Apples and Heartburn

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Apples and Heartburn

Post by Janel »

dear People of the LDL community,
My mom has asked me to post some thing here about eating Apples for Heart burn and acid reflux. 

I read a news paper article last year about how eating apples help with heartburn.  I can tell you for sure that it does work.  I eat apples all the time.  It is best to eat the apples with their peals.  But if you can not get apples fresh even apple sauce helps to kill the burn.  I do have a stomach problem and was on heartburn meds for years.  After eating apples for a few weeks when I had break thorough heart burn I stopped the meds.  I now eat at least an apple a day.  I eat them when I have the heart burn until it goes away.  I  eat them when I know that i might even have a chance of having heart burn for I do love my hot and spicy foods.  I take them with me every where I go .  People at Church call me the apple girl because i always have them with me .  I'm a diabetic as well and the apples do help with the blood sugar lows I have every once in a while. 

To think I got all this relieve from a piece of fruit and that from reading the newspaper.  God is good to give us this mericale fruit.

write if you want to talk about it.
Happy eating,
janel ;D :thumbsup: :drool:
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Re: Apples and Heartburn

Post by tprouty »

You're fast!  ;)  Thanks for posting this. Several people have been tossing the topic back and forth recently, and I know the apples have helped you a LOT. And the apples taste so much better than apple cider vinegar!  ;D (which helps, too). I would rather eat apples until they're coming out my ears than take the medications that can trash other parts of my system.

Enjoy your Fuji's!

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Re: Apples and Heartburn

Post by Bethann »

Thanks for posting this!  :rose:
I have been eating more apples lately and I have been doing better!
Maybe I will become an apple girl too!  :)

Also for some reason I feel more satisfied when I eat an apple!  :happy:

Bethann  :thumbsup:
Last edited by Bethann on April 6th, 2010, 1:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Apples and Heartburn

Post by LINDA RN »

Eating apples more frequently will also drop your weight because they are filling, and for the same reason the grapes worked for Roger: fresh fruit is just a better snack, more nutrition, less calories, less hunger.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Apples and Heartburn

Post by Janel »

Your welcome ladies,
I do have to tell you that one of my freinds that has been going through cancer treatment and takes pepcid for her haert burn had an apple the other day to get rid of the heartburn and guess what ,  IT WORKED. I have been telling her for almost a year about and and she swore by pepcid that, that was the only way to get rid of her heart burn, she was so surpised it worked she now eats more of them.  with all the drugs in her the apples are more benifit to her then any thing else she could eat or drink to take care of the heart burn.
enjoy those apples,
the apple girl
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Re: Apples and Heartburn

Post by wendysgoodnews »

Thanks again janel
I have been eating my apples everyday and I have not had any tummy problems.  Works wonders!
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Re: Apples and Heartburn

Post by kwilliams »

I would much rather put something natural and fresh in my body than take medicine.  Ldl and the message boards are so helpful! :thumbsup:
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