Recipes using Eastern Indian Spices?

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Recipes using Eastern Indian Spices?

Post by Gwennaford »

Recipes using Eastern Indian Spices?

When DD#2 was tea shopping for me at the health food store, she found a whole spice blend labeled “Indian Spice”.  I would love to use it somehow, but I don’t know what to do with it.  This is not garam masala.  I have some of that and I enjoy it, but this is different.  I have checked out the LDL Indian style recipes by Little Mary and BookGuy.  I probably need to research this through Madhur Jaffrey online. 

The Indian Spice is a blend of seven spices:  fennel, clove, anise, black peppercorn, dried ginger, and cinnamon bark.  There is another seed that I can’t identify.  It’s very tiny (slightly larger than an anise seed), cylindrical, brownish black and has a slightly scaly exterior like a tiny pinecone might look.  It’s crunchy and bursts with a floral fragrance when you bite it.  I tasted a couple of them before noticing that they look a little like black larvae of some kind (gross).  Does anyone know what that seed is?  I’m fairly certain they are not black mustard or cumin seeds. 

I tried brewing the spice blend into a tea and drinking it, and cooking lentils and dark brown rice with it.  I ground it as a spice for chickpeas and as a rub on grilled chicken.  I know I’m missing something, but don’t have a clue what that is.

Ideas, anyone?
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Re: Recipes using Eastern Indian Spices?

Post by Gwennaford »

You are probably right.  I remember from my 7th grade Home Ec class that cardamom pods have to be cracked open, but I didn't remember what the insides looked like.  They do look like mouse droppings.  Not that I would have any way of knowing what those look like ... :rolleyes: 

I don't have the pods, just the tiny seeds dispersed throughout the spice blend.  I have become fascinated with this mystery.  I actually sorted out all the little bits & tasted them.  That's how I knew it has seven ingredients.

So how and what do I cook with this particular Indian Spice blend?  Same things as with the garam masala?  Right now I'm using it as a sachet in my kitchen towel drawer!  I used to put the garam masala in couscous and have since used it in your curry recipes where it is suggested.
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