i am new member

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i am new member

Post by kat2455 »

I am Mike...37...and obese...270lbs
I feel like I am so lucky..I found the book Lets do Lunch by chance in a thrift store... I wasnt looking for it..it almost found me.

I have been doing the plan for a week...and I so see the results, not just in weight but my outlook in life.

I am hoping you all will pray for me, as I am just starting my journey.

thank you
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Re: i am new member

Post by Horkster »

Welcome, Mike!  I know what you mean about one's outlook changing, mine took a nice positive swing just
a few days after starting LDL.  It's like I *KNOW* I can do this now, with the Lord's help and grace.

Best of wishes to you on your journey.

Horkster, Started LDL 3/05/2010   430/399/215
Manassas, VA, USA, Earth

4/05/2010 - Down 18 pounds!
5/05/2010 - 6 more pounds lost
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Re: i am new member

Post by BMorg »

Welcome, Mike. I'm a newbie, too.....I'm on Day 5. I know what you mean about your outlook changing...I finally have HOPE. And I will indeed be praying for you daily. Please post often.

Beth M.

Beth M.
RESTART 10/14/11
10/14/11 Wheat Belly: 49 inches :/   11/4/11 Wheat Belly: 46 inches :)
Psalm 27:13
I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living.
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Re: i am new member

Post by LINDA RN »

Welcome Mike to the last place you will go to regain your health. No more yo-yoing with your weight. Stay with the plan and you will arrive at the weight you are supposed to be and stay there as long as you choose to eat the LDL way. It is a choice and if you choose to go back to the old ways of eating you will get the same obesity you had. But that is why LDL works when other plans don't. The message boards keep you focused and motivated and arm you with a wealth of information to keep you on track to skinnytown and grounded there once you get there. Read every day and post often. Everyone loves to hear success stories.
Last edited by LINDA RN on May 5th, 2010, 1:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: i am new member

Post by tprouty »

Hi Mike!

Welcome to Let's Do Lunch! This is going to be the most amazing, wonderful process of your life! It isn't just a diet, so you won't have to worry about going "off" of it at some point and gaining the weight back. Its a lifetime choice of leaving behind the foods that make us fat and make us crave fattening foods, and choosing the life-giving, healthy, whole foods that give us energy and stamina.

Once you have posted to the message boards 10 times, you can post a picture. There are instructions if you do a search. This is a safety measure, as earlier on there were spammers who tried to mess things up with obscenity and junk.

We are all looking forward to cheering on the new you! Ask any questions you might have, keep us posted on your progress, and join the LDL family!

God bless on your journey,
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Re: i am new member

Post by Deborah D. »

Welcome aboard the train to skinnytown Mike, there is always room for one more.

Deborah D.
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Re: i am new member

Post by Kathie »

Welcome Mike.. sounds like you are well on your way!  I am some what new and still learning but I am lovin the results so far. Its been a long journery for me but I can see the end of the tunnel. Its headed towards the Keys!
Chug Chug.. Hugs.. Kathie in Fl.
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Re: i am new member

Post by MsHeirloom »

Mike- Congratulations on choosing and succeeding on LDL.  We love to hear success stories, answer questions, and give support.  Pam
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Re: i am new member

Post by kat2455 »

Hi..I want to thank all of you for being so welcoming. I will try to post daily to keep me open, and honest with you and myself. I wasn't so honest in how I dealt with my health issues...as emotion overtook my sense of what is right and wrong in relation to food...my drug of choice...I thank you all...mike
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Re: i am new member

Post by tprouty »


Soooooooo many of us have been there, done that, have the photo albums and extra pounds to show for it. You are not alone!

Let's Do Lunch will free you from the physical addiction to food, and give you a great opportunity to learn to make better choices in how you handle the things that caused the pain in the first place. You will still have work to do in your own head, but it won't be complicated by physical addictions.

You can do this! And we all want to help you along the way, and you'll be helping us, too, I promise.

God bless,
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Re: i am new member

Post by Joyful Friend »

Mike, Welcome to the most wonderful way of eating. It is amazing.  We are here to help you, so eat and enjoy.  LDL is food freedom.  That thrift find was definitely not an accident.  :thumbsup:  Joyful Friend
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Re: i am new member

Post by cameron »

Welcome Mike- I agree the thrift store find was no accident. I found out about LDL thru a magazine, that was about 6 months old, so it was a wonder that it was still laying around the coffee shop that I never go into, but did that particular day. I am so grateful to have found this before I ended up with diabetes or worse. Best wishes.  CK

Re: i am new member

Post by LovinLDL »

Welcome aboard Mike!  Do make sure the book is the most up to date blue book or the red book.  If not, I think RT will still send you the updates.

Summer is a grrreat time to start LDL!  Watermelon season, yum!

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Re: i am new member

Post by kat2455 »

Good morning all..I don't know yet how to individually reply. I am still trying to navigate through this site to learn it. I was thinking of what I learned yesterday. I always eat pickles...one of my favorite foods to eat...and yesterday read the label...first ingredient...high fructose sugar...and then looked at the orange marmalade..first ingredient corn syrup...I couldnt believe it...but have since found no sugar added ones..

but what i am trying to say is that foods you thought were ok for you....are not as good as what we thought. I was blind to this...but not anymore.

I now read all my labels...

About me...am 37, married for 7 and 1/2 years...reasonably thin when married....2 family deaths....80 lbs gained....ate anything, anytime, any reason....but thanks to the book, and the words...have been able to cut all that out cold turkey..excuse the expression. I will not weight myself until one month has passed...but already feel less bloated....and that is enough for me ..one day at a time... I am in the green engine tech. business. That is about me some...so you can imagine me a little better..and better understand my thoughts, and where they come from.

Anyway...thanks for reading, if you choose to...a lot of this writing is therapy for me...so if I bore you....I apologize....I need this time to put my thoughts out there...helps me from binging..thanks so much..mike
start date 5.2.2010
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Re: i am new member

Post by LINDA RN »


Reading labels is certainly a huge leap to better health. Several years before hearing about LDL my husband and I started paying attention to Christian doctors and nutritionists. We began our journey by eliminating anything that had high fructose corn syrup and trans fats. Seemed like we cut out at least half the food we were eating. We even lost weight just doing that. Then last summer we were eating more beans so when DH saw Roger on the 700 Club we knew we were headed in the right direction. Eliminating the processed foods has dramatically dropped the weight.

As you read the boards you will find that journaling is very helpful and the therapeutic value is why most do it, so continue to document your thoughts and experiences along the way. Everyone's experiences are different and we help each other by sharing. You will love this new way of living because it is new for many to cook and prepare whole foods instead of  just 'nuking' highly processed boxed junk. Your health will improve by leaps and bounds.

Amazing to think how much the Lord loves us to get this out so urgently. He is saving us from a Holocaust of our own making.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


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Re: i am new member

Post by VickiLynn »

kat2455 wrote:Anyway...thanks for reading, if you choose to...a lot of this writing is therapy for me...so if I bore you....I apologize....I need this time to put my thoughts out there...helps me from binging..thanks so much..mike

Write away!  All posts to the LDL family are interesting so don't feel you are boring any of us.  What does your wife think about you starting this way of eating?  Is she being supportive?  If not, that is o.k. because we LDLrs are here cheering you on to a new, healthier, slimmer you!  WELCOME  *hug* .
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Re: i am new member day 4 now

Post by kat2455 »

thanks linda for your comments..really appreciate it.

Now I need a piece of advice....

I am going to a party on mothers day...and friends will be there...that when I eat little..they say arent you going to eat man....and then they want to give me more...and I say....no, im full...thank you...but they usually keep naggin....anyway....what do you recommend..and i also do not know the menu...thanks
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Re: i am new member

Post by wendysgoodnews »

Mike so glad to read about you and happy you have joined us.  I am one who does a daily journal because it is so helpful and keeps me honest on what I have eaten for the day.
It sounds like your life was like alot of us who got out of control in our eating for one reason or another and until LDL.  This is the first time ever I  found a way to eat that I can do for a lifetime and not feel deprived or hungry.
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Re: i am new member

Post by MsHeirloom »

Mike- A few suggestions for family eating functions:  I wasn't in any hurry to announce "yet another weight loss attempt," so I just said I was trying to eat healthier for the first month or so.  Then, when people started to notice that I was discarding weight, they were very supportive (most anyway, there were a few jealous friends).  I try to fill up before I go to a food function.  Fruits are always good.  Beans have great holding power.  I like to have a good breakfast with protein (beans and/or eggs) for days I think I might be challenged.  Then add to the feast.  Take a huge salad with all the LDL goodies.  A fruit basket or bowl is always appreciated.  The trick is to take food to share, but also to fill yourself if there is nothing at the event that you choose to eat.  It's always a choice- for better health.  I plan on having my meat at the event.  If there is no heavy protein I choose to eat, I have my protein when I get home.  If you fill your plate with LDL foods, most people will not even notice what you are eating.  It's when you sit back and don't eat that it draws notice.  Later, as your weight loss is apparent, others will notice what you are eating, because they want to eat like you!  Best wishes.  It gets easier and easier.  You can do this.  Always plan ahead, even if this just means tucking a couple pieces of fruit in your car when you are going to be away from home for a few hours.  Pam
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Re: i am new member

Post by Bethann »

LDL is wonderful and I am so glad that God lead you to us!

It has been a wonderful answer to prayer for me.

God bless you on your LDL journey!  :rose:

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