go in and weigh and run blood tests over the next few weeks and months.
If 'my' way of eating and exercising take care of things. Then he'll let me continue. If things don't improve then he'll take over.

Basically, I was cheating quite a bit through the first part of May. Mother issues.

Now I am on track and eating well. Working HARD physically at work and walking 'Reo when I have any strength left.

Yesterday I didn't eat right (not wrong, just forgot some important meal-times, so my blood sugar dropped. Still recovering today.

But me and 'Reo and LDL are going to get things under control and impress my doctor.
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by GEM »

EnJae wrote:
GEM wrote:(Don't answer in you usual fashion, "Megamart," NJ, though it is your journal and I suppose you've a right to answer any way you want, or even not at all, or maybe make just a partial reply, or just shrug your shoulder and give a noncommital grin... :wacko:)

Hey "Obtuse";
I started reading and in the appropriate spot I totally said "Megamart" and then finished reading. HAHAHA You're hilarious in my journal....

I had a problem with being mentally fuzzy ALL weekend. Could never quite pull myself together. Now my work-week has begun (Tuesday-Saturday) and I am very off-balance. Unhappy. Sad with no exact reason. Tired...
But I went to work anyway and pulled it off. Acted as if nothing was wrong. Nobody seemed to notice how out of sorts I am today, so I guess I hid it well.


I love you as the "coconut blond."  I love you as "NJ."  You can be yourself with me, and it won't change my feelings one iota.  A mask gets very heavy to wear at times.  I should know!  But now that you know there's a physical reason for much of what you feel, you can start working on your emotional response to your body's needs.  It's that holistic thing.  You'll manage.  I believe in you.


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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

I'm thinking more clearly today. So I reread your post and realized I mis-read. "How low was your blood-sugar...?" is not the same as "How is your low blood-sugar...?"
It was 74. I get really nauseous and shaky at 70. Used to run as high as 230. Lately I've been steady between 90 and 110. I just didn't eat at the right times on Monday and knocked it askew.

Little Mary;
I have mentioned that Thanksgiving through May 8th is the worst time for me as far as sticking to LDL.
I am now in the good days.
I'm not leaving LDL. I'm not suicidal. I HAVE had a problem in the past with depression and I think that's what happened again over the last few days.
Worked entirely too hard last week; didn't get rested; had a tiff with some friends on Friday and Saturday; didn't eat right on Monday; something happened to my brother on the job Monday (I can't go into the few details I am privy to, but it really disturbed me, what little bit I knew).
All that affected my Tuesday drastically. But I am feeling better physically, emotionally and mentally this morning. And my brother told me things are under control for him. (Still no details but his eyes were confident.)  :)

This morning is fine. I'm happy again. I love my job.

Thanks. Your creativity online makes me feel homey. I appreciate you and your offer.

Ya'll; I have more to say but I have 8 minutes to get out the door for work. And today is an 8a-8pm day (with 2 full hour meal breaks.) I gota go.
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

Today was a 12 hr day. I'm done.
Gonna head to bed soon.
Then work 4 hours tomorrow morning. Then MY weekend begins. (I get 2.5 days off most weeks. I work Saturday morning; then I'm off till Tuesday morning.)
Good night All!
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by margo »

you deserve a good rest....but don't forget to eat!!
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

Hey Margo, thanks for visiting.
Yes, I sleep a lot over the weekends just to catch up to myself.
Still a little tired this morning. I'm headed to be with my church family. After church we usually eat out together.
Then it's home again for a long nap!
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by GEM »


Hey Lady,

Drop by the front porch come sunset, and enjoy the patriotic musical selections what we've put together for the 4th of July.  I thinks you'll be especially moved by the ending of the Red Skelton skit, but all of Julie's (MrsJ) and Terry's selections is exceptional.  The watermelon's iced, grapes are frozen, "buttered" popcorn's spilling out of a big ole washtub, the glider's been oiled, the hammock's restrung, the chains are secure on the porch swing, steps are swept, and there's a stack of quilts heaped on the lawn for a spreadin' out under the stars, and a watchin' the fireworks over the river.  Do come, an' bring along a pitcher of what's your flavor--I got plenty of ice--and your guests is a welcome!


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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by mom »

Just stopped by to say hello, and am glad to see that you are feeling better, also hope that you are getting some well deserved rest, either at home or on Gems front porch, or try out her new swing, it is so cool there, I actually dozed off there one day instead of going to bed.  Ldl will keep your blood sugars in much better control, if they are anything like mine, if you have some difficulty with lows after having a fruit smoothie, adding beans to the fruit helps to even things out a bit.  *hug*
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by Shera »

Hi NJ,
I just been missing you......
Hope you are getting rested up and feeling fine.
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by GEM »

Hey, you coconut blonde!  :angel:  I've been missin' you, so much so that I'm even gettin' careless about leavin' misplaced modifiers around for you to snatch up and point out.  I left you that perfectly good one about restin' my eyes on Mom's chaise, just a knowin' you was a gonna jump out of hidin' an' ask me where I was a restin' the rest of my body.  You're a makin' me nervous, and a stiltin' my writin'.  Come out, come out, whereever you is!!!  :tongue:  :kissed:


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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »


I was on vacation!
I'm back now.
Worked 8-5 today and I'll work 8-8 tomorrow. So don't expect too much from me for a couple of days. Give me a chance to rest up from my trip. I'm beat.
Happy Days Everybody!
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by aaa »

Dear NJ, I was missing you too. Was wondering where you have been. I'm way behind on my posts and need to update my food journal also.  Glad you were on vacation and not working... So how was your trip?! Where did you spend your vacation?! Share the good news.  Anyway, welcome back.  Love and prayers, Annamaria
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Re: EnJae's Journal

Post by EnJae »

I'm scared to say where I went!
I KNEW there would be LDLers along m path but I also KNEW that my boss only gave me 7 days to drive like crazy through 7 states that I had not yet visited....

Ok. I'm gonna 'fess up and let the blows fall where they might...

I (we) drove from Abilene, Tx to Paola, KS and spent the night at my "nephew"'s home.
[I put that in quotes because he is a grown man who had a step mother only 12 years older than himself. Well, she was widowed a few years ago and, even though she is not much older than he is, she has still been there since he was a kid so she's his MOM. And now she has made me very happy by marrying my older brother a week before my birthday. So that makes her grown step-son my nephew....]

My brother and sister-in-law stayed in Kansas while my foster-brother and I headed out the next morning for Missouri. My memory fails me a bit here, but I think we slept in north Iowa (perhaps it was south Minnesota) that second night.

Next day we drove through Minneapolis/St.Paul (visited Mall of America) and stopped in Hudson Wisconsin for the night. Watched fire works there that folks were setting off in their yards... BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday am we made it to St Cloud, MN for church then kept driving.
Just barely nicked North Dakota, then dropped down into South Dakota. Seems like we slept somewhere in south South Dakota. But again, I was tired of sitting in the car and began losing track of where I was whenever we'd stop at a hotel for the night....
The highway we were following gave us a quick detour into Nebraska. We ended up back at Paola, KS by Monday evening.

Then the next morning Brother, SisNLaw, foster-brother and I headed out again for home. Three minutes after hitting the highway and getting up to speed, my passenger-side rear tire blew. SCARYY!!!  We unloaded the trunk, took off the tire, put on the 'donut', reloaded the trunk and limped back to town. Found a wonderful tire man! Anyone needing a tire in Paola, KS look up Lonny Brewer! Good man!
We got back on the road and drove all day.

About 3 hours from home we stopped to gas up again and load up on snacks at a convenience store. I needed to 'go' pretty badly so I didn't even grab my purse when I got out; just ran for the potty-room.
When I came out I bought some tomato juice and went to the car where we discovered that my foster-brother had locked his set of my keys in the car.
No problem, I'll just get my set out  of  my    purse.... Aw MAN!!! ("Where's your spare key?" "In my purse with my regular keys."...) 3 sets of keys locked in the car, 3 hours from home. UGH!

We all tried for awhile to break in. Bent hanger wouldn't work my door locks. Finally got a recommendation from the store clerk and called a locksmith. He told us how much. We all said "Whoa! Are YOU Serious?!!" Then we said "Ok. Yes. We have no other option."
Here's the tricky part. Somehow us saying "Yes" sounded to his clerk like "Hmm, let us think about it and call you back."
We waited quite awhile (more) and then SisNLaw called again. That's when we found out they were waiting for us to call back. ?!?!
Waited another 1/2 hour. The guy got into my car within 3 seconds! We paid him the outrageous amount and thanked him kindly and headed home.
An 11 hour trip took 16.5 hours...

Ok, everyone who lives in the states I went through, feel free to yell at me now...
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