The way I eat on LDL...

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The way I eat on LDL...

Post by SweetRose »

I have my own WOE on LDL that really works for me. It's through trial and error that this has come into being. It's really simple,too! :thumbsup:

I have found out that I can eat a big lunch, but if I try eating a big dinner of approved LDL foods or even popcorn or fruit that evening, there is no weight loss, but bloating instead. I gain. If I eat a salad or, say, some grilled chicken for dinner I actually have a good weight loss. I've been back to LDL for almost month now and I weighed in yesterday with an 8 pound weight loss-yay!!! I've had to stop eating popcorn and fruit in the evening because it stalled me. I eat totally low carb for dinner now and I see a big difference. I can still eat high (good) carbs for lunch and still lose weight as long as I stick to low carbs at night. This, too, may benefit some of you who are going through a stall...and just wanted to share.

Breakfast: Never crave it

My big lunch tday:

Grilled sliced cajun-style breast meat chicken
A mix of white and yellow corn
A pile of sauteed sliced radishes
Frozen grapes

Tonight after work:

Rest of cajun chicken
Sliced cucumbers

SweetRose  :rose:
Last edited by SweetRose on April 18th, 2012, 5:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The way I eat on LDL...

Post by LINDA RN »

Same here SweetRose,
When I was eating breakfast I was not loosing.
The longer I go through the day without eating, the less I eat total for the day.
It goes against all the science but that is how my body functions best.
"And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2:26


Taste and see that the Lord is good...
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