Jennie's Journal

Each member may create a new topic with his or her name on it, to track their daily food intake.
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Jennie's Journal

Post by jencita »

Well I decided to start journaling the food I eat. When I read other journals it seems like they eat a lot less than I do. I am going to post what I ate yesterday
Breakfast: refried beans, 2 eggs
Lunch: grapes, chili with meat, apple
Dinner: grapes, 2 corn thins with polander blueberry jelly, popcorn

Breakfast: refried beans, 2 eggbeaters
Lunch: grapes, might make some soup today
Dinner: popcorn, apple is the plan

Will challenge my son to the Wii Just Dance game to get moving
The one thing I forget to do is drink water - goal is to have at least 1 glass of water today!
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by wendysgoodnews »

Your journal looks good. 
I have never done the wii before but I hear it is fun and definately alot of excersize so have fun.
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by jencita »

Well I was bad and didn't do the Wii yesterday
breakfast - refried beans with 2 eggbeaters
lunch: grapes, pizza soup
snack: grapes & apple, and 2 corn thins with polander jelly
dinner:  went to Bob Evans ate - bean soup, fruit bowl and salad

Did drink one glass of water

Today will be a challenge because going to a Halloween party tonight
Breakfast: refried beans with 2 eggbeaters
lunch: apple, pizza soup
dinner: depends what is available at the party

Last night I dreamt that someone brought a pastry tray to the party and I decided to go off this eating plan and I ate, and ate, and ate those wonderful pastries - It was a great dream and when I woke up I was so satisfied :angel:
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by wendysgoodnews »

I remember having a dream about eating goodies in the beginning also.  Thank goodness that went away with the cravings. 
How do you like the pizza soup?  That is one of my favorite but I haven't made it in a while so will have to do that for next week.  You meals look great.
Just remember before going to the party to eat lots of fruit and whatever else to be nice and full.  That way when you get there you won't be tempted by all those non-LDL foods.  It really works!
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by jencita »

Thanks for the advice Wendysgoodnews! I actually made a giant fruit salad so I can eat until full before the party. I actually loved the Pizza soup. I wasn't sure I would because I don't normally like tomato based soups. I didn't put the green peppers in it just because I didn't have any and I used real diced tomatos because I didn't have the canned - half of my kids like, the other half wouldn't even try it.  I went to get out my polander jelly today - I just bought it yesterday and there was only like a tsp left. Here my husband loved it so much, he used almost the entire jar on his peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Next time I will hide it!
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by LINDA RN »

Or send him to the store to buy a case of it! If he had to pay for the amount he puts on a PB&J sandwich he will leave it alone. If the price is not an issue for him, let him buy it and everyone will be eating a little healthier!
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by jencita »

LOL if my husband even bought one small jar of teh polander jelly at $2.79, I think he would stop eating it!
Well I did fine at my challenge yesterday - I wasn't tempted at the sweets - only the pizza!  I ate a bowl of fruit before going and while I was there I had 4 slices of apple, 2 carrot sticks, 2 thincrisps with hummus!

Today we are celebrating 3 birthdays - My husband Mikes, my grandaughter Aiyannas and my future son-in-law Jared.  I am making chicken and dumplings for dinner which I won't be able to eat. Thankfully we ordered store bought cake which I don't care for anyway.  Some of my nursing students are doing their internship today at Wadsworth hospital so I have to drive out there (Yuck over an hour drive) to check on them so I might stop and get a chipotle bowl which will fill me all day long.

Breakfast: banana (no time for anything else)
Lunch: chipotle bowl with chicken, black and pinto beans, mild salsa and corn salsa, cheese, and lettuce
dinner: fruit, maybe popcorn later
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by MsHeirloom »

Jencita- The next time we do an Ohio luncheon, we hope you can come and share your progress!  Doing well; keep it up!  Pam
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by LINDA RN »

Wow, Jencita, Wadsworth? That is where my family moved to from Barberton. Have a brother and sister and a niece living in Wadsworth. My brother's daughter just graduated from Capital School of Nursing and is working at Children's in Columbus!
I have been mentoring Nursing students also at the Indian Hospital here in Oklahoma. Small world!
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by jencita »

Wow, yes it is Linda. I am teaching at Bryant and Stratton College in Parma ( a good 50 - 60 minute drive). I do love it - I make my visits all over - Wadsworth, CHP in Lorain, Akron Children's, Rainbow babies and Children, Allen Memorial in Oberlin, etc. Lots of driving for me since I live in an eastern suburb of Cleveland - but I do love Nursing Education - beats working those swing shifts in the hospitals. I really love WRH - very quaint!
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by LINDA RN »

Gets even closer. My sister, who is now in Wadsworth, lived in Parma for years. I think her 2 sons and X still there. I have been doing nursing education as other duties as assigned. Applied for the nurse educator's job here twice but Indians have preference here. So I gave up my BLS and ACLS years of instructing andf now I am teaching (on the side) electronic health record.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by jencita »

It is a small world, that's for sure. I have always wanted to try to teach EHR - I interviewed for UH but no call backs.
Yesterday I was on cloud 9 - I weighed myself and lost a total of 10 pounds. Today, my official weigh in day, I only lost 9 pounds - so a big letdown.
I really wanted to say that I lost 10 pounds in 1 month. Oh well I am thankful for the 9 pounds - I would not have been able to lose this without the LDL plan and all of your support!! Thank you everyone!
yesterday I ate
Breakfast: banana, refried beans, 2 poached eggs
Lunch: fruit salad
Dinner: bowl of beans, salsa, corn, and chicken

Breakfast: refried beans, banana
late lunch: apple, chipotle bowl (treating my daughter after her appt with the surgeon)
dinner: maybe some fruit
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by MsHeirloom »

Jencita- 9# is fabulous!!!  Way to go.  I know you will reach your goal by hanging in there!  :rose:  Pam
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by jencita »

Thanks Pam! I also hope I can make the next Ohio luncheon! It would be wonderful to meet the people that have given me such great support!
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Re: Jennie's Journal

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Well yesterday was a bad day emotionally. The surgeon wants to do the scoliosis surgery December 27. My daughter spent the afternoon in tears. I really liked this new surgeon though. He said that she should have had surgery back when she was 50 degree, not the 68 degree she is now. The previous surgeon was letting her choose when to have the surgery (of course she will delay forever). He will not be able to fix her 100% now but she shouldn't have more than a 20 degree curve when all is done.

So when I came home from the surgeons office I wanted to eat everything in site - I did good though and only ate a banana and popcorn. I am such an emotional eater so this was big for me - not to pig out on everything in site.

Today will be a long day at work. I will be there all day and evening since I have to make an internship visit at Akron Childrens hospital around 8 pm so this is my plan

Breakfast: banana, refried beans, 2 eggs
Lunch: stir fry with chicken, apple
dinner: hummus on 2 corn thins, apple, maybe a banana if still hungry
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by jencita »

Did well yesterday and managed to stick with my eating plan. I find that when I eat chicken stirfry as my protein meal, I lose a pound for the day so today I am going to try to eat it again.
Breakfast: refried beans, eggbeaters
Lunch: apple, chicken stirfry
Dinner: banana, hummus, 2 corn thins
snack: popcorn if I get hungry
This is the plan anyway.
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by LINDA RN »

Oh that is sooo encouraging. I got up early and made chicken stirfry to take for lunch. They are having an employee appreciation cookout today at work...hotdogs and probably lots of non-LDL foods so am happy to take a healthy lunch. I will make it much more often if it turns out I can loose on it also.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by jencita »

I hope you lose a pound today.I find that the days I work from home are most challenging - probably because the kitchen is much closer. I ate my breakfast at 7am and now it is only 9am and I want lunch - I ate a banana but didn't help
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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by LINDA RN »

Yes, when I am home my head tells me I am hungry early. I have found if I eat then I am hungry every 2 hours. I try to hold off eating anything until 10 or 11 and just drink coffee. I was asked today if I wanted to go with a group of nurses to OU school of nursing for an Evidence Based Practice Tool Kit tomorrow. What was I thinking when I said yes. Have to leave the house by 6am. Oh well. I know I will have the chance to talk about LDL on the 90min drive to the city and home and certainly during lunch. They always ask.
They had a hot dog lunch today provided by the supervisors for employee appreciation. I was asked by several if I ate any of it. I reassured them I did not and one coworker even asked if I was tempted. I told her that it was not even any temptation at all. It is getting their attention now.
Since I will not have to wear scrubs tomorrow I went closet shopping and an outfit my mother had given me that I barely fit last year is now almost too big. And I am really only down 20lbs since the last time I wore it. I am still marvelling.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Jennie's Journal

Post by jencita »

Wow Linda that is so awesome! I think I overate yesterday. I go really hungry and had 2 bowls of nonmeat chili for dinner - when I went to put away the chili, there was only a little left so I ate the rest and then I didn't feel good yesterday. I hate when I do that.  I am going to try to do very well today.  I am not hungry this morning at all so this is the plan

Breakfast: banana
Lunch: hummus on corn thins, apple
dinner: orange, popcorn
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