I Need Some Encouragement

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I Need Some Encouragement

Post by bgsumom »

OK, so I think I have done everything according to the book and today I am feeling frustrated.  I know we are not supposed to weigh in very often but today I did and after being on this program for 26 days, writing a journal every day and exercising on a regular basis, I have gained a couple pounds back and am only down 3 pounds!  I'm beginning to feel this is yet another program that doesn't work.  HELP!
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Re: I Need Some Encouragement

Post by Joyful Friend »

Bgsumom, At times, we all need encouragement when it comes to weight loss, food, and exercise.  You didn't have a whole lot to lose, so it will probably go much slower for you than someone who has over fifty pound to lose.  Even when I didn't lose pounds, I lost inches.  My clothes began to hang.  It will soon be 3 yrs since I first heard of the amazing way of eating.  If there was a diet, I tried it.  I lost and gained back my weight.  This is the first WOE that I have ever tried that helped me to lose the weight and not regain.  That is mainly do to two things:  My cravings disappeared and I was no longer hungry.  Once I started, I didn't go on and off.  That was mainly do to the fact that I could eat tons of food.  The more I ate, the more I lost.  Once I lost, I kept on eating the same way, but my body refused to shed any more pounds.  That may be where your body is.  I still have no desire for white sugar products or any processed foods.  My pizza addiction finally disappeared.  Of course, I remember how good those things taste, but I also know how good I feel.  I do fix all those things for my family.  I enjoy this woe.  I feel as though I'm out of food bondage.  My daughter who also does this woe, has had many plateaus.  She moved her big meat meal to the evening, because she works, and it worked better for her, but slowed her weight loss.  I usually eat my only meat meal between 1-4.  Then for evening, I'll have fruit, popcorn, bean soup.  God has blessed me though this woe and I never  :thumbsup: want to be ungrateful that Roger shared this book, and that I get to enjoy the many bountiful foods that God created.  Also the people on the boards have been generous in sharing recipes.  Some of them are so easy and delicious.  I never get bored with the foods.  The only thing that I can encourage you with is to remain positive and eat LDL foods--plenty of them.  You look attractive in your picture.  :thumbsup: JF
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Re: I Need Some Encouragement

Post by witheraway1 »

If you want to loose you have to follow the plan STRICK you can't take bites of stuff. If you do you will find it does not WORK. That's what I have found. It's like oil and water it does not mix. So stray true, it will drop in time. Wishing you lot's of sucess.    Wither
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Re: I Need Some Encouragement

Post by bingo »

Hi bgsumom, jf and wither are telling it like it is !... Stay TRUE to this woe and cover up the Scales " they are not our measuring sticks ! Enjoy the Let`s do lunch foods and recipes til you are FULL and Satisfied ! It seems as if I don`t eat much, I don`t lose. Sounds crazy, but it is true.  Thank God, and thank you Roger for sharing this with us !  It will start going down again, just try not to worry about it and  it Will happen ! Peace and Love 
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Re: I Need Some Encouragement

Post by bgsumom »

I guess I'll go back and read the book for the 4th time.  I thought once on it for a while you desired less food, which has happened. I didn't think you had to continue to eat large amounts indeffinitely in order to loose weight. I have remained true to the ldl foods and not gone on and off the ptorgram and that is what is frustrating to me. I also am curious why someone go onto my post and lock the topic?  I though the reason for the boards was to be able to have an honest exchange, ask questions and get support.  Did I inadvertently offend someone? As far as not having a large amount of weight to lose, I recall that Roger's wife only wanted to lose 8 pounds so by that comparison my 25 or so is a lot to me.  I have been working at trying to lose this weight since I gained it when I stopped smoking and I have been eating healthier for 5 months now (only one month on ldl) and have altogether lost 11 pounds.  I thought by giving up alcohol, breads, potatoes, and all the other non-ldl foods it would make a bigger difference than it has so far.  My point is/was that so far FOR ME it has not been a weight loss program. I do thank God for the introduction to the program which I'm sure wasn't discovered by accident.  I plan to continue with the program as it is a healthier way of eating and be patient for weight loss results.
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Re: I Need Some Encouragement

Post by witheraway1 »

Did someone lock your toptic? There's only a few people that can do that. Maybe it was an accident, I did not see anything wrong.
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Re: I Need Some Encouragement

Post by cameron »

Hi Bgsumom!

When I started LDL just over 2 years ago, I had exactly the same amount of weight to lose as you do. It came off very slowly over a number of months, but it did come off and it has stayed off. I did get very impatient, but I stuck with the program.So I know exactly how you feel, but just keep going, it will come off.
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Re: I Need Some Encouragement

Post by bgsumom »

Thanks Cameron...................that's what I needed to hear.  I posted my frustration because I assume there are others who may be experiencing the same thing.  I'll definitely keep plugging away.

And yes Wither, someone apparently did lock the topic.  On the general message boards next to my post it shows an "X" for remove topic and also a lock that I believe represents "locked topic".  I didn't see anything wrong with the post either so I was confused.

Nonetheless, thanks for your support!

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Re: I Need Some Encouragement

Post by cameron »

I am trying to find the locked topic, but just I don't see it, where exactly is it?
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Re: I Need Some Encouragement

Post by Sharolyn »

You know, Cheryl, I've been on diets where I lost weight really fast & was just tickled pink! But, I always gained it back plus some!! I'm really hoping to lose it slowly this time so it might stay off! If I were to lose it super fast by not eating enough, eventually, hunger would catch up with me and I'd be binging like crazy! This way, I eat til full and I eat every day different things that taste so good! I've had this stupid cold and my appetite has been non-existant almost. I fully expect to GAIN weight when it returns! Now, that's a bummer; but, it's ok because I'm not setting myself up to fail. I don't weigh in until next week & I know that whatever the scales say........I'll be ok. Eating this way HAS to move those numbers down at some point! :)


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Re: I Need Some Encouragement

Post by LINDA RN »

First 2 months on LDL I lost nothing. It was November and December 2009 and I was not strictly LDL during the holidays, but I ate alot less of the fattening stuff than I would have before LDL.
I stayed true to LDL next 3 months with no weight loss (but no gain so that was a plus)....
Then in April the weight started just falling off without changing anything.
Everyone looses at different rates.
I agree with Mary, after a while, the appetite goes down so just eat enough to feel full.
If you are not hjungry, don't eat but do eat a big meal in the early afternoon.
If you don't you will find yourself hungrier later.
Hang in there, you will notice the reshaping maybe before the scales move and you will be so pleased.
Seeing the clothes get loose around the waist, hips and thighs is so motivating.

Was just looking at your journal and seeing how much exercise you are doing on a daily basis, it may be that your body is holding on to the weight to provide the energy for exercise. Just keep eating healthy, and eventually your body will accept that you will continually feed it and will start letting go.
The body will do whatever it takes to maintain the status quo in order to preserve itself.
It takes a while to reset the "thermostat" to turn off the starvation mode.
Last edited by LINDA RN on February 15th, 2012, 7:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: I Need Some Encouragement

Post by bgsumom »

Thanks ladies to all of you..................I really appreciate all your encouragement!  Today is a new day and I am feeling very invigorated and also determined.  I do exercise a lot since I retired and many people have wondered why with all the activity I am not "skinny" - lol.  Previously I led a pretty sedentary existence and enjoy the energy the exercise provides.  I also enjoy the comraderie with all the new senior people I have met doing these activities.  I'll keep plugging away and with all of you helping me achieve my goal. I have tried many of the recipes and have the ingredients for many more.  My cupboards are stocked with veggies, beans and popcorn and the freezer is full of chicken, turkey and very lean beef.  I have an abundance of fresh fruit and vegtables in the fridge and I am eating ONLY ldl foods since I started - no junk (there are only a few things in the house for when the grandkids visit - which is often - and those I do not touch.) I am fortunate to not have cravings for those foods. I do however drink a few cups of regular coffee a day and probably not enough water. I'll work on that.

Little Mary and Cameron, the topic must not be really locked because I am receiving new replies to my post.  LOCATION:  Under home, if i go into general discussion topic and go down to my post titled "I need encouragement" in the last column of that table there appears a red "x" and also a lock icon.  The same is true in food journal posts under "Cheryl's Journal".......an X and a lock appear in the last column.  So, I'm not sure what that means if it they aren't really locked. It isn't next to anyone elses posts?????
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Re: I Need Some Encouragement

Post by Idahoali »

I'm in the same boat - there are those of us who don't drop the weight as quickly. I'm determined not to give up. For one reason, because I just feel better with this WOE, and second, I really think if I just stick with it, eventually the weight will go.  I have at least stopped gaining, and I can see a difference in my waistline - those are definite pluses! Just waiting for the lower half of my body to catch up. :)  If you're working out regularly, also remember you may be replacing lost fat with gained muscle, which would seem like a slower loss if you're gauging your success off what the scale says.  Having my husband hide the scale from me is probably the best thing I've done since starting LDL. :) Hang in there!!

And thanks for starting this topic. While it's wonderfully encouraging to see all the success other's are having, sometimes it's helpful to know that others are having the same struggles we are.  We can do this!
Started LDL 11/09, Fell off wagon some time in 2010. After a lot of different experiments, and failures, I've decided to come back! RESTART 01/13/12
Goal Weight: 155
1/13/12: 179.4 (doc's office says 183)

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Re: I Need Some Encouragement

Post by bgsumom »

Idahoali...........................I am relieved to know I am not alone.  I too feel better and have more energy but I'm not sure if it is the exercise or the WOE.  Maybe a combination of both. You are right - WE CAN DO THIS!!!!! Thanks for taking the time to reply. It really helps more than you know.

Little Mary thanks for the clarification!
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Re: I Need Some Encouragement

Post by witheraway1 »

Some say they eat a lot... that is not how it is with me. If I ate like that I would be a TUB. MY loss was very slow..determind is what it takes. You can't measure yourself by what happens to others, we loose differently. So don't get discouraged
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