TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by lpomlove »

Y, welcome Jessica, (great name by the way. :thumbsup:)  I am starting on my 4th week, and I just love it as I know you will, I love reading all the diffrent things on here, but really like being on the 100+ because it helps you know you can do this because you aren't alone. 

Pam.  WOW, I pray I can do the same , that is great.  Hope everyone has a great Monday.  Jessica
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by LINDA RN »

Image  Way to go Pam! Our daughter and Grandkids coming for a week after Christmas. Want to keep the little ones busy baking cookies, so plan to be armed with filling LDL foods first and popcorn later. Looking forward to having her sample some of the great recipes I am learning. She has had the bypass, but everyone in her blended family could use this healthier WOE. I would like to end this week with a loss instead of a bleeding gain, to quote 2shoes. It will be so nice when LDL is the traditional family foods for the holidays. Then there will be no temptations! :bomb:
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


Taste and see that the Lord is good...
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Sicilian Mama »

oh Pam...

You are a girl after my heart...

You know... I look at all the thin ladies in the world, now that I am on my way to becoming one of them... and I have begun studying what and when they eat... like when I am out to dinner or lunch.. I watch what their servers bring them... they eat salads, or if they order meat.. they only eat half of it and fill up on the veggies or salads... NO BREAD... ever...  They don't use butter, or drink soda... they drink water or tea... then to go off and shop for size 8 clothing... and don't worry about leaving food on their plates or the fact that they could have ordered a fattening side of fries that she really may have wanted... they make conscious efforts to curb their caloric intake, and... ARE STILL ALIVE AND ENJOYING LIFE...

I need to adopt that way of thinking... and use it all the time...
Pam...  you did that this weekend... you made a conscious effort to eat to feed your body, and didn't worry about "missing out" on the fattening stuff... AND YOU STILL HAd A LOVELY TIME!!!

Congrats Pam... I hope we all do what you did at Christmas!!!
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by julie409 »

HI Everyone, Happy Monday!

I am so happy that we have all found our way here.  *hug*  I believe in the power of prayer and the power of groups. We can support each other and give each other tips on things to try that work for us and most of us we can make this a place where we all know we can say anything and it will be heard with love.  *love*  (Sort of like Switzerland  :laughing:)

I think there is a special mindset you need to keep moving toward your goal when it is a significant one - like a 100 or 200 lb loss. I know we can all reach our goals but it takes a different kind of fortitude and like Jess said, hearing about losing 40 lbs may not mean as much to some of us bc WHO HERE HAS NOT LOST 40 lbs over and over again?  :blink:  The trick for us to to reach a place in our minds that will take our bodies where they need to go.

I started LDL on May 25th - like Pam.  *hug*  I am grateful to have the blessing of travelling with her and now to have all of you.  :angel:  Like Sicilian Mama, I am of Italian heritage and tend to speak to it as I am strengthened by that connection. I was so happy to hear all your stories and also sad to know some of the health challenges you have had in the past and are dealing with at this time. I have some health issues but nothing as severe as they could have been had I not found LDL. I have been researching on the internet since I have not been satisfied that my doctors are as aware as they need to be regarding nutrition and the affects of food on the body. Where I landed was having a belief that a lot of our disease and discomfort and weight gain comes from keeping our bodies in an acidic condition. The way to counter that is to eat more alkaline foods and thankfully, LDL has helped me to accomplish that.  It fit beautifully with how I wished to live for the rest of my life ---- with whole, fresh and nutritious foods. I needed a way of living that would not end when I reached a goal for therin lies the  *evil* and all sorts of uncontrollable cravings.  :stop:

I have hypothyroidism and Epstein Barr and Rosacea (which has a lot of food triggers) and some food allergies and sensitivities.  With these conditions it should be very difficult for me to lose weight, but it's not with LDL. When I started, I set my goal at 137 lbs which is a weight I cannot ever remember being in my adult life, EVAH! That gave me 100 lbs to lose but I am letting my body take me where it wants to go. On this I am relinquishing control. I have lost 54 lbs to date and would love to reach goal by my birthday on April 9th - but if it happens late --- ok --- but I will reach it.  :thumbsup:

I am a Brooklyn girl - born and bred and now live in NJ.  My kids are grown - boy Paul and girl, Dina. Dina has blessed me with one grandson Zachary, 5, who loves to cook with me. Being Italian, most of our traditions center around food and I am trying to make it more of a focus on the company and the freshness of the ingredients than the quantities. Pam. you did so fabulous at your family Christmas celebration - but then I never doubted you would  :kissed:

S Mama, Sorry - I was one of those that slowed down my weight loss. I notice that it happened to a lot of us around the 40 lb mark. Some do it consciously and some unconsciously. I think sometimes you have to give your head a chance to catch up with your body. We all know how to be heavy but some of us may not know how to be thinner. I still lost but not at the same pace as before. It was a little scary when a pair of pants that did not fit one week, fit the next and then were too big the week after that. I also reach a point --- as I do when I reach this weight where my body gets really scary looking. Because I have been overweight all my life, my skin is completely stretched out and it looks terrible. I have exercised my whole life as well but that has only served to make me as healthy as I can be at this weight but does nothing for my skin. What usually happens is that I start to gain again but not this time. I am committed to taking this to the end and then I will deal with whatever I have to do to feel good about myself - like plastic surgery.  (Any suggestions would be most welcome!)

I am honored to be here with you all and look forward to learning from you and being here to cheer you on.  I do have one piece of advice that may help.  If you can keep a daily food journal - that is extremely helpful.  You can go back and see if your eating habits have changed if you should encounter a stall. If you do stall, please consider that there are several reasons that members have found may contribute to this:
Too much corn (corn thins, corn on t he cob and pop corn!), Too many beans (yes this can happen), & Food Allergies, to name a few.

OH, I do have an LDL vice. I am addicted to my scale. I make it work. I don;t get discouraged by it, I get mobilized if I don;t see the results I want and try to figure out what I can change. shhhh!  don't tell roger (but i am guessing he already knows.)

Julie :rose:
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Deborah D. »

Welcome to the hundred pound club julie409, great to see you on board with us....I do believe this thread will help each and every one of us reach our goals...

Deborah D.
I live in Burleson, TX
Restarted LDL on April 11,2012
Starting weight 295 lbs
Goal weight 125 lbs

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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Clown Lady »

Since becoming a 100 club member it has made me more focused on the LDL WOE.  It has always been there but with the move it was straying and that is only an excuse. 

As for the quilters out there .  I am also a quilter.  Won lots of ribbons.  We need to share Ideas and patterns. 
Clown Lady
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Deborah D. »

Well I noticed there are a lot of quilters and knitter out there...but I love and do cross stitching....I have made hundreds of different pictures with my needle and threads...I made lots for my Mother and Daddy.  I have made about 5 eagles pictures for my Dad, and he has them hanging on his living room walls...and I have made a few for my sister Sandra...she has yet to get them matted and framed....but I know one of these days I will visit her and they will be hanging some where in her house...Right Sis?

Well I am off to cook some thing for lunch...I am thinking the Chicken Enchilada Soup or the Zucchini Soup or both.....

Deborah D.
Last edited by Anonymous on December 14th, 2009, 1:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I live in Burleson, TX
Restarted LDL on April 11,2012
Starting weight 295 lbs
Goal weight 125 lbs

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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Cami »

Hey everyone.  i have been on the boards for about a month but I hate to say that I just started LDL yesterday for real.  I have been eating eating frozen grapes and more veggies that past month but decided to really get serious this week when I found some old pictures of myself.  I guess I was in denial about how much weight I had actually gained over the past couple of years.  So yesterday like I said was my first real day.  I am really excited!  I am not sure exactly what I am at right now but I know it is between 285 and 295.  I have at least 150lbs to lose but I decided to take it one small goal at a time because I get overwhelmed when I think about how much I actually need to lose.  So my first goal is 10 pounds.  I don't have a set time frame, I am just going to see how my body works and then I will go from there. 
Cami :)

Phillipians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Deborah D. »

Welcome Cami to the HUNDRED POUND CLUB you have come to the right place to get help and encouragement from others who have 100 or more pounds to get rid of....When I first started LDL on Sept 8th, of this year...I had 145 lbs to lose...now I need to lose 109 lbs....so in the 3 months I have been eating LDL I lost a grand total of 36 lbs....and am so grateful for each one gone....  I know the others will jump in when they get online and wish you a welcome also....we have a great group of ladies, no men yet who will help you any way they can....so come to this thread as much as you can and keep us informed on how your weight loss journey is going....

Deborah D.
I live in Burleson, TX
Restarted LDL on April 11,2012
Starting weight 295 lbs
Goal weight 125 lbs

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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Deborah D. »

Image Hi Ladies I just wanted to let you know I made the Chicken Enchilada Soup today and it is a wonderful soup....The only thing I did not put in the soup was the Corn Tortillas...And of course I will not serve it with the cheese or sour cream either....but I tasted it right after I finished it and its so good....if you have not tried it please do....

Also made the Easy Mexican Soup by the recipe, and when it was done I tasted it, then added my home cooked Pinto Beans, and this soup is also good.  And right now I have the Zucchini Soup cooking on the stove, and I have seen several post that this is a wonderful soup....Also in the next day or two will be making the Schloop to see how I and my DH likes it....

Deborah D.
Last edited by Anonymous on December 14th, 2009, 4:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I live in Burleson, TX
Restarted LDL on April 11,2012
Starting weight 295 lbs
Goal weight 125 lbs

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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by MsHeirloom »

Welcome, Cami and Julie (and anyone else I haven't welcomed) to our 100 Pound Club.  This safe and loving place will help us feel accepted, motivated, and surrounded by friends.
Thanks, Julie, for your faith that I could stay legal at a 3 day family celebration.  It really should be about family and not food!  So many of our traditions and celebrations seem to revolve around food.  I am accepting that events can be memorable and meaningful without eating myself to death.  Donna, it's great to have you over here and glad that it's helping you stay more on track.  Sicilian Mama, your observations are so right on.  I used to delude myself that I was naturally fat, and others were naturally thin.  Poor me.  Everything I ate went right to my hips :wacko:!  I am beginning to accept that although it might take some effort to stay trim, very few people are that way naturally in our culture with so many tempting goodies and convenience foods.  I was making bad choices.  Now, I am making healthy choices, and the effort shows!  Linda RN, I find that family members are quite interested in trying "my" food.  Last summer we vacationed with friends.  They chose to eat what I did, and we all lost a couple pounds.  They are looking forward to 11 days together in March and eating LDL again.  Maybe your daughter will be inspired to feed her family in a healthier fashion.  lpomlove- You and everyone else can be successful over the holiday season.  It's a choice.  I look forward to celebrating everyone's successes together.  Here's to a healthy December and less of each of us in the new year :rose:!  Pam
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Sicilian Mama »



drumroll please....

65 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  4 inches off my waist... 20 points on my blood pressure... and am no longer PRE diabetic... NOTHING!!!


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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Deborah D. »

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: FOR SICILIAN MAMA  :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: FOR SICILIAN MAMA  :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: FOR SICILIAN MAMA :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

Way to go Sicilian Mama that is awesome, here are some  :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: for you!!!!!

65 lbs in 5 months is just the greatest.....LDL is the way to gooooooooo.....  If you take the 5 months you been on LDL and divide the 65 lbs you have a total of 13 lbs for each month and that is a great and safe weight loss average.

Deborah D.
Last edited by Anonymous on December 14th, 2009, 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I live in Burleson, TX
Restarted LDL on April 11,2012
Starting weight 295 lbs
Goal weight 125 lbs

Deborah D.
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by Deborah D. »

Feel free to sneak in any time Little Mary....a big congratulations is always accepted here....and we just love the WOW!!  WOW!!! WOW!!!! even when they are not for us, but one of our group....  I just love it when I read one of the groups weight loss success...and we can all celebrate with them....

Deborah D.
Last edited by Anonymous on December 14th, 2009, 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I live in Burleson, TX
Restarted LDL on April 11,2012
Starting weight 295 lbs
Goal weight 125 lbs

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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by wendysgoodnews »

Sicilian Mama

Congratulations on the great job!  What an incouragement you are to the rest of us. 
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by lpomlove »

How great is that.... way to go :thumbsup:.  Deborah I think we can feel that way becasue some have been there and so will be there.. :D
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by MsHeirloom »

Oh!  Mamma!!!  65 pounds discarded forever.  You are the woman :rose:!  What an inspiration to all of us; we are so happy for you.  Pam
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by NanaX2 »

S. Mama..woohoo girl!! That is so awesome!! What an inspiration for us all.

Welcome Cami and Julie and anyone else I may have missed.

Pam...way to go on making it through the family celebration and sticking to plan.

I didn't do so hot today with lunch...big meeting...catered lunch = bad choices. I was bummed about it afterwards but decided I would kick myself in the pants only once an move on. (hope ya'll are getting a visual of me kicking my own self in the pants...lol). I got right back to eating correctly at dinner and will learn to plan better for when I get stuck in those "working lunches".

Clown Lady...I would love to see some of your quilts. I am one of those wannabe quilters. Just a beginner but I am addicted to fabric (thank goodness that's not fattening)...I love everything about it. I am working on a rag quilt for my son-in-law who is in Afghanistan.

Hope everyone has a great evening...
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Re: TAKING OFF 100+ LBS, 1 LB at a time (The 100 lb Club)

Post by julie409 »

Hey Mama,

Congratulations!  *woot* *woot* *woot* *woot* *woot*

What you have accomplished in such a short time is nothing short of miraculous. And not having any signs of Diabetes - how divine is that?  :angel:  You are truly inspirational. Especially when you consider your career. You could have a thousand excuses to eat and eat and eat. But bc of your resolve, you found a way to work around the food tasting.  ;)

HI Cami, and welcome.  *hug*  I am so happy you have found your way to LDL. This will be the last food plan you will ever need. Just follow the guidelines that Roger has created and tested for us and you will surely get to your goal weight. I have never seen it fail yet!  Good for you for making the choice for good health.

DD, sounds like you are having fun with the soups. :thumbsup: I loved the Zucchini soup. It was wonderful. I actually have not been able to find a lot of soups that I both like and have not had a reaction to.  Aside from the zucchini soup - I found the Pizza soup really good. I will have to keep experimenting. I know I have an issue with sodium so I bought all low sodium and organic stock when I can find it but something is still not right for me. I am going to use frozen veggies now instead of canned. Maybe that will make a difference.

I don;t know if any of you have tried the frozen bags of fruit in the supermarket but it is like finding gold for me. I do not like any berries in their natural state but... I  tossed a bag of frozen raspberries in the food processor and added about 1/4 of sf cool whip and a packet of Stevia and hit the button. What I had was a raspberry sorbet! Yummy  I have tried several versions of it since last week. I added some vanilla LF yogurt for a base when it was not for me and also some chocolate chips for a birthday celebration. All yummy - though I stuck with the pure version for me. If you are using a blender and it gets stuck, add a little water and that should fix it. We tried strawberries too - I liked this also but it's funny, I don;t like the fruit whole - go figure.  I also love the frozen bananas just plain. But I ate them too often and had an allergic reaction to them so I am threading carefully here.

Julie :rose:
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