Zesti's Daily Adventures w/ Journaling

Each member may create a new topic with his or her name on it, to track their daily food intake.
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Zesti's Daily Adventures w/ Journaling

Post by Zesti »

Hello. Trying to start my own daily journal. Here is a "computer, blgging twit! so bare with me please.
Wendy, sorry to have sent such a long blog on your page.... I am getting it now...I think! trying to start my own..
December 2013..I pulled this up from Wendy's Food Journal. I miss her!..This is the very first post I made after after I ordered the book but before I received it..
March16, 2012
Wendy, I had time to kill one day and thought "Hey, go to the blogs" see if anyone else is as confused as I am..LOL. I had the book and have read thru it several times. In my opinion. This site really is the place to start for newbies who are waiting for their books and want to get started right away. I was feeling discouraged and feeling "just another program that I will just fail at". Something tells me you have felt the same way as many of you all out there have. I stayed with your blog until my hips went numb! I had to take a breaK! but even then couldn't wait to get back. So, when I did get back I had to cheat and skip all the way to the last page. I felt like I was turning to the last page of a really good book wanting to know the ending. Oh, was I so happy to still see you all still here...I need to be accountable for my actions with food. All parts of learning this journy are going to be a challange for me. Now, I am up to it. With all the support from others to and from you, have been nothing short of ABSOLUTELY AWESOM! I will list my food intake...Now, don't be to shocked at first. I can put some food away! But my favorite words over and over from Roger were " Eat until you are full" eat when ever, where ever BUT eat and eat until until you are full!! On other diets I used to dream of just sitting down and eating a bowl or corn or lima beans. Now, I am encourage to do so. Gotta love that! So I will start with my meal plan. I can use all the help I can get. I love to cook but have been away from it for awhile. I will stay simple at first just to get the hang of it. I have been a no fat cook, a gourmet cook, a I LOVE BUTTER cook, a vegitaion cook, and a "clean out the pantry cook. I do miss it though, but have a back problem at this time and can't spend time on my feet ( or chair in the kitchen). I have 3 crock pots. It's time I sent my hubby up to the attic to bring em' on down, dust off and get started..Thank you all for your words of encouragement. I am looking forward to being a member of the LDL Family...Oh I will list the time frames because I want to monitor my blood sugar too and see if that has been a problem over the years not being able to stick with any kind of program. I stopped eating breakfast in the morning 37 years ago..hmm. I will start with yesterday and post the days after my meals. This gives me a TRUE account of what I ate at the end of the day. Meaning: even the cheats or bad days get reported. The truth and nothing but the whole truth.

Waking: 0630 Coffee with stevia and ff coffeemate
0930: no breakfast. Called in early to work.
at work guzzled a blueberry V8. Not a habit, just thought I would tell my tummy sorry but was thinking of it.
2:30 home from work, should eat but not hungry and took a nap.
4:30 woke up starving and thought I would just go off the program this time ( How many times have I said that!!!!)
While cooking lunch" I snacked on cold refried beans like peanuts. Just popping into my mouth. Oh, found olives stuffed with garlic. The gigantic ones. LOVE EM!
2 garlic stuffed olives
didn't count beans
Chicken breast ( flattened to cook real fast)
cut up left over meat loaf and added to pot. they looked lonely.
Added ff, SF South Western Bean mix I found at the health food store. (yummy) will make large quanities of that mixture and freez to have on hand. (Geat cold or hot. Add meat for lunch, chick broth to make a soup or just add veggie/broth for a soup.
1 cups ofcut up veggies, celery, cucumbers, radishs and fresh portabello mushrooms.
I cooked enough for 2 thinking I would have leftovers. I didn't. But kept in mind. Eat until you are full. so I did.
yeah...I made it unitl 8pm.
8pm - 9pm Didn't back slide nor ask Hubby to make the emergency MnM run to 7-11. He went. Bought peanuts and offered to me. I said no.
So if anyone out there gets hit by a meterite that's becasue I have NEVER said no thank you to any kind of ANYTHING that resembles food in a very long time. I am sorry. The universe must have heard me and panic set in...LOL
10:30 pm Snack time with Hubby
1cup fronzen corn
1 cup Lima beans ( had microwar PC in the back of my mind and frozen grapes) But, now hold on. Bare with me so I can see these words for myself. I asked myself if I was satified. Was I craving anything or just want to eat for the sake of eating cuz it's what I do when the TV ..Hold on it's coming..NO I said: " I wasn't craving chocolate ( watchout Meterhead), I wasn't hungry, I was statified. I even patted myself on the back.. Here, in front of me, on this planet, lays, popcorn and frozen grapes. Which is my snack food every night... and I didn't eat it...I didn't eat it becasue I was satified and didn't want to eat it....
1:30am off to bed..slept like a baby. No acid reflex.
Thanks for you time. Sorry so long. I will keep them short next time. I just wanted to say "Hello" and see if I would really hit the send butten on get this out there...
Last edited by Zesti on December 2nd, 2013, 11:46 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Zesti's Daily Adventures w/ Journaling

Post by Zesti »

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Last edited by Zesti on January 11th, 2014, 4:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Zesti's Daily Adventures w/ Journaling

Post by Zesti »

OK! I moved the scale down to the basement, and just couldn't resist. I started the program off and on thinking I could use up most of household items on hand. I had at least 10 bags of frozen fruit in freezer and I always have plenty of fresh veggie and frozen on hand. ( One has to eat them though to actually fill ones tummy)
The last shopping trip was a week ago today. I have done 2 shopping trips with LDL in mind. I rationalized all of this before I stepped on the scale yesterday AND the time that I stepped on it during the week  3 days ago since I have started eating ( and enjoying) all of these beans! I am down 8-5 pounds!! Yeah! I'm headed in the right direction. Yeah again! I have not been perfect as you ( and I) will see. But, what truly amazes me is that in the past the M+M's would have sent me right into a binge and I would have stayed there until the famous "next Monday. But, later last night I was back on LDL and today, excited about going shopping.

Stayed up to late. Got up hungry:

Noonish breakfast-2 cups Coffee w/ff creamer and stevia
guzzled smoothie made from yesterday. While making a new batch
2 cups of black beans with an egg.

2 bran cakes made with egg whites. ( total of 5 made) made with 1/4 cup of bran and egg whites

Lunch: sirloin steak between bran cakes with mustard.

Dinner 6:00ish Bowl of black beans,
1 bran cake ( finished them up)
Yellow squash,
Dallop of FF sour cream

Snack- smoothie, bag of popcorn

12am. Hubby made late night trip to 7-11 and brings me home 3 small bags of M+M's. I ate 2 wondering the whole time why? I wasn't really craving them.
1:30ish bedtime. Slept like a rock, which is weird for me. But, I can live with it!
This morning, stepped on the scale and am 9.5 pounds to down and 'getting on with the getting on! I won't step on it again until the end of March and then once a month.
Next day: Up at 6:46 with coffee and posting.
8:30 new day begins with smoothie already made and planning my meals for the day.
Thank you so much for your understanding and support!
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Re: Zesti's Daily Adventures w/ Journaling

Post by LINDA RN »

Other than the use of the bran flakes, you are doing great.
Just use them up and not get anymore.
Since you have been successful on LDL before, you know how addicting the grains are.
And now we are finding out the genetic modification is why.
So happy you are loosing so much so quickly.
It is a wonderful motivator.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Zesti's Daily Adventures w/ Journaling

Post by Sharolyn »

Hi Zesti, welcome aboard! I look forward to getting to know you.

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Re: Zesti's Daily Adventures w/ Journaling

Post by MsHeirloom »

Welcome back, Zesti, to this wonderful way of eating and these very helpful and supportive boards. You are doing great, but as Linda said, I would eliminate any grains- very addicting!  Pam
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Re: Zesti's Daily Adventures w/ Journaling

Post by SweetRose »

Zesti, where are you???? Just read your fun posts but haven't seen you on here since March 18th~

How are you doing? Please come back and let us offer any support you need. You're missed!

SweetRose :rose:
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Re: Zesti's Daily Adventures w/ Journaling

Post by LINDA RN »

If you need the creamer for a while, ditch the Coffee Mate junk that is full of hydrogenated fats and HFCS and try the Simply Bliss. Eventually you can wean off of it.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: Zesti's Daily Adventures w/ Journaling

Post by LittlePrincess »

Zesti you go girl! :D You'll be amazed if you keep on walking how far and how strong you will be going. The last time I started walking, I huffed and puffed and was in pain for a while but I didn't give up. Then before I knew it I was walking 3 miles a day! One step at a time baby!

Blessed and Loved,
All you will ever be is you.  Learn to love it.
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